寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-8-23 08:07



这是张3个星云和2个星团的合影,顶部的是M8礁湖星云左边的是M20右边的是IC4685 左下角的是M21   右下角的是NGC6544

DesignationLagoon Nebula, M 8(top)-Trifid Nebula, M 20 (left)-IC 4685 group (lower right)-M 21 (lower left)   -   NGC 6544(extreme right)Object typeCombination emission and reflection nebulae-Open and globular clustersCoordinates18 h 06 min   -23° 35'   (Sgr) DescriptionEach one of these three nebulae is a spectacular object in its own right and together they make up one of the nicest areas in the night sky.The open cluster Messier 21 sparkles below red-blue M 20, while globular cluster NGC 5644 seems to be embedded in the Sagittarius star cloud on the right. Click on the above image for higher resolution (2004 x 1336 pixels).There are also close-ups of M 8, M 20 and IC 4685
ExposureLRGB 60:40:40:40 min @ -25°CCameraSBIG STL-11000 with Astronomik Type II filter set, selfguidedOpticsAstro-Physics Traveler AP105EDF f/5.9 with field flattener, prime focusMountAstro-Physics AP900GTOSoftwareMaxIm DL/CCD, Sigma Pre Beta 11, Registar, Adobe Photoshop CSLocation - Date - TimeSan Esteban (Chile) - 11Sep2004 - 01:30 UTC ConditionsTransparency 5,Seeing 5, Temperature+ 7° C


[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-8-23 08:14 编辑 ]

xuanyuan14.leo 发表于 2007-8-23 08:21


恩祁 发表于 2007-8-23 11:48

呵呵 图很好看就是E文没看明白::070821_13.jpg::

VIVAVIVA 发表于 2007-12-16 11:23

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