《皇牌空战》是 NAMCO 知名的空战游戏,自 PS 推出首作以来至今已迈入第五代。游戏以虚构的世界搭配真实存在的战机所构成,并以独特的世界观与剧情,以及细致拟真的画面所构成。游戏的系统并不以真实的空战模拟为取向,而是以简单易上手的 3D 空战射击游戏为基础所设计,在细致呈现逼真战机与场景的同时,也带给玩家爽快刺激的空战体验。英文名称:Ace Combat 5 The Unsung War
平台:PlayStation 2
容量:1 DVD
类型:空战 《皇牌空战5》主题曲欣赏:
Everything's so blurry
and everyone's so fake
and everybody's empty
and everything is so messed up
pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl
You could be my someone
you could be my sieve
you know that i'll protect you
from all of the obscene
I wonder what your doing
imagine where you are
there's oceans in between us
but that's not very far
Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
well ya shoved it in my face
this pain you gave to me
Can you take it all away
can you take it all away
well ya shoved it my face
Everyone is changing
there's noone left that's real
so make up your own ending
and let me know just how you feel
cause I am lost without you
I cannot live at all
my whole world surrounds you
I stumble then I crawl
You could be my someone
you could be my sieve
you know that i will save you
from all of the unclean
I wonder what your doing
I wonder where you are
There's oceans in between us
but that's not very far
Nobody told me what you thought
nobody told me what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
showed you when to run away
nobody told you where to hide
nobody told you what to say
everyone showed you where to turn
showed you when to run away
This pain you gave to me
you take it all
you take it all away...
this pain you gave to me
you take it all away
this pain you gave to me
take it all away
this pain you gave to me 《皇牌空战》5 超酷壁纸之F-14机群。 《皇牌空战》5 超酷壁纸之队长(代表本人)和MM机师。 《皇牌空战》5 超酷壁纸之隐藏超级战鹰X-02(这款游戏中仅有的几架虚拟战机) 8) 不好听……
刚下的删除! 哈哈!只能说明你不适合听这种类型的音乐。。 ^^ 8) 挺好的 目前我在该游戏中的nomal模式(普通)下已经27关全部通关!
目前正在hard模式中奋战。。 8) 哪里有下载? 歌曲吗?这里就有下载啊。。
如果你没有PS2,建议你安装个PS2的模拟器看看。 皇牌空战5 宣传片最终版:
皇牌空战5 主题曲MV:
http://www.marsgame.com/Soft/Movie/200411/1010.html 预览LS也是ACE饭啊~~咱可是11年的老飞行员了。。。 唉我只会玩鹰击长空 呵呵,PC可以用PS模拟器软件玩ACE的3代,现在的PS2模拟器貌不知是否成熟了,要是可以的话就好了~~