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2022-1-28 03:52| 发布者: imufu| 查看: 89483| 评论: 0

摘要: The American space agency NASA says its powerful James Webb Space Telescope has successfully reached its final position in orbit around the sun.美国航天局 NASA 表示,其强大的詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜已成功 ...

The American space agency NASA says its powerful James Webb Space Telescope has successfully reached its final position in orbit around the sun.

美国航天局 NASA 表示,其强大的詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜已成功到达绕太阳轨道的最终位置。

James Webb fired its rocket thrusters Monday for nearly five minutes to push the spacecraft into position about 1.6 million kilometers from Earth, NASA said in a statement.美国宇航局在一份声明中说,詹姆斯韦伯周一发射了近五分钟的火箭推进器,将航天器推入距离地球约 160 万公里的位置。

The agency describes James Webb as "the largest and most powerful space science telescope ever built." It is meant to add to the discoveries of past telescopes, while gathering more in-depth data on the early development of the universe.该机构将詹姆斯韦伯描述为“有史以来最大、最强大的太空科学望远镜”。它旨在增加过去望远镜的发现,同时收集有关宇宙早期发展的更深入的数据。

The orbiting observatory launched from French Guiana about a month ago. Its final position is known as the second Sun-Earth Lagrange point, or L2. This is a point where the gravitational forces of the sun and Earth balance each other. This will permit the telescope to stay in line with Earth as it orbits the sun.

大约一个月前从法属圭亚那发射的轨道天文台。它的最终位置被称为第二个日地拉格朗日点,或 L2。这是太阳和地球的引力相互平衡的点。这将允许望远镜在绕太阳运行时与地球保持一致。

Sun shield to keep telescope hot and cold用于保持望远镜冷热的遮阳板

A large sun shield separates the telescope into hot and cold sides. One side will take in light and heat, the other will be shielded and remain cold.一个大的太阳罩将望远镜分成冷热两面。一侧将吸收光和热,另一侧将被屏蔽并保持寒冷。

The side with the telescope's science instruments needs to stay cold because it will be seeking heat signals from very distant objects, NASA explains. That side is expected to operate at about 225 degrees below zero Celsius.美国宇航局解释说,望远镜科学仪器的一侧需要保持低温,因为它将寻找来自非常遥远的物体的热信号。预计该侧将在零摄氏度以下约 225 度的温度下运行。。

The hot side – which NASA says is designed to operate at about 85 degrees Celsius – holds the telescope's solar power system and communications and other equipment.热的一面——美国宇航局称其设计工作温度约为 85 摄氏度——装有望远镜的太阳能系统、通信和其他设备。

The sun shield successfully opened about a week and a half after James Webb launched. A few days later, the observatory's nearly seven-meter mirror was deployed. The mirror, a collection of 18 different pieces, still needs to be perfectly aligned before the telescope can operate. NASA expects that process to take about three months.

在詹姆斯韦伯发射大约一个半星期后,遮阳板成功打开。几天后,天文台近七米的镜子被部署了。镜子是由 18 块不同的部件组成的集合,在望远镜工作之前仍需要完美对齐。美国宇航局预计该过程将需要大约三个月的时间。

New generation telescope新一代望远镜

James Webb is designed to detect infrared waves – a kind of electromagnetic energy that cannot be seen with the human eye. The telescope's instruments were built to find infrared waves through gas and dust in an effort to observe distant objects.

James Webb 旨在检测红外波——一种人眼无法看到的电磁能量。该望远镜的仪器旨在通过气体和尘埃寻找红外波,以观察远处的物体。

The infrared detection system and the telescope's scientific instruments will need to get cold enough to perform effectively. If all goes well, NASA says it expects James Webb to produce its first "early release observations" sometime in June.红外探测系统和望远镜的科学仪器需要足够冷才能有效运行。如果一切顺利,美国宇航局表示预计詹姆斯韦伯将在 6 月的某个时候产生其第一个“早期发布观测”。

NASA officials leading the project have been pleased with how things have progressed so far. "Webb is officially on station," Observatory Manager Keith Parrish told reporters. He said the telescope's orbital arrival came after "a remarkable 30 days" in space.领导该项目的美国宇航局官员对迄今为止的进展情况感到满意。“韦伯正式上台,”天文台经理基思·帕里什告诉记者。他说望远镜的轨道到达是在太空“非凡的 30 天”之后。

James Webb is considered NASA's new generation telescope after the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes. Hubble was launched more than 30 years ago and Spitzer was deployed in 2003. Both of those telescopes led to numerous discoveries and provided more detailed, colorful space images than ever before.詹姆斯韦伯被认为是继哈勃和斯皮策太空望远镜之后美国宇航局的新一代望远镜。哈勃望远镜于 30 多年前发射,斯皮策于 2003 年部署。这两台望远镜都带来了许多发现,并提供了比以往任何时候都更加详细、色彩丰富的太空图像。

But the new telescope aims to help scientists learn about all periods of the universe's history dating back to just after the Big Bang event, about 13.8 billion years ago. It is also designed to study exoplanets - planets that orbit stars other than the sun.但新望远镜旨在帮助科学家了解宇宙历史的所有时期,可追溯到大约 138 亿年前的大爆炸事件之后。它还旨在研究系外行星——围绕太阳以外的恒星运行的行星。

"We're one step closer to uncovering the mysteries of the universe," NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in a statement. "And I can't wait to see Webb's first new views of the universe this summer," he added.


I'm Bryan Lynn.


Words in This Story

thruster – n. an engine that produces propulsion by releasing a jet of fluid or a stream of particles

shield – n. a piece of equipment that serves as a protective cover or barrier

align – v. to put things in an exact line or make them parallel

detect – v. to discover or notice something

remarkable – adj. very unusual or noticeable in a way that is admired

view – n. things that can be seen from a place

推进器 - n。通过释放流体射流或粒子流来产生推进力的发动机

盾牌 - n.一种用作保护罩或屏障的设备

align - v. 将事物排成一条直线或使它们平行

检测 - v. 发现或注意到某事


视图 - n.从一个地方可以看到的东西






