EOS350D在市场上已经有一段时间了,不知它与D70哪一款的性价比高呢? D70已经停产了,不过个人觉得还是D70稍微好些350D相对300D来说改进了一些,但是新出的,价格也高点.没玩过350D.300D玩了的,觉得和D70没办法比.
而针对350D,NIKON肯定还要出对应的产品,也许就是传说中的 D70S
取决与你决定进入什么样的卡口系统?因为一般来说不可能只采购个机身拍星星,平时也需要安摄影镜头拍点别的什么的.EF? 还是NIKON 的卡口(D70倒是可以使用NIKON的手动镜头) 最近使用D70和D1X,感觉D70的成像还是不够锐(同样精确调焦下),但是从性价比上来说,是非常不错……当然目前感觉PHASE ONE 120数码后背的成像是非常恐怖的啦!手持拍人像,连绒毛都能数清楚! 在国外一网站上看到一篇关于10D和D70在天文摄影中的比较,这是结论不只那位大虾能翻译一下。
In long exposure mode (up to one-second exposure), the RAW format is not really raw (with noise reduction mode either ON or OFF). Images are filtered, which is very detrimental in the case of astronomy images then stellar images are point like. Possible practical solutions are: (1) Nikon updates the firmware (highly unlikely), (2) there is a hidden function, only known by Nikon Customer Support, to get a real RAW format, (3) hackers do what Nikon should have done by decompiling the D70 code to remove the call to the filtration routine, (4) a microcontroller-based electronic circuit is made (possibly controlled through a PC) to synchronize the shooting from the infrared remote control ML-L3 (for example) and an ON/OFF function (mechanism plugged on the button or a fired solution after opening the camera). The aim of this electronic circuit would be to very briefly deactivate the D70 at mid-exposure with the shutter closed when the "noise reduction" option is ON. We call this mode of operation MODE 3.
D70 NEF (RAW) format is not lossless.
To compensate for the lack of wired remote control, there is an inconvenient infrared remote control. To sequence several automatic shootings, one has to modify this accessory (ref. ML-L3, not offered as standard) by putting two parallel wires on the pushbutton that should be automatically controlled (microcontroller).
But the operation seem to be not easy.
Rather strong electroluminescence of the CCD output stages.
Low Ha sensitivity.
No mirror lock-up (but not important for deep sky imaging).
Pros :
Quick shooting of very good day-time images (good exposure, well focused).
Sharp images for both day-time and astronomy images.
Good quality of viewfinder.
Very good price/performance ratio of the 180 mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens.
Still good IR sensitivity.
Compact and light.
The weight, but this problem is solved with the 300D.
Poor optical quality of the viewfinder when adding a magnifier (strong astigmatism). As a result, this accessory cannot be used although it is really practical.
Poor mounting quality of the 200 mm f/2.8 lens so that it is not possible to benefit from its potentially good optical quality (low chromatism).
Low Ha sensitivity.
Very poor IR sensitivity
Pros :
A real RAW format from the sensor.
Wired remote control and very good intervalometer available as option (but rather expensive).
Mirror lock-up (not on the 300D). 在高Iso方面,泥坑是不如佳能的。 D70已经停产了,不过个人觉得还是D70稍微好些
而针对350D,NIKON肯定还要出对应的产品,也许就是传说中的 D70S
取决与你决定进入什么样的卡口系统?因为一般来说不可能只采购个机身拍星星,平时也需要安摄影镜头拍点别的什么的.EF? 还是NIKON 的卡口(D70倒是可以使用NIKON的手动镜头)
D80好像已经在出售了把 有合焦指示,在数据栏里,米在取景屏里!