QHY9C 采用彩色的KAF8300CE芯片.具有800万像素,其它参数与QHY9相同
Main Features
Total pixel : 3448*2574 (8.9mega pixel)
Active pixels: 3358*2536 (8.6mega pixel)
Pixel Size: 5.4um*5.4um
FullWell: 25.5Ke-
Imager Size : 19.7*15.04mm 4/3inch
Readout noise: 8e- to 10e-(Typic @1Mpixel/s)
Preview Speed: 3Mpixel/s (3sec download time)
Download Speed: 1Mpixel/s (9sec download time)
Peak QE: 33%@blue 41%@green 33%@red
Microlensing on chip
ABG: 1000X
16bit ADC with CDS and Preamp
USB2.0 High Speed interface
Build in 32MBytes SDRAM buffer
Support Binning: No Bin, 2*2,3*3,4*4
Communication port to QHY color wheel
Improved 2-Stage TEC cooling Max -50 from ambinet
Improved Heat Sink For KODAK CCD
Build in Temp sensor and 16bit high presion ADC
DC201 DC adapter & TEC Controller, Regulated
Build in Mechanical shutter for Full Frame CCD
Build in Heater to avoid dew on CCD optic windows in very high humity
Fully Airproof with Two 4.0mm Air Socket
Weight: 510g
DC201 DC adapter & TEC controller
Single voltage Input: +12V
Output +-15V +5V to CCD
PWM TEC controller: 0V-12V to TEC
Single Cable connection with QHY9
国内统一零售价格为人民币9500元 |