fengsheng 发表于 2008-10-11 12:30


β—sheet A sheetlike secondary structure of a polypeptide chain, formed by hydrogen bonding between amino acids located in different regions of the polypeptide.
bacteriophage A bacterial virus.
basal body A structure similar to a centriole that initiates the growth of axonemal microtubules and anchors cilia and flagella to the surface of the cell.
basal lamina A sheetlike extracellular matrix that supports epithelial cells and surrounds muscle cells, adipose cells, and peripheral nerves.
base-excision repair A mechanism of DNA repair in which single damaged bases are removed from a DNA molecule.
basement membrane See basal lamina.
basolateral domain The surface region of a polarized epithelial cell that is in contact with adjacent cells or the extracellular matrix.
benign tumor A tumor that remains confined to its site of origin.

fengsheng 发表于 2008-10-18 08:55


anning405 发表于 2008-11-11 14:53

为什么没有《显微镜详说》 下集了呢?

fengsheng 发表于 2008-11-14 22:28

原帖由 anning405 于 2008-11-11 14:53 发表 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
为什么没有《显微镜详说》 下集了呢?

gadcar61 发表于 2015-12-18 14:55

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