CuiHao 发表于 2008-2-14 09:09


Internal Heat Drives Jupiter's Giant Storm Eruption
Detailed analysis of two continent-sized storms that erupted in Jupiter's atmosphere in March 2007 shows that Jupiter's internal heat plays a significant role in generating atmospheric disturbances. Understanding this outbreak could be the key to unlock the mysteries buried in the deep Jovian atmosphere. An international team coordinated by Agustin Sánchez-Lavega from the Universidad del País Vasco in Spain presents its findings about this event in the January 24 issue of the journal Nature. The team monitored the new eruption of cloud activity and its evolution with an unprecedented resolution using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii, and telescopes in the Canary Islands (Spain). A network of smaller telescopes around the world also supported these observations.



VIVAVIVA 发表于 2008-2-14 18:37


[ 本帖最后由 VIVAVIVA 于 2008-2-14 18:39 编辑 ]

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-26 00:01

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-26 00:03 编辑

Internal Heat Drives Jupiter's Giant Storm Eruption
Detailed analysis of two continent-sized storms that erupted inJupiter's atmosphere in March 2007 shows that Jupiter's internal heatplays a significant role in generating atmospheric disturbances.Understanding this outbreak could be the key to unlock the mysteriesburied in the deep Jovian atmosphere. An international team coordinatedby Agustin Sánchez-Lavega from the Universidad del País Vasco in Spainpresents its findings about this event in the January 24 issue of thejournal Nature. The team monitored the new eruption of cloud activityand its evolution with an unprecedented resolution using NASA's HubbleSpace Telescope, the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii, andtelescopes in the Canary Islands (Spain). A network of smallertelescopes around the world also supported these observations.
对木星2007年3月开始的2个行星级风暴(这里 continent-sized storms显然不能称为洲际风暴)的详细分析表明,木星内部的热量在其剧烈的大气扰动中扮演了重要的角色。详细了解这些是解开深埋在木星大气内部的秘密的钥匙。一个由西班牙巴斯克大学的Agustin Sánchez-Lavega负责的国际小组,把他们的研究成果发表在1.24出版的《自然》期刊上。这个团队使用NASA的哈勃望远镜、夏威夷的红外望远镜设备和西班牙加那利群岛的望远镜,以空前的精细分辨率监控这2个风暴的活动和演化过程。世界上的一些小望远镜也通过网络支持这些观察活动。
——gohomeman1翻译于2009.3.26 00:01


shn_117 发表于 2009-4-6 15:16

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查看完整版本: 内部热量导致的木星巨型风暴