半径16CM吧 我们正在用望远镜研究对门女生公寓mm的内裤花边 8)
13厘米APO难道看不见天王星的影子吗? 不会吧,10厘米的ed镜看天王星就挺亮的。
而冥王星仅15等。相差了9个星等。 那些看得到的天体看多了之后,也就只能用来看风景和mm了。象8厘米的望远镜看得到多少东西,很快就会把看得到的天体看完。 不知道那些是科学?那些是伪科学? 盖了天文站好了!~~ 各位都是行家了!! 不要用天镜来干坏事呀,那是不文明的!!! 俺希望筑个台子,在上面看天文。 世界上用最小的镜子看到冥王星的人是个美国人。用的是15cm的apo不过你的在高山上并且加上极好的条件. :lol: 世界上用最小的镜子看到冥王星的人是个美国人。用的是15cm的apo不过你的在高山上并且加上极好的条件. :lol:
有道理,美国人比较妞 :P
是啊, 介绍一个美国人给大家, 这个人比较妞I live in suburban Austin, Texas with my wife and two daughters. Most of the photographs currently in my gallery were taken from my back yard observatory here. But light polluted skies such as these present severe limitations on the quality of images that can be achieved. Recently I constructed a new observatory in an exceptionally dark location in New Mexico to address this. I operate everything in the observatory remotely from Austin over the internet, so I'm never away from my family except for short maintenance trips.
For my "day job," I am a chip designer for a local company, Silicon Laboratories. Currently I'm working on radio chips for cell phones. My engineering background contributes greatly to my work in astrophotography, as this is a very technical art. There are a million little details, all of which have to be right for a photography session to really be productive. Being versed in physics and electronics comes in very handy when it's time to debug one of those details.
I studied electrical engineering at Washington State University, eventually earning a Master of Science degree. While I was there, one of my non-engineering activities included being a news and sports photographer for the student newspaper. It was there that I got my feet wet in photography and gained a sense for composition and the various other elements that go into making a good photograph. Although almost all of my work at the newspaper was with traditional film and darkroom techniques, digital processing of images was just appearing on the scene as well. From my viewpoint as both a photographer and an engineering student, the potential that digital imaging offered was incredible, even with the rudimentary tools we had at the time.
For me, astrophotography is a perfect blend of the very technical and the very aesthetic, both of which I love.
No description of my life would be complete without at least a mention of the real guiding force in it, which is my chosen faith, Scientology. I have been a Scientologist since 1994, shortly after I moved to Austin. Through studying and applying the principles of this philosophy to my life, I have learned what for me has been the most important lesson of all... that the real meaning in our lives is the meaning that we ourselves give it. Scientology provides the means by which anyone can create that meaning for themselves, and expand their lives to bring real help and joy to others.
Thank you again for visiting my site. It is truly a beautiful universe we live in. Enjoy these images, but even better, get yourself out under the stars and see these things for yourself. There are astronomy clubs almost everywhere with members happy to help you see the heavens with your own eyes.
— Russell Croman
Austin, Texas
March 2005 观测冥王星?体积只有月球的五分之一,而距太阳40个天文单位,你到紫金山去或许可以看到有拇指头大。这里估计没有那么大的望远镜卖,还是先申请国家立项建一架吧。