【翻译】天文学家已捕获心宿二 “容貌”
天文学家已捕获心宿二 “容貌”这是迄今为止除太阳以外我们获取的最清晰的恒星图像http://www.astronomy.com/news/2017/08/astronomers-map-antares作者: Alison Klesman|发布于:2017年8月25日file:///C:/Users/Starg/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg天文学家们已经前所未有地获取了心宿二的表面细节,这是目前除太阳以外我们能够获取的最佳的恒星图像欧洲南方天文台/K. 赫纳加每每仰望夜空,千百颗恒星映入我们眼帘。然而对于我们的肉眼来说,那些恒星不过是细如针眼的亮光;而且遗憾的是,现如今技术先进的天文望远镜所观察到的恒星也并无二致。纵然星云和星团可以横亘数百光年,单个恒星本身却细如砂砾。在过去的时间里,天文学家们无处寻觅,却只能细细地端详唯一的恒星:太阳。而现在,得益于三台天文望远镜的威力,天文学家为我们描绘出另一颗恒星的图景:红超巨星—心宿二。这一研究成果发表于8月16日的《自然》杂志上,天文学家们应用的是智利欧洲南方天文台的甚大望远镜干涉仪(VLTI)来捕获另一颗恒星迄今为止最佳的图像。通过VLTI的AMBER(近红外光谱-干涉测量)装置获取的近红外光数据,可以呈现恒星角直径的七分之一乃至其大气延伸面近十二分之一的分辨率。最终团队成功测量了恒星表面的气体移动速度,而此前只有太阳能够采用此种方式。
智利北方天主教大学(Universidad Católica del Norte)天文学家凯伊奇·奥赫纳加,连同论文首席作者在媒体发布会上说道:“例如像是心宿二这样的恒星,为何会在演化的最终阶段如此快速地损失质量这一问题,已经困扰了我们多半个世纪。VLTI是唯一能够直接测量心宿二大气中气体运动的设备——这对于问题的解决尤为关键。下一步的挑战就是弄清楚乱流运动是如何形成的。”
类似的活动情况也存在于猎户座超巨星——参宿四的大气中,但心宿二的大气似乎更为混乱一些。今年早些时候,阿塔卡马大型毫米/亚毫米波射电望远镜阵列(ALMA)对参宿四进行了观测。ALMA使用亚毫米波波长拍摄的图片,迄今为止最高分辨率的参宿四图像。ALMA(欧洲南方天文台/日本国立天文台/美国国家射电天文台)E. O’ 戈尔曼/P. 克维拉 心宿二是距离地球550光年以外具有十二倍太阳质量的红超巨星。未来某一天它会爆发成为II型超新星,并成为II型超新星的典型代表。心宿二通常被称为天蝎星座的“心脏”,在天气好的夏季夜晚可见其高悬于天空。事实上,心宿二星的英文“Antares”代表的是战神阿瑞斯的对手(或火星“Mars”的对手),因为它经常被误认为是火星。
Astronomers have just mapped the surfaceof AntaresThis is our bestyet image of a star that’s not the Sun.By Alison Klesman| Published: Friday, August 25, 2017file:///C:/Users/Starg/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpgAstronomers havemapped the surface of the star Antares in unprecedented detail, producing thebest image of a star’s surface to date other than our Sun. ESO/K. OhnakaWhen you look up into the night sky, youcan spot thousands of stars from a dark location on a given night. But thosestars only appear as pinpricks of light to the human eye; unfortunately, theylook much the same to advanced telescopes as well. While nebulae and clusterscan span hundreds of light-years, a single star alone is quite small. In thepast, this left astronomers with but one star whose surface could be studied inany real detail: the Sun. But now, a team of astronomers has combined threetelescopes to map the surface of another star: the red supergiantAntares.
Their work, published August16 in Nature, utilizes theEuropean Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) inChile to create the best yet image of the surface of a star that is not ourSun. The data was taken in near-infrared light with the VLTI’s AMBER instrumentto achieve a resolution seven times smaller than the star’s angular diameterand almost 12 times smaller than its full atmospheric extension. As a result,the team was able to measure the speed of gas moving across the face of thestar, a feat that has only ever been achieved for our Sun before now.
The results show that Antares’ atmosphere contains several clumps of gas andextends farther from the star than expected, nearly two times the star’sradius. Convection alone, which is the rising of heated gas and the sinking ofcooled gas, does not explain the extension of the atmosphere to such greatdistances. This suggests a different, as-yet-unexplained process at work in themassive star’s atmosphere.
The astronomers also determined that mass loss experienced by supergiant stars,which often shed several solar masses’ worth of material before they explode,is occurring farther from the star than 1.7 stellar radii. When a star goessupernova, that lost mass lights up as the shock wave from the explosion tearsthrough it, leaving behind the stunning supernova remnants we see.
Keiichi Ohnaka, an astronomer at the Universidad Católica del Norte in Chileand the lead author on the paper, said in a press release, “How stars likeAntares lose mass so quickly in the final phase of their evolution has been aproblem for over half a century. The VLTI is the only facility that candirectly measure the gas motions in the extended atmosphere of Antares — acrucial step towards clarifying this problem. The next challenge is to identifywhat's driving the turbulent motions.”
Similar activity has been seen in the atmosphere of the supergiant starBetelgeuse in the constellation Orion, but Antares’ atmosphere appears evenmore turbulent. Betelgeuse was imaged using the Atacama LargeMillimeter/submillimeter Array earlier this yearfile:///C:/Users/Starg/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpgTaken insubmillimeter wavelengths with ALMA, this is the highest-resolution image ofthe star ever taken.ALMA(ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/E. O’Gorman/P. KervellaAntares is a red supergiant star locatedabout 550 light-years away with a mass of about 12 times that of our Sun. Itwill someday explode as a type II supernova, and represents a “prototypical”star of this type. It is often called the “heart” of the constellationScorpius, and is visibly red to the naked eye when spotted in the sky. In fact,the name Antares itself essentially means rival ofAres (or rival of Mars) because the star is easilymistaken for the planet Mars.
首次看到恒星细节 这个新闻比较给力!当然,最好有生之年能看到清晰点的系外行星图{:5_283:} 这个不错, 挺好的。!! 在地面就能达到如此高的成像精度,看到表面的高温区和低温区,还能看到它不成对称的圆形(两幅图都如此),实在是了不起。要是以后在太空中架上了超大口径的光学望远镜,那就很有可能对系外行星成像了? 这个。。。真的很牛逼。。。 这确实是一大进步 太强大了,是不是跟我们业余的第一次用80eq火星的样子很像呢哈哈 夜星河 发表于 2017-8-28 10:12
有这分辨率赶紧看看参宿四咋样了{:5_277:} 很强啊! 一开始当做参宿四了,这个不是早就有图像了吗
心宿二应该是红巨星吧,这个进步还是很大的 若是在有生之年能够看到银河系内超新星大爆发,也不虚此生了! 真清楚