TMB 4" triplet refractor OTA (made in Germany) 即 TMB100/800TMB 4" 三合透鏡光學鏡筒組合 (德國製造) 电脑做的三维效果图,呵呵。
很酷吧?:P 价格知道吗?
Diameter F-ratio Lens Price OTA Price Delivery Time127mm / 5" f/12~f/15 $595 inquire 10 weeks
152mm / 6” f/5~f/15 $795 $1,290 10 weeks
180mm / 7.1” f/5~ f/15 $1,390 inquire 3.5~4.5 months
203mm / 8” f/6~f/15 $2,295 inquire 3.5~4.5 months
228mm / 9” f/6~f/15 $3,945 inquire 3.5~4.5 months
254mm / 10” f/6~ f/15 $5,395 inquire 4.5~5.5 months
280mm / 11” f/8~f/15 $6,895 inquire 4.5~5.5 months
304mm / 12” f/8~f/15 $8,495 inquire 6.5 months
Diameter(口径) F-ratio (焦比)Lens Price (一般镜头价格)OTA Price (OTA镜头价格)Delivery Time (交货期限)
inquire是需要进一步咨询。OTA是Optical Tube Assembly的缩写。
把TMB装进大箱子里。真希望是自己的箱子:P 6"的OTA $1290,好像也不是很贵嘛呵呵值得买:)
我很喜欢TMB的产品,国外有不少人都在用:P 我看第一眼就喜欢上了,我看明年能否请一个回家,呵呵!一见钟情了,呵呵~~~~~~~~~
你现在用的是什么器材? 127mm / 5" f/12~f/15 $595 inquire 10 weeks搞错了吧。这是天狼的价格嘛。
回复: 一见钟情了,呵呵~~~~~~~~~
最初由 rjxie 发表你现在用的是什么器材?
呵呵,我订了一台晶华光电的102/1000的折射镜+EQ5赤道仪,估计这周到货,还有一个4" 的OAK太阳滤镜,要15天后到,现在手上的就是一个60mm的小折射:D
最初由 frui 发表127mm / 5" f/12~f/15 5 inquire 10 weeks
为什么那么便宜我也纳闷:P:confused: 这个4"的OTA很不错,就是重了些,携带不方便,赤道仪也受限制。
6"F/7.9 douplet Fluorite, OTA, 3" Focuser, Export Price US $ 6,9906"F/7.9 douplet Fluorite, OTA 4" Focuser , Export Price US $ 7,390
6"F/7.9 douplet Fluorite , lens in cell , Export Price US $ 5,490
delivery time around 4 to 8 month
7"F/7.9 douplet Fluorite , OTA 3" Focuser , Export Price US $ 10,490
7"F/7.9 douplet Fluorite , OTA, 4" Focuser , Export Price US $ 10,990
7"F/7.9 douplet Fluorite , lens in cell , Export Price US $ 8,690
delivery time for first samples about 2~3 month, than also 4~8 month
8"F/8.9 douplet Fluorite OTA , 4" Focuser , Export Price US $ 19,990
8"F/8.9 douplet Fluorite , lens in cell , Export Price US $ 16,900
delivery time 6 to 8 month
ARIES Photo (6x7 optimized)-Visual Triplet Airspaced Fluorite Apochromats, fully multicoated
6"F/6 triplet airspaced Fluorite , OTA, 4" Focuser incl. 6x7 Fieldflattner , Export Price US $ 9,990
6"F/6 triplet Fluorite ,lens in cell with 6x7 Fieldflattner, Export Price US $ 8,290
delivery time 6~10 month
7"F/6.5 triplet airspaced Fluorite OTA, 4" Focuser incl. 6x7 Fieldflattner , Export Price US $ 13,990
7"F/7.5 triplet airspaced Fluorite , lens in cell, Export Price US $ 10,490
delivery time 6~12 month 晕!
TMB也是的,“想说爱你不容易”:P 我的TMB 三片 APO (非萤石)in vixen tube 花了$2300, 如果是CNC tube, 要贵300。To leobore
盼望你对晶华光电产品的评测另:你定购的那一套花费多少? 三千多呀