寻找拉玛 发表于 2008-2-15 00:12


来源:http://gallery.spitzer.caltech.e ... ge_name=ssc2006-11b

      左边星系为NGC 2207,右边的是IC 2163。图中可以看到NGC 2207的强大引力正在破坏IC 2163的形状。IC 2163没有足够的力量逃离NGC 2207的引力并且注定在未来会经历过更为剧烈的变形。这两个星系可能在10亿年后合并成一个更加巨大的星系。

[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2008-2-15 10:39 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2008-2-15 00:15


Eyes in the Sky
These shape-shifting galaxies have taken on the form of a giant mask. The icy blue eyes are actually the cores of two merging galaxies, called NGC 2207 and IC 2163, and the mask is their spiral arms. The false-colored image consists of infrared data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (red) and visible data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (blue/green).

NGC 2207 and IC 2163 met and began a sort of gravitational tango about 40 million years ago. The two galaxies are tugging at each other, stimulating new stars to form. Eventually, this cosmic ball will come to an end, when the galaxies meld into one. The dancing duo is located 140 million light-years away in the Canis Major constellation.

The infrared data from Spitzer highlight the galaxies' dusty regions, while the visible data from Hubble indicates starlight. In the Hubble-only image (not pictured here), the dusty regions appear as dark lanes.

The Hubble data correspond to light with wavelengths of .44 and .55 microns (blue and green, respectively). The Spitzer data represent light of 8 microns.


[ 本帖最后由 寻找拉玛 于 2008-2-15 14:07 编辑 ]

寻找拉玛 发表于 2008-2-15 00:28


Eldghost 发表于 2008-2-15 01:11



VIVAVIVA 发表于 2008-2-15 13:19


szxdyx 发表于 2008-2-15 13:35


白羊星座 发表于 2008-2-18 17:17


红月 发表于 2008-7-25 12:36

哇! 太漂亮啦 顶拉玛~~::070821_04.jpg::

摩羯Capricom 发表于 2008-7-25 13:53

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