你好中国天文学朋友。 来自比利时的问候
你好中国天文学朋友。 来自比利时的问候首先,我必须对我可怜的中国语言表示歉意
同时我还更新了我的网站: www.delsaert.com
欢迎welcome 细节感人!! 好厉害! 厉害厉害!666 wow,beautiful 欢迎 欢迎,同一片天空,同一个愿望,欢迎五湖四海的爱好者。 哇,真漂亮。 这效果简直了!欢迎交流欢迎! 欢迎biedie先生,英语也是我弱项{:2_191:} 最好说说器材嘛 你的网站用的什么语言,看不懂啊 精彩!网站已经收藏。巨镜+大幅面CCD+优良的观测环境,细节无与伦比。 牛逼的老外!顶 拍的好!很早前就在astrobin上见过您的作品了 {:5_303:} awesome Amazing picture! I just visited your website and found the details of the photography:
Telescope: 16″ f3.75 Dream Scope
Camera: FLI ML16803
Mount: ASA DDM85
Exposure: 12 hours (52x300s L + 3x30x300s RGB)
Date: December 2017 and February 2018
Location: Southern Alps, France
So it is in Alps, mountain top? What is the altitude of your site?
Your "16-inch f3.75 Dream Scope" telescope is not available on the market in China and I did not hear of it. Is it a new type of fast scope such as Riccardi Honders or Harmer Wynne? A big aperture of small F number is a dream for many astrophotography hobbyists. Congratulations on your pictures and equipment!
欢迎比利时朋友! 赞一个 欢迎歪果仁{:5_296:}