南安普顿大学的研究者发展了一种用来作小行星撞击模型的软件包,这能使他们跨过全球潜在的人类和经济上的后果。这个软件被称作“NEO撞击器”,它已经特别测量了直径在一千米以下的小行星的撞击,通过早期的计算结果指示共有十个国家处在最危险行列:中国,印尼,印度,日本,美国,菲律宾,意大利,英,巴西和尼日利亚“地球收到一颗小行星撞击的威胁逐渐被人们当成最大的自然灾害而向人类逼近。”南安普敦大学工程科学院Nick Bailey 的评论。他与大学的同事Graham Swinerd博士以及卢瑟福.阿尔普敦实验室(LAA)的 Richard Crowther 博士一起发展了这个软件.
从1998年开始,国际空间保护巡天一直在编录所有直径超过一千米的近地小行星(NEA)。然而,直径在一千米以下的小行星却仍未被发现。在直接结果可能不是那末极端的同时,这些小天体虽然在一个遥远的相对较大的空间里,因此撞击的频率会更大。这些亚千米及小行星的撞击,我们一直为了人类和全球化框架而关注对后果的评定。最初的调查检查了撞击的后果怎样随着撞击的能量而变化。用一颗球形岩石小行星,让它每秒移动12000英里以及为了增加动能而改变直径,结果表明直径100米的小行星将跨过几个国家主要引起一个局域性的人员伤亡以及损害当他们跨过人意的陆地或海洋。然而,一颗直径在200米的小行星撞击海洋的后果明显增加,也将同时产生一个全球规模的海啸。直径在500米的撞击任何的海洋都将在整个世界产生明显的伤亡和经济损失。研究组通过多次撞击模拟的原始数据来评价每个国家被撞击的次数以及他们是怎样被每次撞击影响的。早期结果表明,.....中国,印度尼西亚,印度,日本和美国面临着总体上最大的威胁;同时,美中瑞典加拿大和日本由于基础框架被毁而面临着最严重的经济财物危机。在两个评价中,联合王国在最受影响的国家中排第八。对于每份评价中的前二十,超过一半的国家在两份评价表中都出现了。“这对人口以及结构基础作为撞击的结果的后果是很严重的。”Nick Bailey继续说道“几乎100年前,靠近Tunguska河的一个人迹罕至的地区表明了最大的小行星的撞击事件在现代记忆里一个相关的小目标(直径大约50米)在大气层中间爆发。在它仅使在居住森林变平的同时,它已经在伦敦的上方爆炸它是能已经完全摧毁在M25以内一切”我们的结果突出了那些面临巨大风险的国家,从这个全球性绝大部分自然危险危险的和因此指示哪一个个国家应该是介入减轻威胁。
编者笔记:1.南安普顿大学工程科学院提出专家在工程学的意见支持21世纪生活的每一个方面。从传统的工学根源进化,这个学院延续着并使它扩充变新,有趣的研究领域。从整形外科的植入物模型制造和现代燃料电池技术,加强了卫星广播的技术和改进了空气动力学公式的一个静态车以及美洲杯游艇的流体力学,这个学院总是在领导着工程科学的研究。http://www.ses.soton.ac.uk更多的信息Nick Bailey递交了这个本周在华盛顿举行的2007行星防御大会研究的结果。http://www.aero.org/conferences/planetarydefense/.Nick Bailey保证这个与工程学院Graham Swinerd 博士和卢瑟福.阿尔普顿实验室Richard Crowther 博士一起得出的结果。
Scientists performed a new study to evaluate whatcountries are most at risk of what they call "small" asteroid impact.The term small must not be taken literally, since a 1-kilometer-wideasteroid may not be large in astronomical terms, but it still canproduce a disaster.
Using a new computer software, calledNEOimpactor, researchers at the University of Southampton assessed thepotential human and economic consequences of an asteroid impact onvarious countries and put together a Top 10 most exposed countries.
1 - China
2 - Indonesia
3 - India
4 - Japan
5 - United States
6 - Philippines
7 - Italy
8 - United Kingdom
9 - Brazil
10 - Nigeria
NickBailey of the University of Southampton's School of EngineeringSciences, developed the software with University colleague Dr GrahamSwinerd and Dr Richard Crowther of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratoryand explained how this classification arose.
Population densityand estimates of the amount of infrastructure located in differentparts of the world are leading factors in amplifying the consequencesof an impact. Tsunamis, earthquakes and debris from a wide variety ofimpact locations also pointed to some countries, based on thevulnerability of their infrastructure.
For instance, a100-meter-wide asteroid is most likely to cause only localized damageand casualties, while a 200-meter one hitting the ocean can generatetsunamis reaching a global scale. They also relied on previous impactsand the damage they produced and on the degree of industrialdevelopment of the countries.
The final results are ordered bythe number of probable losses in terms of population and it's somewhatlogical that countries with a large population and a large surfacearea, like China, Brazil and the United States, are present on the list.
Onthe other hand, countries occupying less space, but with highpopulation density, like Indonesia, Japan and Philippines, are alsoprone to massive casualties, for obvious reasons. If they also have along shoreline, the risk of post-impact victims caused by tsunamisgreatly increases.
"The threat of the Earth being hit by anasteroid is increasingly being accepted as the single greatest naturaldisaster hazard faced by humanity. The consequences for humanpopulations and infrastructure as a result of an impact are enormous,"said Nick Bailey.
"Nearly one hundred years ago a remoteregion near the Tunguska River witnessed the largest asteroid impactevent in living memory when a relatively small object (approximately 50meters in diameter) exploded in mid-air. While it only flattenedunpopulated forest, had it exploded over London it could havedevastated everything within the M25."
"Our results highlightthose countries that face the greatest risk from this most global ofnatural hazards and thus indicate which nations need to be involved inmitigating the threat."
时间:翻译时间不详 文档显示 最后修改时间为2007.03.28 17:47 |