寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-2 16:31




Images from three of NASA's Great Observatories were combined to create this spectacular, multiwavelength view of the starburst galaxy M82. Optical light from stars (yellow-green/Hubble Space Telescope) shows the disk of a modest-sized, apparently normal galaxy.


Another Hubble observation designed to image 10,000 degree Celsius hydrogen gas (orange) reveals a startlingly different picture of matter blasting out of the galaxy. The Spitzer Space Telescope infrared image (red) shows that cool gas and dust are also being ejected. Chandra's X-ray image (blue) reveals gas that has been heated to millions of degrees by the violent outflow. The eruption can be traced back to the central regions of the galaxy where stars are forming at a furious rate, some 10 times faster than in the Milky Way Galaxy.


Many of these newly formed stars are very massive and race through their evolution to explode as supernovas. Vigorous mass loss from these stars before they explode, and the heat generated by the supernovas drive the gas out of the galaxy at millions of miles per hour. It is thought that the expulsion of matter from a galaxy during bursts of star formation is one of the main ways of spreading elements like carbon and oxygen throughout the universe.


The burst of star formation in M82 is thought to have been initiated by shock waves generated in a close encounter with a large nearby galaxy, M81, about 100 million years ago. These shock waves triggered the collapse of giant clouds of dust and gas in M82. In another 100 million years or so, most of the gas and dust will have been used to form stars, or blown out of the galaxy, so the starburst will subside.




Chandra X-ray Images of M82, Broadband & 3-Color

钱德拉拍摄的M82 X射线图象,宽波段图与3色图

Chandra's X-ray image reveals gas that has been heated to millions of degrees by the violent outflow of matter blasting out of the galaxy. The eruption can be traced back to the central regions of the galaxy where stars are forming at a furious rate, some 10 times faster than in the Milky Way Galaxy. Many of these newly formed stars are very massive and race through their evolution to explode as supernovas. Vigorous mass loss from these stars before they explode, and the heat generated by the supernovas drive the gas out of the galaxy at millions of miles per hour. It is thought that the expulsion of matter from a galaxy during bursts of star formation is one of the main ways of spreading elements like carbon and oxygen throughout the universe. The Chandra X-ray image on the left is shown in the broadband color scheme used in the X-ray/infrared/optical composite. The image on the right is Chandra's 3-color X-ray view where red, green, and blue represent low, medium, and high-energy X-rays respectively.
Scale: Image is 7.9 arcmin across.




[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2008-2-2 21:56 编辑 ]

白羊星座 发表于 2007-12-2 16:40


寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-2 16:41


Chandra X-ray Image of the Sombrero Galaxy

The Sombrero galaxy lies at the southern edge of the Virgo cluster of galaxies and is one of the most massive objects in that group, equivalent to about 800 billion suns. This Chandra X-ray image of Sombrero (a.k.a. M104) shows hot gas in the galaxy and point sources that are a mixture of galaxy members and background objects. In this image, Chandra low energy X-rays (0.3-1.5 keV) are color-coded orange and high energy X-rays (1.5-7.0 keV) are in blue. The Chandra image shows hot gas in the Sombrero galaxy and point sources that are a mixture of galaxy members and background objects.

(Credit: NASA/UMass/Q.D.Wang et al.)

草帽星系位于室女座星系团的南缘,也是该星系团中质量最大的天体之一,约合8000亿倍太阳质量。这张由钱德拉拍摄的草帽星系(即M104)X射线图象揭示出了星系中的热气体与点源,后者既包括星系成员,也包括背景天体。在这张照片中,钱德拉拍摄的低能X射线辐射(0.3-1.5 keV)用橙色表示,高能X射线(1.5-7.0 keV)则表示为蓝色。钱德拉的图象揭示出草帽星系中的热气体,以及由星系成员星和背景天体组成的点源。

版权:NASA/UMass/Q.D.Wang et al.




Spitzer Infrared Image of the Sombero Galaxy


The Sombrero galaxy is located some 28 million light-years away. Spitzer detected infrared emission not only from the ring, but from the center of the galaxy too, where there is a huge black hole, believed to be a billion times more massive than our Sun. The Spitzer picture is composed of four images taken at 3.6 (blue), 4.5 (green), 5.8 (orange), and 8.0 (red) microns. The contribution from starlight (measured at 3.6 microns) has been subtracted from the 5.8 and 8-micron images to enhance the visibility of the dust features.

(Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. AZ/R.Kennicutt/SINGS Team)

版权:NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. AZ/R.Kennicutt/SINGS Team



[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-25 22:04 编辑 ]

愚石 发表于 2007-12-2 16:45

我这里速度可不慢。::42:: ::42::

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-2 17:00

The Antennae:
Chandra Locates Mother Lode of Planetary Ore in Colliding Galaxies


This montage of Chandra images shows a pair of interacting galaxies known as The Antennae. Rich deposits of neon, magnesium, and silicon were discovered in the interstellar gas of this system.


