寻找拉玛 发表于 2008-2-7 14:38


来源:http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.e ... x_lagoon/index.html


       礁湖星云,又称为沙漏星云,是一个明亮的发射星云位于约5000光年之远在人马座星座。内部泻湖星云中有几个倒塌的气体云和尘埃而新的恒星正在形成。 最亮区是一个地区非常活跃的恒星形成。


The Lagoon Nebula, also known as the Hourglass Nebula, is a bright emission nebula which lies about 5,000 light years away in the constellation Sagittarius. Within the Lagoon Nebula there are several collapsing clouds of gas and dust where new stars are forming. The brightest area is a region of very active star formation.
For this false-color Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) composite, the 8.28 µm band was mapped to the blue channel, the green channel is a combination of the 12.13 µm band and the 14.65 µm band, and the 21.3 µm band was mapped to the red channel. This image covers about 4.5 x 4.5 degrees in the sky.

[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2008-2-7 14:50 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2008-2-7 15:10




影像提供与版权: Antonio Fernandez

       说明:在泻湖星云(Lagoon Nebula)内,恒星正和云气和尘埃争战,于是许多摄影家拍到了精彩的照片。这个很上镜头的星云也称为M8,位在人马星座内,是一个不用借助双筒望远镜也能用肉眼看见的星云。恒星形成时的高能过程,除了造就了缤纷多彩的色泽,也引起团团的混乱。例如,发出红色辉光的云气是因为高能星光冲击星际氢气所致。穿缀在M8各处的黝黑丝状尘埃是成形于低温巨星的大气或来自超新星爆炸的碎片。我们现在看到的M8星光,远在5000年前就出发了。光要横越过M8野则要用上50年。

白羊星座 发表于 2008-2-7 20:25

养眼!!!+ 绚丽!!!顺祝新年快乐!!::070821_01.jpg::

zheng123 发表于 2008-2-7 22:34

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