水星人 发表于 2008-2-20 15:59

NGC 4490 in Cannes Venatici

CCD : STL11000 ABG Exposure time : 90 min (15 min individual images 1x1 binned) Date and Time : 23. May 2006 Instrument : 50cm @ f/8.4 Focal length : 4195 mm FWHM : about 2.5 arcsec Filters : SBIG L filter Image processing : Imageplus (DDP, starsize) and Photoshop (Levels, Scharpen) Problems/comments : Remotely imaged at New Mexico, USA. 本文摘自astronomie.be

萬Θ嵗爺 发表于 2008-2-20 17:52


水星人 发表于 2008-2-20 22:10

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