The top image, a wide field X-ray view, reveals spectacular loops of hot gas spreading out from the southern part of The Antenna into intergalactic space. Also shown are huge clouds of multimillion degree gas and bright point like sources due to neutron stars and black holes. The image is color coded so that low, medium and high energy X-rays appear as red, green and blue, respectively.


Direct hits between stars are extremely rare when galaxies collide, but huge gas clouds can crash into each other at high speeds, creating shock waves that heat the clouds and the surrounding gas to millions of degrees. In the closeup view on the lower left, also color coded by X-ray energies, the point sources have been taken out to emphasize the hot gas clouds in the central regions of The Antennae.


Collisions between the gas clouds may trigger a stellar baby boom. The most massive of these young stars race through their evolution in a few million years and explode as supernovas. Heavy elements manufactured inside these stars are blown away by the explosions that further heat the gas clouds and enrich them with heavy elements such as neon, magnesium, silicon and iron.


The image at the lower right is processed and color-coded to show regions rich in iron (red), magnesium (green) and silicon (blue). These are the types of elements that form the ultimate building blocks for habitable planets.


Enrichment from supernovas occurs in all galaxies, but usually the new elements are observed in a highly diluted form as they are mixed up with the rest of the interstellar gas. This Chandra image is remarkable in that it shows clouds in which magnesium and silicon are 16 and 24 times as abundant as in the Sun.


As the enriched gas cools, a new generation of stars will form, and with them new planets. A number of studies indicate that clouds enriched in heavy elements are more likely to form stars with planetary systems. Several hundred million years from now, an unusually high number of planets may form in The Antennae.




[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-24 17:16 编辑 ]

白羊星座 发表于 2007-12-2 17:09


寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-2 18:05


5-Panel version of Chandra, GALEX, Spitzer & Hubble Images


This image combines data from four different observatories: the Chandra X-ray Observatory (purple); the Galaxy Evolution Explorer satellite (ultraviolet/blue); the Hubble Space Telescope (visible/green); the Spitzer Space Telescope (infrared/red). The unique shape of the Cartwheel Galaxy with its huge rim - larger than the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy - is likely due to a collision with one of the smaller galaxies on the lower left several hundred million years ago. The insets to the right of the composite show how each telescope individually views the Cartwheel. The colors represented in these insets do not correspond with the colors in the larger composite. Hubble's view of the Cartwheel is colored green in the larger composite and GALEX's UV view is colored blue. (Credit: Composite: NASA/JPL/Caltech/P.Appleton et al.; X-ray: NASA/CXC/A.Wolter & G.Trinchieri et al.)

版权:合成图:NASA/JPL/Caltech/P.Appleton et al.;X射线:NASA/CXC/A.Wolter & G.Trinchieri et al.


[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-25 21:54 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-2 18:30

Chandra X-ray Image of Cartwheel Galaxy


The brightest X-ray sources in the Chandra X-ray image of the Cartwheel Galaxy are likely black holes, and appear as the white dots that lie along the rim of the X-ray image. The Cartwheel contains an unusually large number of these black hole X-ray sources, because many massive stars formed in the rim. (Credit: NASA/CXC/A.Wolter & G.Trinchieri et al.)
版权:Credit: NASA/CXC/A.Wolter & G.Trinchieri et al.








[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-25 22:01 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-2 18:39

NGC 4258 (M106):

Mysterious Arms Revealed

A combination of space and ground-based observations, including X-ray data from Chandra, has helped reveal the nature of the so-called anomalous arms in the spiral galaxy NGC 4258 (also known as M106). These arms have been known for decades, but their origin remained mysterious to astronomers.

结合地面和空间的观测(包括钱德拉的X射线数据),人们揭示出了旋涡星系NGC 4258(即M106)中所谓反常旋臂的本质。数十年前这些旋臂就已为人所知,但对于天文学家来说,它们的起源仍旧是个谜。

In visible (shown in gold) and infrared (red) light, two prominent arms emanate from the bright nucleus and spiral outward. These arms are dominated by young, bright stars, which light up the gas within the arms. But in radio (purple) and Chandra's X-ray (blue) images, two additional spiral arms are seen.


By analyzing data from XMM-Newton, Spitzer, and Chandra, scientists have confirmed earlier suspicions that the ghostly arms represent regions of gas that are being violently heated by shock waves. Previously, some astronomers had suggested that the anomalous arms are jets of particles being ejected by a supermassive black hole in nucleus of NGC 4258. But radio observations at the Very Large Array later identified another pair of jets originating in the core.

通过分析来自XMM-牛顿、斯必泽与钱德拉的数据,科学家证实了早期的猜想,即在朦胧的旋臂区域中,气体正被激波剧烈加热。先前一些天文学家认为,反常旋臂是被NGC 4258中心的特大质量黑洞抛出的粒子喷流。但随后甚大天线阵进行的射电观测辨认出了另外一对源自星系核的喷流。

However, the jets do heat the gas in their line of travel, forming an expanding cocoon. Because the jets lie close to M106's disk, the cocoon generates shock waves and heat the gas in the disk to millions of degrees, causing it to radiate brightly in X-rays and other wavelengths.



