世界首穷 发表于 2007-8-30 14:00



[ 本帖最后由 世界首穷 于 2007-8-31 05:53 编辑 ]

江涛 发表于 2007-8-30 14:05


世界首穷 发表于 2007-8-30 14:11

原帖由 江涛 于 2007-8-30 14:05 发表

清晰昴星团 发表于 2007-8-30 14:12

110612066 发表于 2007-8-30 14:18

::070821_18.jpg:: ::42::

世界首穷 发表于 2007-8-30 14:21

原帖由 清晰昴星团 于 2007-8-30 14:12 发表
This image resembling Vincent van Gogh's painting, "Starry Night," is Hubble's latest view of an expanding halo of light around a distant star, named V838 Monocerotis (V838 Mon). This Hubble image was obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on February 8, 2004. The illumination of interstellar dust comes from the red supergiant star at the middle of the image, which gave off a flashbulb-like pulse of light two years ago. V838 Mon is located about 20,000 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Monoceros, placing the star at the outer edge of our Milky Way galaxy.

Q & A: Understanding the Discovery[*]1. What is a light echo?
It is light from a stellar explosion echoing off dust surrounding the star. V838 Monocerotis produced enough energy in a brief flash to illuminate surrounding dust, like a spelunker taking a flash picture of the walls of an undiscovered cavern. The star presumably ejected the illuminated dust shells in previous outbursts. Light from the latest outburst travels to the dust and then is reflected to Earth. Because of this indirect path, the light arrives at Earth months after light from the star that traveled directly toward Earth.
[*]2. Why did the star produce this outburst?
Astronomers do not fully understand the star's outburst. It was somewhat similar to that of a nova, a more common stellar outburst. A typical nova is a normal star that dumps hydrogen onto a compact white-dwarf companion star. The hydrogen piles up until it spontaneously explodes by nuclear fusion — like a titanic hydrogen bomb. This exposes a searing stellar core, which has a temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees Fahrenheit.
By contrast, V838 Monocerotis did not expel its outer layers. Instead, it grew enormously in size. Its surface temperature dropped to temperatures that were not much hotter than a light bulb. This behavior of ballooning to an immense size, but not losing its outer layers, is very unusual and completely unlike an ordinary nova explosion.
The outburst may represent a transitory stage in a star's evolution that is rarely seen. The star has some similarities to highly unstable aging stars called eruptive variables, which suddenly and unpredictably increase in brightness.

世界首穷 发表于 2007-8-30 14:22

相似文森梵谷画, " 星光照耀的夜晚 " 的这一个图像,一个光的扩张晕轮的哈勃望远镜最近视野在一个远的星周围, 命名了 V838 Monocerotis(V838 Mon) 吗。 这一个哈勃望远镜图像 2004 年二月 8 日为调查与先进的照相机一起获得。 星际灰尘的照明来自红色的 supergiant 在图像的中央星,在二年以前发出光的像闪光灯泡一样脉膊。 V838 Mon 被位于大约 20,000个光年远离星座麒麟星座的方向地球,把星放在我们的银河银河的外部边缘。

问答集: 了解 Discovery1 。 一个光是什么发回声?

资讯科技是来自一个在围住星的灰尘外发回声的星爆发的光。 V838 Monocerotis 生产了简短的闪光充足的能源照明周围的灰尘, 像轮流一个未发现的巨穴墙壁的一张闪光照片的 spelunker。 星推测上逐放了早先的爆发被照明的灰尘贝壳。 从最近的爆发旅行到灰尘的光然后对地球被反映。 因为这条间接的路径,光从直接地向地球旅行的星在轻装地之后达成地球数个月。

2. 星为什么生产这爆发?

天文学家不完全了解星的爆发。 资讯科技与新星的略微类似,更通常的星爆发。 一个典型的新星是一个正常的星在朋友以星状物装饰的一个紧凑的白矮星之上的垃圾场氢。 氢增加很多,直到它自然地藉着核子融合爆炸 - 喜欢四价钛的氢炸弹。 这暴露一烤焦星的核心, 有数十万计程度华氏的温度。

相反地, V838 Monocerotis 没有驱逐它的外部层。 相反的,它在大小方面非常地成长。 它的表面温度降低到不是比一个灯泡热许多的温度。 对极广大的大小猛涨的这行为, 但是不损失它的外部层, 很不寻常和完全地不像一个平常的新星爆发。

爆发可能表现星的很少地被见到的进化一个暂时的阶段。 星有对被称为暴发的变数高度不稳定的老化星的一些类似, 突然而且无法预测地光亮的增加。

江涛 发表于 2007-8-30 16:51

原帖由 世界首穷 于 2007-8-30 14:11 发表


kopen123 发表于 2007-8-30 20:05

世界首穷 发表于 2007-8-30 20:07


Eldghost 发表于 2007-8-30 20:17


世界首穷 发表于 2007-8-30 20:18

原帖由 Eldghost 于 2007-8-30 20:17 发表

江涛 发表于 2007-8-30 20:55


Eldghost 发表于 2007-8-30 21:00



liuxike 发表于 2007-8-30 21:19


世界首穷 发表于 2007-8-31 05:53

原帖由 江涛 于 2007-8-30 20:55 发表
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