天文一年级 发表于 2005-12-30 23:44




Takahashi - A History of Innovation


Takahashi began manufacturing telescopes in 1967 their 35th year of business. They began and remain in the sand casting business today.

他们的第一款产品是TS-65,65mmx900mm的消色差望远镜。到1969年他们首次生产了65mm三片式(物镜)半-复消色差和100mm f/10折射镜。

Their first model was TS-65 a 65mm x 900mm achromat. By 1969 they produced their first 65mm triplet semi-apochromat and 100mm f/10 reflector in 1969.

1972年4月高桥第一款三片式复消色差(APO)望远镜TS80问世。之后,1973年他们的第一款三片式萤石望远镜用于天文摄影,那年的6月29日在南非发生了日全蚀。也就在当年他们制造了高桥的第一台赤道仪(带极轴镜)和80mm x 1200mm的折射镜。

The TS80 built in April of 1972 was the first triplet apochromat Takahashi telescope built. Then in 1973 their first fluorite triplet telescope was used too photograph the total solar eclipse on June 29th of that year in Africa. It was an 80mm x 1200mm and in the same year they produced their first equatorial mount with a polar telescope.

在1977年高桥推出了另一种三片式的萤石复消色差望远镜TS-90,这是90mm x 1000mm的折射镜,配90S的赤道仪,并于1979年推出了著名的JP赤道仪。被称为NJP的赤道仪至今还在生产。JP和NJP型赤道仪可以被改装成高桥的Temma自动寻星(go to)系统。这是一款经得起时间检验的经典赤道仪。1981年又开发了便携式巡天(Sky Patrol)赤道仪,极大地满足了爱好者们观看日月食,该产品的特色是在R.A.轴上安装极轴镜,内部有40mm的导星镜。同年萤石系列FC 65, 78, 100和125也相继问世。这个系列的产品的生产一直持续到1994年。

In 1977 Takahashi introduced their second triplet fluorite apochromat the TS-90 a 90mm x 1000mm and the 90S mount and the famous JP mount in 1979. The NJP mount as it is called today is still in production. The JP and NJP mounts can be converted to Takahashi’s Temma “go to” system. This is a testament to its timeless design. Then followed by the introduction of famous Sky Patrol portable mount in 1981, this mount was a favorite for eclipse chasers. It features a polar alignment telescope in the R.A. shaft and integral 40mm guide scope. In that year the fluorite Series FC 65, 78, 100, and 125 were introduced. This series remained in production until 1994.

高桥研发的照相机角度接口是一种能旋转360度而不失焦的装置。该旋转接口至今仍应用于高桥的2” 到 4”的调焦座以及天文摄影中。

Takahashi developed the camera angle adjuster which is a bearing device that allows the camera or ocular to be rotated 360° without loss of focus. This rotator device is still used today for all Takahashi focuser from the 2” to 4” focusers and all astrographs.


From this time Takahashi used a compression ring ocular holder to provide precise centering of the ocular and optics of the telescope.


In 1983 introduced their Epsilon Series of Hyperbolic flat field astrographs with the 130, 160, 200, 250 and 300. Takahashi was able to perfect the process for grinding hyperbolic mirrors and is doing so today for its current Epsilons and corrected RC astrographs. This was also the year they introduced the prototype FCT-150 fluorite triplet apochromat and the revolutionary EM-2000 mount which used electric clutches and had a direct read out of R.A. and Dec. This mount could be transported to remote sites because it broke down into three parts.

1985年三片式FCT系列包括65,76,100,125和150mm的萤石三片式折射镜。Mewlon系列Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain式设计的望远镜的口径有180,210,250和300mm , 还有一款是CN-212, 这是口径212mm经典的Cassegrain f/12牛顿式反射镜。

In 1985 the triplet FCT Series included a 65, 76, 100, 125 and 150mm fluorite triplets. The Mewlon Series Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain telescopes were the next series in sizes of 180, 210, 250 and 300mm were developed along with the CN-212, a convertible 212mm classical Cassegrain f/12 and corrected Newtonian convertible telescope.

在1989年高桥推出了TSC-225:一款225mm的施-卡,创新性地采用了10个遮光板,在镜筒后部安装了冷却降温的风扇。225使用了白色德国光学玻璃作为修正镜面。在Epsilon-210双曲面镜采用碳纤维镜筒之后,紧接着在1992年又生产了碳纤维镜筒的 Epsilon-250。

In 1989 Takahashi introduced their famous TSC-225: a 225mm Schmidt-Cassegrain with innovations such as 10 baffles in the baffle tube and a rear cell fan for cooling of the optics. The 225 used white German optical glass for its corrector plate. Ever the innovator Takahashi produced the carbon fiber Epsilon-250 in 1992 closely followed by the carbon fiber Epsilon-210 hyperbolic astrographs.

