终于有盼头了 :P ^^ 为什么是这个样子,解释下吧 后面两张看起来天气好好哦,如果再有建设内部的照片就更好了。老大不是大内总管,内部的照片当然照不到啦。
^^ 我已经拍摄了内部照片。 做个lamost的专集吧,或者来篇游记导读下. ^^ 后面两张看起来天气好好哦,如果再有建设内部的照片就更好了。老大不是大内总管,内部的照片当然照不到啦。
^^ 我已经拍摄了内部照片。
估计内部现在是工地现场 :twisted: 郁闷,那天头痛病发作,不然也跟着去看了.. 顶下哈::31:: 挺有特色的::0020:: ::0022:: ::0022:: 太期待了~~~~~~ 拖了又拖 终于要建好了::0024:: 原帖由 活动星图 于 2006-12-12 18:15 发表
请问“吴昊”是谁? 本坛一水车,ID就是LAMOST 原帖由 活动星图 于 2007-2-26 03:46 发表
头像也曾经是...... 弄得很多人都以为他是LAMOST的人…… 看LAMOST的头像上有,来自LAMOST官网:www.lamost.org/
The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope
The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope
The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) project as one of the National Major Scientific Projects undertaken by the Chinese Academy of Science. LAMOST is a quasi-meridian reflecting Schmidt telescope laid down on the ground with its optical axis fixed in the meridian plane. The aperture of LAMOST is 4m, enabling it to obtain the spectra of objects as faint as down to 20m.5 with an exposure of 1.5 hour. Its focal plane is 1.75m in diameter, corresponding to a 5° field of view, may accommodate as many as 4000 optical fibers. So the light from 4000 celestial objects will be led into a number of spectrographs simultaneously. Thus the telescope will be the one that possesses the highest spectrum acquiring rate in the world.
LAMOST adopts the active optics technique both for thin mirror and segmented mirror on the Schmidt corrector MA, as well as the parallel controllable fiber positioning system. With these new concepts and design, LAMOST is expected to be a unique astronomical instrument in combining a large clear aperture and wide field of view.
The engineering of LAMOST consists of eight subsystems, optic system, active optics and mirror supporting system, mounting and tracking system, telescope control system, focal plane instruments, telescope enclosure, observatory control and data processing, and input catalogue and survey strategy. The project will come into operation at the end of 2007.
The telescope will be located at the Xinglong Observing Station of National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. As a national facility, LAMOST will be opened to the whole Chinese astronomical community. Along with the completion of the construction at the beginning of the 21st century, LAMOST will bring Chinese astronomy to a leading position in the large scale observations of optical spectra, and in the research field of wide field astronomy. 晴天的时候超壮观! 看不到内部,遗憾啊!不过还是不错!顶一个! 好帖,顶起来!支持!::24:: 看它的建设,就感觉国内的基础研究越来越好了