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发信人: bonde (我心飞翔), 信区: Movie
标 题: 《2012》观后感
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Dec 14 01:26:54 2009), 站内
One month after the first public show of <2012>, we went to the cinema in Xi
ntiandi watching the movie. The cinema has sound quality, while the environm
ent in Xintiandi is even better. It can be called amazing. The cafes, the b
ars, etc.
Thanks to SPDB's (Shanghai Pudong Developing Bank) credit card program, we o
nly need to pay half the price. The movie is wonderful. I do think that the
50 RMB is really worthy. I really feel satisfied that I choose <2012> instea
d of the <three Guns> by Yimou Zhang. I don't like Laomouzi. If <2012> worth
fifty, the <Curse of the golden flower> (or <all golden coats in the whole
city>) by Yimou only worth five.
Generally speaking, Again, the "Hollywood big movie" makes another tremendou
s success. <2012> has a good plot, perfect sound and visual effects. I don't
want to discuss the details of the movie. I just want to share some feeling
of mine about the story.
(1) The politicians are professional liars, except for a few noble ones (lik
e the American President). I believe that YD belongs to the few noble ones.
He has a kind mind, but unfortunately little capability.
(2) To protect your women and children, a man should not only be able to dri
ve a car, but also to pilot a plane. So I plan to rehearse the Microsoft FSX
(Fligth Simulator X) more. First start from a helicopter, then the two pist
on aircraft, and finally the Boeing 747.
(3) In this real world, a Ph. D can seldom make a fortune like those rude ma
n (The former Russian Boxer). But when the world do get some big troubles, p
eople rely on those Ph.Ds instead of those rich guys.
(4) By the way, a female Ph. D should lock her BF before start her Ph. D stu
dy. If she didn't make it on time, there is still remedy. That is to try tra
pping one male Ph.D. For those guys are not as sophisticated in people relat
ionships as in science and technology.
(5) Although all the Ph. D are not good guys, there do exist some brilliant
and kind hearted doctors. Just like the hero in the movie, he not only has b
road knowledge, but also a prestigious belief. So, my sisters, try your best
to find your L'homme de sa vie in University
(6) Although the disaster of 2012 will never come, but we should think of ou
r life again. At least we should cherish the life we are having now. It mayb
e not as good as you have dreamed, but at least you are still alive. So, giv
e your parents, your family a call when you are not accompanying them.
And some negative aspects of the movie
(7) The movie does hurt the feeling of Chinese people. It hints that althoug
h only the Chinese can build the Noah boat, the Chinese people are not relia
ble. They leave some backdoor in he boat and which bring the world a huge tr
ouble. And again, it is the American hero who saved the world.
(8) The Christens are narrow minded, they only remember the hint of God to b
uild the Noah boat. Although they collect the mass fortune from the world, t
hey can only build 8 boats. They forget that there are some more feasible su
bstitutes, the hot-air or hydrogen balloons. They should ask the German to b
uild millions of airship like the Hindenburg. Those floating airships can sa
ve billions of people from the tragedy death.
To summary, <2012> is a great movie. It worth the time and money you shared
with your beloved. And your thinking after watching the movie makes a fortun
e for you. |