MaxIm DL 6的测光教程(翻译)
最近C/2019 Y4彗星大热,一直在追踪拍摄,亮度确实增加很快,但在网上一直未找到完整的测光教程,只好去查看MaxIm DL 6的CHM帮助文档,发现还是比较简单,就使用我的四级渣英语来试着翻译了一下,同时也将原文贴出,怕水平有限翻译错了,本文仅供大家参考,真有所裨益也是极好。Photometry测光The Photometry toolprovides highly accurate photometric measurements, and allows for the plotting oflight curves. A detailed explanation of photometry is beyond the scope of this manual.A good place to start for further research is the American Association of VariableStar Observers,测光工具可以提供高精度的光度测量,并能在光度曲线上标注数据点。对测光的详细解释已经超出本手册的范围,有一个相当好的网站可供进一步了解:美国变星观测者协会(AAVSO)。The accuracy of thephotometric tool is higher than that of the Information window display. It usesa ”median-mean” algorithm for background subtraction. It also takes into accountpartial pixels inside the measurement annulus.测光工具比信息窗口(Informationwindow)更准确,它使用中位数算法来减去背景,同时考虑测量环内的像素。The size of the measurementannulus is determined using the right-click context menu for the circular cursor.Right- click on an image to bring it up. Please see the description under InformationWindow for more details.测量环的尺寸可通过右击出现背景菜单(context)的圆形光标进行设置,在任一个图片右击即可看到,在信息窗口(informationwindow)的相关描述可了解更多内容。This command onlyworks with monochrome images. Although color cameras are not recommended for photometry,it is possible to use the Color menu Convert To Mono command to convert the imagesprior to analysis.Availability of thisfeature depends on Product Level.这个命令只对黑白图像有效,尽管不推荐使用彩色图像进行测光,但也可以将彩色图像转换为黑白后进行分析。Quick Start Guide快速指南The Photometry toolworks similarly to the Stack command, so the interface should feel familiar if youhave previously stacked images in MaxIm DL.测光工具的工作方式和叠加命令(stack)类似,若之前使用过叠加命令会对这个界面相当熟悉。First set up yourcalibration frames, if used (recommended), using the Set Calibration command.首先使用设置校准命令(SetCalibration)设置校准祯。First, on the SelectTab. Make sure Auto Calibrate is checked. Also make sure Classify by OBJECT andClassify by FILTER are checked; this will ensure FITS header data is used for sortingthe images.第一步在选择标签(Select)里,确认自动校准(AutoCalibrate)、按目标分类(Classifyby OBJECT)、按滤镜分类(Classifyby FILTER)都框选上,这可以保证使用FITS文件头数据进行分类。Next click Add Files(use the drop arrow if needed to select the Add mode). Browse to your files, selectthem, and clickOK.第二步添加文件(AddFiles)(如有必要使用下拉箭头选择添加方式),定位并选择文件,再点击OK。 If the object namedoes not automatically appear (taken from FITS header), right click on the groupat the top andselect Set Object.Note that you can analyze more than one object, and more than one color band foreach object, at the same time.若目标名称未自动显示(从FITS文件头读取),右击组(group)然后手动设置,你可以同时分析多个目标、同一目标的多个彩色通道。For now, leave allcheck boxes turned off in the Quality tab. In the Match tab, set Mode to Auto StarMatching orAstrometric (peryour preference). Choosing either of thesesettings allows MaxImDL to automatically identify the same stars in each image, which makes the job oftagging them much easier.现在确认Quality标签内所有框都未选上。在Match标签,Mode根据你的喜好选择AutoStar Matching 或Astrometric,任一选择都可以在MaxImDL自动识别相同的星点,这会让标记星点的工作更简单。Now switch to theIdentify tab. Click on one of the images in the list, and it will be displayed automatically.Find the variable star in your image and right-click on it, and select Tag New Object.Type an ID for it (usually the variable name); this is the name that will appearon the graph andthe reports.然后再转到Identify标签,点击清单中的任一图像,它会自动显示,找到图像中的变星然后右击,再选择TagNew Object,设置一个ID(通常是变星名字),它会最终出现在graph和reports中。Next right-clickon your comparison star and click Tag New Reference Star. If you have more thanone filter set, then a dialog box will pop up to allow you to enter the referencemagnitude in each plane. Otherwise you can simply enter it into the table.下一步右击供比对的星点然后选择TagNew Reference Star,若你设置了多个滤镜,会出现一个对话框,可输入每一通道的参考星等,这可以很方便地在表格中输入。Next click on theGraph tab. The images will be analyzed and the data presented.下一步点击Graph标签,图像会进行分析然后显示结果。 From here you canformat the graphs, remove bad images, export data, print, etc. For full detailsplease see the following sections.至此你可以设置图形,移除质量差的图像,输出数据、打印等,具体的细节可以查看关于每个选项的解释。
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