


liverpool 发表于 2010-9-7 18:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–北京–北京 高能物理所


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本帖最后由 liverpool 于 2010-9-7 18:23 编辑

现在能够检索到郭守敬望远镜的观测结果的论文有5篇, 都发表在RAA上, 而且都正式使用Guoshoujing Telescope的名称. 在早先的预印本文章中用的还是LAMOST.
1. Test observations that search for metal-poor stars with the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST)
     Hai-Ning Li, Gang Zhao, Norbert Christlieb, A-Li Luo, Jing-Kun Zhao, Yong-Heng Zhao, Jian-Jun Chen, Zhong-Rui Bai
Metal-deficientstars are regarded as fossils of the early generation of stars andtherefore make crucial observational targets related to stellarastrophysics. They provide fundamental information and insights onproperties of the very early stage of the chemical history of theGalaxy and have been investigated for decades. The unique design of theGuoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST), such as its large field andmulti-object observational capability, enables it to be an excellenttool for searching for these metal-poor stars in the Milky Way. Thiswork reports the result of test observations which search formetal-poor stars with LAMOST, during which nine candidate metal-poorstars with [Fe/H] ≤ -1.0 were newly detected based on thelow-resolution spectroscopic observations of the LAMOST commissioningdata. The sample of stars demonstrates the efficiency of selecting fromthe input catalog, as well as the ability of LAMOST to enlarge thesample of metal-poor stars in the Milky Way. Furthermore, the sample ofstars could be used for future calibrations of the LAMOST stellarparameter pipeline.


2. New background quasars in the vicinity of the Andromeda Galaxy discovered with the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST)
     Zhi-YingHuo, Xiao-Wei Liu, Hai-Bo Yuan, Hui-Hua Zhang, Yong-Heng Zhao, Jian-JunChen, Zhong-Rui Bai, Hao-Tong Zhang, Hua-Wei Zhang, RubenGarcía-Benito, Mao-Sheng Xiang, Hong-Liang Yan, Juan-Juan Ren, Shi-WeiSun, Yong Zhang, Ye-Ping Li, Qi-Shuai Lu, You Wang, Ji-Jun Ni, Hai Wang
Wepresent preliminary analyses of spectra of quasar candidates in twoGuoshoujing Telescope (GSJT, formerly named the Large Sky AreaMulti-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope - LAMOST) test fields nearM31 where one is close to the optical center of the disk and the otheris towards the northeastern outskirts of the halo, obtained during theearly stage of the GSJT commissioning in the last season of 2009. Bothfields contain background low-redshift quasar candidates selected fromthe SDSS photometry. In total, 14 new quasars with redshifts up to 2and i magnitudes between 16.7 and 19.2, are discovered, including 7within the 2.5 ◦ central region of M31. We briefly discuss thepotential applications of these newly discovered bright quasars.


3. Eight new quasars discovered by the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) in one extragalactic field
     Xue-BingWu, Zhen-Dong Jia, Zhao-Yu Chen, Wen-Wen Zuo, Yong-Heng Zhao, A-li Luo,Zhong-Rui Bai, Jian-Jun Chen, Hao-Tong Zhang, Hong-Liang Yan, Juan-JuanRen, Shi-Wei Sun, Hong Wu, Yong Zhang, Ye-Ping Li, Qi-Shuai Lu, YouWang, Ji-Jun Ni, Hai Wang, Xu Kong, Shi-Yin Shen
We report the discovery of eight new quasars in one extragalactic  field (a five-degree field centered at RA=08h58m08.2s,Dec=01˚32'29.7'') with the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) commissioningobservations made on 2009 December 18. These quasars, with i magnitudesfrom 16.44 to 19.34 and redshifts from 0.898 to 2.773, were notidentified in the SDSS spectroscopic survey, though six of them withredshifts less than 2.5 were selected as quasar targets in SDSS. Exceptfor one source without near-IR Y -band data, seven of these eight newquasars satisfy a newly proposed quasar selection criterion involvingboth near-IR and optical colors. Two of them were found in the'redshift desert' for quasars (z from 2.2 to 3), indicatingthat the new criterion is efficient for uncovering missing quasars withsimilar optical colors to stars. Although LAMOST encountered someproblems during the commissioning observations, we were still able toidentify 38 other known SDSS quasars in this field, with imagnitudes from 16.24 to 19.10 and redshifts from 0.297 to 4.512. Ouridentifications imply that a substantial fraction of quasars may bemiss- ing in previous quasar surveys. The implication of our results tothe future LAMOST quasar survey is discussed.


