江涛 发表于 2008-3-1 13:18


当个别的一些星系碰撞并卷人另一个当中去时,他们清除掉热气体延长而横过太空所留下的痕迹,提供了残缺星系的标识。识别在整个星系团之间的碰撞标志,但是这并不容易。无畏的Renato Dupke和来自密西根州大学的同事Ann Arbor,使用ESA的XMM-NEWTON和NASA的钱德拉X射线天文台,解开了星系团之迷,Abell 576。
Dupke意识到Abell 576同样也是一个碰撞的产物,但是只能看到前面的一个,所以其中一个现在已经几乎全部在另一个的后面了。‘冷云’是每个星系团的核心,并存留在碰撞的初期,但最后会合并成一个。
尽管如此,子弹星团的碰撞速度仍被估计与Abell 576系统相差不多。“现在有个正在酝酿生成的一个论据说明这样的高速碰撞是可能的”Dupke说到。如今解释这些高速的工作得依靠宇宙学。

The orbiting X-ray telescopes XXM-Newton and Chandra have caught a pair of galaxy clusters merging into a giant cluster. The discovery adds to existing evidence that galaxy clusters can collide faster than previously thought.
When individual galaxies collide and spiral into one another, they discard trails of hot gas that stretch across space, providing signposts to the mayhem. Recognising the signs of collisions between whole clusters of galaxies, however, is not as easy. Undaunted, Renato Dupke and colleagues from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, have used ESA's XMM-Newton and NASA's Chandra orbiting X-ray observatories, to disentangle the puzzling galaxy cluster, Abell 576.

The puzzle was that the moving gas itself was cold by astronomical standards. If this gas moved at such high speeds, it should have had a temperature of more than double the measured 50 million degrees Celsius. "The only explanation was to take the Bullet Cluster and turn it in the line of sight, such that one galaxy cluster is directly behind the other" says Dupke.

The Bullet Cluster is a much-studied pair of galaxy clusters, which have collided head on. One has passed through the other, like a bullet travelling through an apple. In the Bullet Cluster, this is happening across our line of sight, so we can clearly see the two clusters.

Dupke realised that Abell 576 is also a collision, but seen head on, so one cluster is now almost directly behind the other. The 'cold' clouds of gas are the cores of each cluster, which have survived the initial collision but will eventually fall back together to become one.

The data reveals that the clusters have collided at a speed of over 3300 km/s. This is interesting because there are some computer models of colliding galaxy clusters that suggest that such a high speed is impossible to reach.

Nevertheless, the Bullet Cluster is estimated to have a collision speed similar to the Abell 576 system. "There is now a growing body of evidence that these high collision velocities are possible," says Dupke. The job of explaining these high speeds now rests with the cosmologists.

Major cluster-cluster collisions are expected to be rare, with estimates of their frequency ranging from less than one in a thousand clusters to one in a hundred. On collision, their internal gas is thrown out of equilibrium and if unrecognised, causes underestimation of its mass by between 5 and 20 percent.

This is important because the masses of the various galaxy clusters are used to estimate the cosmological parameters that describe how the Universe expands. So, identifying colliding systems is extremely important to our understanding of the Universe.


URL:http://spacespin.org/article.php ... s-biggest-collision



[ 本帖最后由 江涛 于 2008-3-1 13:19 编辑 ]

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查看完整版本: X射线卫星发现了宇宙里最大的一次碰撞