发现一款古怪的双筒望远镜 --- 带陀螺稳定
Internal Gyro-stabilized BinocularsThis waterproof binocular makes the target easier to acquire and track even if it is moving at a high rate of speed,
because of theprism, installed on a freely rotating gimbaled frame equipped with a highs peed gyro motor. The
observer will have little problem keeping the target centered in the field of view.
Simply switch the power on and wait a moment until the gyro motor reaches operating speed. Focusing is achieved by
adjusting each eyepiece. Foldback rubber eye cups permit eyeglass wearers to use the this gyro-stabilized binoculars and still see a full field of view. To allow for individual differences in the distance between the eyes,
an interpupilary control is provided. Finally simply lift the locking lever to free the gimbaled erecting prism assembly.
It can be operated with either 4AA batteries or 1 lithium battery, and also operated on 12-32 volt DC power sources
when used with the supplied DC regulator, where auxiliary power is available.
[ 本帖最后由 viking001 于 2007-9-10 20:43 编辑 ] 传统双筒望远镜的结构: ?
防抖? ::070821_06.jpg::
晕, 网站的水印做成半透明多好啊! 貌似就是半透的。。。图片格式不兼容
我觉得着镜子是间谍用的 Fujinon的重型稳像镜,一般装备在直升机或者车船上 从原理图上看似乎只能平视,那位高人再上个斜着看的原理图解释一下::42:: 可以斜着看,补偿有一定范围,你手转过去,超过一定角度镜子还是会跟着走的 这个应该不便宜,,,可以防抖,,,