活动星图 发表于 2008-1-9 13:16


http://www.astron.sh.cn/picbase/daily/2008/0801/080109/issMegantic_poulin_800.jpg 版权: Guillaume Poulin (Astrolab du Parc du Mont-Megantic)说明: 2007年8月1日的加拿大,魁北克南部,一次仰望清晨天空的长时间曝光,产生了这张超现实的天文景观。接近满月的月光照耀着夜空,并突显出Meganetic山天文台1.6米望远镜的圆顶。伸展台上幻影般的人影,是中断了工作出来观看国际太空站从头顶掠过的天文学家们。当时国际太空站正位于飞马座的群星之间,是这个月明之夜最亮的"星星"。
译文来自:http://www.astron.sh.cn/picbase/daily/2008/0801/080109/daily.htm (上海网上天文台 cliff编译)
Explanation: On August 1st, a time exposure created this surreal view that looks up into the early morning sky over southern Quebec. Only the light from a nearly Full Moon brightens the sky and highlights the dome of the 1.6 meter telescope at Mont-Megantic Observatory. Shadowy figures on the catwalk are astronomers who have interrupted their work to glimpse the International Space Station (ISS) streaking overhead. The brightest "star" in the moonlit sky, the ISS was easy to spot moving through a background of stars in the high-flying constellation Pegasus.
原文来自: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap070818.html


[ 本帖最后由 活动星图 于 2008-1-9 13:29 编辑 ]
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