weiwei 发表于 2002-5-22 09:51

weiwei 发表于 2002-5-22 23:15

过马路 发表于 2002-5-22 23:22

Sorry I can't input Chinese now.
The CR 150 is a great scope for the money. The resolution is hard to beat as a 6" scope. The major problems are:
(1) Heavy, need a bigger mount. CG5 is a little to small for it
(2) Inconsistant in quality. You have to star test it to pick a good one
(3) False color. it's the common problem for fast achromatics. If you can't stand this don't buy it.

To see pictures took with CR150, please visit my homepage:

weiwei 发表于 2002-5-22 23:28

过马路 发表于 2002-5-22 23:33

I never use the 景德的80MM SEMI-APO before. It looks nice for a portable scope but won't be good for a planet. I think it's great for take pictures for birds. I think you spend most of your money on building quality, smooth focuser...etc. but not on optics. I heard the optics is not much better than a normal 80mm achromatic. But I may be wrong.

weiwei 发表于 2002-5-23 17:06

望眼欲穿----- 发表于 2014-8-31 14:24

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