[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-24 17:08 编辑 ]

zheng123 发表于 2007-12-2 19:27

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-2 20:35


Andromeda Galaxy (M31): The Heat Is On in Andromeda's Center


This color-coded Chandra image (red/low energy, green/medium energy, and blue/high energy X-rays) shows the central region of the Andromeda Galaxy, a.k.a. M31 where a diffuse, X-ray emitting cloud of hot gas was discovered in the midst of a collection of point-like sources.


Analysis of the X-ray data shows that the point sources are associated with binary star systems that contain a neutron star or black hole that is pulling matter away from a normal star. As the matter falls toward the neutron star or black hole, it is heated by frictional forces to tens of millions of degrees, and produces X-rays.


The diffuse X-ray cloud is due to gas that has accumulated in the central region and been heated to millions of degrees, probably by shock waves from supernova explosions. The energy input from the supernovas could also be driving gas out of the central region. This process may affect both the shape and evolution of the galaxy by depleting the raw material for the formation of new stars and preventing more gas from accumulating there.


Andromeda, a large spiral galaxy much like our Milky Way Galaxy, is relatively nearby and can be easily seen with binoculars in the autumn sky. The galaxy's central region is called the galactic bulge because the stars form a ball a few thousand light years in diameter that extends above and below the disk of the galaxy.



Chandra X-ray & Spitzer Infrared Image of Andromeda Galaxy (M31)


Andromeda, a large spiral galaxy much like our Milky Way Galaxy, is relatively nearby and can be easily seen with binoculars in the autumn sky. The galaxy's central region is called the galactic bulge because the stars form a ball a few thousand light years in diameter that extends above and below the disk of the galaxy. In this Chandra/Spitzer composite, red represents Spitzer's 24 micron mid-infrared data, green represents low-energy X-rays from Chandra (0.5-2.0 keV), and blue represents high-energy X-rays from Chandra (2.0-4.0 keV).
仙女座大星云是类似银河系的大型旋涡星系,距离我们相对较近,在秋季的星空下,用双筒望远镜就可以很容易地看到它。星系的中心区域叫做核球,原因是恒星组成了直径几千光年的球体,膨胀到星系盘上下两侧。在这张钱德拉与斯必泽的合成图中,红色代表斯必泽的24微米中红外数据,绿色代表钱德拉的低能X射线数据(0.5-2.0 keV),蓝色代表钱德拉的高能X射线数据(2.0-4.0 keV)


[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-25 21:46 编辑 ]

zheng123 发表于 2007-12-2 20:38

寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-3 14:25

回复 19# 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-25 22:02 编辑 ]

staroptic 发表于 2007-12-3 14:36

好看,想看,继续上.::42:: ::42:: ::42::

Eldghost 发表于 2007-12-3 18:30


饿魔 发表于 2007-12-3 21:46


georgee 发表于 2007-12-10 16:44

::070821_19.jpg:: ::070821_19.jpg::

dkdoptic 发表于 2007-12-10 16:49

真好,真美.::070821_19.jpg:: ::070821_19.jpg::

kkplant 发表于 2007-12-10 21:51


寻找拉玛 发表于 2007-12-23 23:04

Stellar Forensics with Striking Image from Chandra


The aftermath of the death of a massive star is shown in beautiful detail in this new composite image of G292.0+1.8. In color is the Chandra X-ray Observatory image - easily the deepest X-ray image ever obtained of this supernova remnant - and in white is optical data from the Digitized Sky Survey. Although considered a "textbook" case of a supernova remnant, the intricate structure shown here reveals a few surprises.


Near the center of G292.0+1.8 is the so-called pulsar wind nebula, most easily seen in high energy X-rays. This is the magnetized bubble of high-energy particles that surrounds the "pulsar", a rapidly rotating neutron star that remained behind after the original, massive star exploded. The narrow, jet-like feature running from north to south in the image is likely parallel to the spin axis of the pulsar.


The pulsar is located slightly below and to the left of the center of G292.0+1.8. Assuming that the pulsar was born at the center of the remnant, it is thought that recoil from the lopsided explosion may have kicked the pulsar in this direction. However, the kick direction and the pulsar spin direction do not appear to be aligned, in contrast to apparent spin-kick alignments seen in some other supernova remnants.


Another key feature of this remnant is the long white line running from left to right across the center called the equatorial belt. This structure is thought to be created when the star - before it died - expelled material from around its equator via winds. The orientation of the equatorial belt suggests the parent star maintained the same spin axis both before and after it exploded.


One puzzling aspect of the image is the lack of evidence for thin filaments of high energy X-ray emission, thought to be an important site for cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants. These filaments are seen in other supernova remnants such as Cassiopeia A, Tycho and Kepler. One explanation may be that efficient acceleration occurs primarily in very early stages of supernova remnant evolution, and G292.0+1.8, with an estimated age of several thousand years, is too old to show these effects. Casseiopeia A, Tycho and Kepler, with ages of several hundred years, are much younger.




[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2007-12-24 17:26 编辑 ]
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