高桥也制造天文台用的350mm双曲面镜,300和400mm的Cassegrains, 200,250和300mm的三片APO折射镜以及支撑它们的大型EM-3500赤道仪。

Takahashi also makes observatory telescopes which include: 350mm hyperbolic astrographs, 300 and 400mm Cassegrains, 200, 250 and 300mm triplet apochromatic refractors and the large EM-3500 mounts to carry them.

高桥在制作天文望远镜方面是个多面手,能制造折射,牛反,Cassegrain/牛顿,经典Cassegrains,双曲面摄星镜,修正Baker RC,赤道仪和目镜。

Takahashi’s manufacture of refractors, Newtonian reflectors, Cassegrain/Newtonians, classical Cassegrains, hyperbolic astrographs, corrected Baker RC astrographs, mounts and oculars makes it one of the most versatile companies of its type in the world.

目前的Ortho APO系列的折射产品采用的设计能保证全消色差,包括110mm, 130mm[目前生产],150mm和180mm口径的。即将推出的系列是Ortho Astrographs。

The current line of Ortho Apochromatic refractors use a design that is absolutely color free, will include a 110mm, 130mm , 150mm and a 180mm. Coming also is a line of Ortho Astrographs.


Their manufacturing facilities are located in Urii, Japan with their headquarters located in the Itabahsi prefecture of Tokyo. The facilities include the main assembly and design facility where the instruments and optics designed, are tested and assembled. The second is the sand casting factory. The third is the facility where the observatory mounts the EM-3500 and EM-2500 are assembled along with the machining shop next door to their warehouse facility. The fourth is the mirror grinding, polishing and testing building.


Takahashi’s staff includes: optical, design and mechanical engineers many of whom are amateur astronomers, who have discovered new asteroids one of which was named Urii in honor of the city where the Takahashi manufacturing facilities are located.


天文一年级 发表于 2005-12-31 00:08








天文一年级 发表于 2005-12-31 00:20



年度        機種名
1967        TS65㎜屈折赤道儀

1970       TS65㎜屈折赤道儀D型

1971       TS50㎜屈折赤道儀

1971       TS80㎜屈折赤道儀

1971       TS式天体望遠鏡

1971       セミ・アポクロマート

1972       TS式100㎜反射赤道儀1型

1973       TS式65㎜屈折赤道儀P型

1974        TS式40㎜屈折赤道儀H型

1976       TS式天体望遠鏡総合カタログ

1976       ASTRONOMER双眼鏡

1977       TS式システム160㎜反射赤道儀

1977      TS式90㎜フローライト屈折赤道儀

1977      TS赤道儀全機種システム

1977      ポラーファインダー

1978       TS式システム90㎜屈折赤道儀

1979       TS式65㎜P-2型屈折赤道儀

1981       FC-125(フローライトF8シリーズ)

1981      TS式HD型モータードライブ装置

1981      TS式モータードライブ装置(総合)

1981      Astromical Telescope(総合)

1982      FC-50(フローライトF8シリーズ)

1982      眼鏡総合カタログ


1983      MT-200反射赤道儀

1983      MT-100E/MT-130

1983      MTシリーズ(総合)  

1983     フローライト屈折赤道儀ファミリーセット

1984     εシリーズ(総合)

1985     SPACE BOY

1986      P2Sシリーズ

1987      AV-7

1987     EM-10赤道儀

1987      EM-10B赤道儀

1988     ソーラーパック

1989     EM-1S赤道儀

1989     EM-200赤道儀

1989    TSC-225シュミットカセグレン

1991    Teegul-60

1990    Mewlon-180

1991    天体望遠鏡総合カタログ

1991     P-2Z シリーズ

1992    Mewlon 180/250

1992    μ-T300&EM-500

1994    FS シリーズ

1994    大型天体望遠鏡

1995    CN-212

2000    総合カタログ2000
2003    総合カタログ2003
2004    総合カタログ2004

天文一年级 发表于 2005-12-31 00:32



Mikhail 发表于 2005-12-31 17:05

挺喜欢SKY 90 的,可是就是找不到用它拍摄的行星照片,好象买它的就是为了拍深空。。。致使我对它的兴趣降低。
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