"因为太阳每22年绕自己的轨道线转一圈".这句话如何解释?太阳的轨道是怎样的轨道? ...
应该是指 太阳绕太阳系质心运动周期为22年,百度了一下
太阳系的质心不是在太阳里面吗?怎么理解22年? 太阳系主要的质量应简化为太阳与木星这双星系,木星的公转周期为11.86年,加上其它星体影响太阳绕太阳系质心运动约为11年。 太阳系主要的质量应简化为太阳与木星这双星系,木星的公转周期为11.86年,加上其它星体影响太阳绕太阳系质心运动约为11年。 我们也研究过黑子磁场的起源。在这篇论文后面的讨论部分。
Here, we suppose that the solar general magnetic field
does not rotate with the sun28 and accept that plasma
can cross the magnetic field lines along the isomagnetic
surface. Fig. 3 then can illustrate the charge distribution
near the sun’s equatorial plane. It can therefore
be understood that the plasma of the photosphere is no
Significance of polarization charge and isomagnetic surface 12
longer electrically neutral. When the surplus positive or
negative charges are carried by the plasma and revolve
around the center of the plasma typhoon, the eddy electrical
current and the magnetic fields must appear and
accompany the sunspots. We have checked the relationships
among the direction of the sun’s rotation, the direction
of the sun’s general magnetic field, the electrical
polarity of photosphere, the direction of the plasma typhoon’s
rotation, and the direction of the magnetic field
of the sunspots. We are sure that these relationships are
consistent with the electromagnetic theory.
The magnetic field of sunspots can be simply explained
as follows: 1) It is the sun’s rotation that results in
plasma crossing the non-rotating general magnetic field
along the isomagnetic surface; 2) It is the field-line crossing
motion that results in polarization charges appearing
in the photosphere; 3) It is the eddy current of the polarization
charges that results in the magnetic field of
the sunspots. From these relationships, we can clearly
see the important significance of polarization charges and
isomagnetic surface
纬度30度。。。跟台风差不多(移动路线相反)。 黑子本来就是太阳上面的台风。其旋转方向和出现区域都跟台风具有相近的规律。其磁场产生的原因是等离子不是中性的,而是带有电极性。想象一下,要是抓一把正电荷或者负电荷撒到台风里,台风是不是也就有了磁场?