::40:: ::40:: 这个是淘包上面得尼德,是不是惊人的相似,估计就是一家的。 这是我看到的那个ORION的介绍:Orion Stratus 21mm, 13mm and 8mm
By Wing Eng - 7/15/2006
I recently purchased a trio of Orion Stratus 2"/1.25" Hybrid eyepieces from the Orion Telescopes retail store located in Cupertino, CA, each priced at $119. These eyepieces were labeled as fully-multicoated, which I verified by looking at as many reflections of white light as I could on both the top and bottom sides of each eyepiece - all surface reflections looked violet, reddish or bluish in color. I chose focal lengths that would work with my two(2) dobsonian scopes outfitted with 1.25" format focusers, which meant the Stratus that had the longest focal length that could fit into my 8 inch, f/6, and 13.1 inch, f/4.5, Dobsonian scopes would be 21mm in focal length. I also choose the 13mm Stratus for medium powers and the 8mm Stratus for higher powers.
I would like to make it clear that I have not benefited in any monetary way from Orion Telescopes.
I field tested the Orion Stratus 21mm, 13mm and 8mm eyepieces with my 13.1 inch, f/4.5, Red Tube Coulter Odyssey Dobsonian I scope, which yielded respectively, magnications of 71X, 115X and 187X. I also compared the performance of the 8mm Orion Stratus to the 7mm Televue Nagler Type 6 eyepiece. The 7mm Nagler yielded 214X, which meant it produced an image that was about 14% larger than the same image using the 8mm Stratus.
Here are my observations using the Orion Stratus eyepieces in the 13.1 inch Odyssey I Dobsonian scope on a couple of famous objects: Jupiter and the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules:
Stratus 21mm Eyepiece (71X): Jupiter was nicely framed in the center of the field of view with two(2) equatorial belts showing themselves off. As I moved the scope to enable Jupiter to be viewed quite close to the field edge of the Stratus 21mm eyepiece, I could see some amount of distortion of the image of the Jovian giant; this near-field edge distortion was similar to how my scope performed using some of my 1.25" four element plossl eyepieces. The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules was easily seen with a few stars being resolved near the periphery of the cluster when using the 21 mm Stratus eyepiece.
Stratus 13mm Eyepiece (115X): Jupiter began to show off its less prominent belts in addition to its highly visible equatorial belts. The amount of distortion of Jupiter near the field edge of the Stratus 13mm eyepiece was less than that seen using the Stratus 21mm eyepiece, but still visible to my eye. The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules was very easily seen with more stars being resolved nesr the periphery of the cluster when using the 13mm Stratus eyepiece in comparison to the amount of stellar resolution seen through the 21mm Stratus eyepiece.
Stratus 8mm Eyepiece (187X) Compared to Nagler 7mm Eyepiece (214X): Using the Stratus 8mm eyepiece, Jupiter easily displayed several of its secondary belts in addition to its central, equatorial, belts. The Nagler 7mm eyepiece also performed quite similarly as the Stratus 8mm eyepiece on Jupiter. NOTE: The main difference I noticed dealt with the way Jupiter looked at or near the field edge of each eyepiece. For instance, Jupiter displayed a bit of "violet" color on its limb when using the Stratus 8mm eyepiece, but kept its roundish shape and visibility of most of its belts. When using the Nagler 7mm Type 6 eyepiece, Jupiter did not display any appreciable "violet" color on its limb, but did display some amount of further flattening or oblateness of its shape as compared to being observed at or near the center of the field of view, although I could still view most of its belts. The Great Globular in Hercules looked equally exquisite in both eyepieces as there were many stars resolved in both its periphery and towards its central core. Also both eyepieces displayed the faintest stars in this famous cluster equally well.
Recommendations: If you don't wish to spend the money for a Televue Nagler, you might want to consider purchasing an Orion Stratus eyepiece of equal or near-equal focal length. The main drawback, that I can see, is that the Stratus eyepieces are rather heavy when compared to the Nagler eyepieces; close to one(1)pound, as far as I can tell.
Best wishes for clear skies,
Wing(1st name) Eng(last name)
San Ramon, CA
July 15, 2006 ORION和尼德目镜的焦距好像也一样,有13 、17、 21的,很特殊的焦段 我有一只5mm,和高桥HIL-LE比较过,分辨率比高桥差点 不过不如也很正常。我用HD OR5和PENTAX XW5比较过,单纯从分辨率上看,OR5确实好于XW5。不过从舒适度和广角看,那OR5可没啥优势。
HI-LE也是高倍短出瞳目镜,细节方面虽然我没有用过,但是我也认为专业的短焦会比广角短焦的分辨率好! Orion 的stratus还不错了, 在f6以上的镜子里有不俗的表现, 就是用的玻璃太多了, 8片, 5租。 和TV的panoptic比还有差距, 不过和其他同等价位的目镜比, 算好的。 和Orion类似的一个是Baader的Hyperion系列, 号称镀膜比Orion的好, 页稍微贵一些。
我在f4.7的镜子里用过Orion的stratus, 感觉还不错,中心挺锐的。 边缘除了有一些失真以外, 还有点边缘色差(lateral color)。
祖兄又给大家带来不错的几个帖子, 顶之! ::32:: 你好兄弟,能不能给我看看BAADER的HYPERION的目镜照片呢?我感觉和ORION可能是一样的东西,只是贴牌不同而已。另外,这个目镜在国内价格要比贴牌后便宜不少,淘宝是680,国外是110美元。
其实这个目镜不可能接近顶级的,但是这个价格得到顶级目镜的70%的素质,就已经非常超值了,毕竟拥有APO镜子的同好还在少数,用在折反射和反射上,这个目镜的素质已经非常好了,并不一定和顶级目镜有很大的区别。不知道这样说是否对 http://www.alpineastro.com/Eyepieces_Accessories/Eyepieces_Accessories.htm#hyperion
有Baader的Hyperion 系列, 在国外的受到了不少好评, 我自己没用过。
如我所说, Orion的Stratus在f6或者更慢的镜子里有不俗的表现, 这里包括所有类型的望远镜, 折射, 折反射还有反射。 但要主要的是,折反射(MN, SCT, Mak, etc) 本身一般都有对彗差的补偿, 所以对目镜的要求稍微低一些, 所以同等的焦比下, 这样的目镜在折反射的镜子里理论上要表现好一些。
我曾经有一台marksutov newtonian(马牛)6“ f6的镜子, 对目镜就不是那么挑剔。 您的这个帖子太好了,如果我没有猜错的话,尼德很有可能是给这两家同时代工,因为我从前曾经和他们联系过,他说过这个东西给国外的好几个品牌代工,看来都是一样的东西。
青岛的DINGYE兄弟也是因为BADDER的好评才买了一对13MM的尼德 这个目镜机械质量很好,很坚固,光学效果比高桥差点,HI-LE2.8用在我的90APO上看木星感觉亮度太高,而这个目镜有8片玻璃则刚好,可惜看到的细节没有HI-LE2.8多
[ 本帖最后由 sun2100 于 2007-6-19 17:41 编辑 ] 毕竟镜片数多阿,如果镀膜再控制不完美,肯定要逊于那些传统结构的,不过最大的好处还是在保持一定水准的情况下,增大了视场和出瞳距离。 祖祖............仰慕中 明显看出镀膜不一样呢
国内最擅长的莫过于仿造了 镀膜不一样是角度不同。这个价格应该是国产的 原帖由 我爱祖祖 于 2007-6-19 21:09 发表 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
这个目镜我是没见过,不过个人感觉不会很好,同样性能的,po 和lvw 都是更成熟的选择。