4. New planetary nebulae in the outskirts of the Andromeda Galaxy discovered with the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST)
     Hai-BoYuan, Xiao-Wei Liu, Zhi-Ying Huo, Hui-Hua Zhang, Yong-Heng Zhao,Jian-Jun Chen, Zhong-Rui Bai, Hao-Tong Zhang, Hua-Wei Zhang, RubenGarcía-Benito, Mao-Sheng Xiang, Hong-Liang Yan, Juan-Juan Ren, Shi-WeiSun, Yong Zhang, Ye-Ping Li, Qi-Shuai Lu, You Wang, Ji-Jun Ni, Hai Wang
Planetarynebulae (PNe) are good tracers of the stellar populations, chemicalcomposition and dynamics of their host galaxies. This paper reports thediscovery of new PNe in the outskirts of the Andromeda Galaxy (M 31)with the Guoshoujing Telescope (GSJT, formerly named the Large Sky AreaMulti-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope-LAMOST) during its earlycommissioning phase. In total, 36 candidates selected from SDSSphotometry are confirmed in terms of their PN nature, including 17 newdiscoveries and another 19 previously known emission line objects.Their positions, spectra, radial velocities andm5007 magnitudes arepresented. We discuss the potential for detecting more PNe in M31 withGSJT's multi-object spectroscopy and the related applications instudies of the dynamics and chemistry of M31 and its assemblage history.


5. A very bright (i = 16.44) quasar in the ‘redshift desert’  discovered by the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST)
     Xue-BingWu, Zhao-Yu Chen, Zhen-Dong Jia, Wen-Wen Zuo, Yong-Heng Zhao, A-Li Luo,Zhong-Rui Bai, Jian-Jun Chen, Hao-Tong Zhang, Hong-Liang Yan, Juan-JuanRen, Shi-Wei Sun, Hong Wu, Yong Zhang, Ye-Ping Li, Qi-Shuai Lu, YouWang, Ji-Jun Ni, Hai Wang, Xu Kong, Shi-Yin Shen
Theredshift range from 2.2 to 3 is known as the ‘redshift desert’ ofquasars because quasars with redshifts in this range have similaroptical colors as normal stars and are thus difficult to find inoptical sky surveys. A quasar candidate, SDSS J085543.40–001517.7,which was selected by a recently proposed criterion involving near-IR Y− K and optical g − z colors, was identifiedspectroscopically as a new quasar with a redshift of 2.427 by theGuoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) commis sioning observation in 2009December and confirmed by the observation made with the NAOC/Xinglong2.16 m telescope in 2010 March. This quasar was not identified in theSDSS spectroscopic survey. Comparing with other SDSS quasars, we foundthat this new quasar, with an i magnitude of 16.44, isapparently the brightest one in the redshift range from 2.3 to 2.7.From its spectral properties, we derived its central black hole mass tobe (1.4 ∼ 3.9) × 1010 M⊙ and its bolometric luminosity to be  3.7 × 1048 erg s−1,which indicates that this new quasar is intrinsically very bright andbelongs to the class of the most luminous quasars in the universe. Ouridentification supports the notion that quasars in the redshift desertcan be found by the quasar selection criterion involving the near-IRcolors. More missing quasars are expected to be uncovered by futureLAMOST spectroscopic surveys, which is important to the study of thecosmological evolution of quasars at redshifts higher than 2.2.



参与人数 1牧夫币 +12 收起 理由
gohomeman1 + 12 很有价值


gohomeman1 发表于 2010-9-7 23:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 联通/鄞州畅联信息技术有限公司
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2010-9-7 23:09 编辑

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 楼主| liverpool 发表于 2010-9-8 14:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 高能物理所
只粗糙翻译一下标题了, 细节内容关心的人可以去研究.
1. 郭守敬望远镜的试验观测: 搜寻贫金属星
2. 郭守敬望远镜在仙女座星系附近天区发现新的背景类星体
3. 郭守敬望远镜在某天区发现8个新类星体
4. 郭守敬望远镜在仙女座星系外围发现新行星状星云
5. 郭守敬望远镜发现一个处于"红移沙漠"中的高亮度类星体

http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/ ... B%E6%B2%99%E6%BC%A0
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scorpio_tiger 发表于 2010-9-8 15:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳 教育网/教育和科研网主干网
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