本帖最后由 白羊星座 于 2012-4-1 11:03 编辑
信达专利设计伸缩式镜筒 DOB道布森反射式系统,在保证稳定的前提下,提高望远镜的便携性。望远镜主镜依靠三根钢管支架收缩及伸长,主镜依然稳定,同时也减轻了主镜重量。让大口径不再成为负担! 特别设计低衍射副镜蜘蛛架,有效降低副镜遮挡与副镜支架衍射,确保优秀的像质表现 采用2英寸顺滑调焦座,附带2英寸转1.25英寸适配转接口,可任意接驳2英寸或1.25英寸附件 采用高精度抛物面反射主镜,主镜与副镜均采用金属介质镀膜,特别加入金属保护膜层,使反射镜更耐用,反射率更高 特别设计DOB道布森底座,转动平稳顺滑,信达专利张力控制手柄,随意控制主镜与支架间的摩擦力,主镜位置更精准更稳定,定位粗略调整,细微调整随意控制 时尚的道布森底座设计,让望远镜也能体现您的不凡品位 特别加入Go-To 自动寻星系统,让您不必再为寻找,Go-To天体发愁 只要将天体代码输入到控制器,望远镜将会自动转向并对准天体,同时开始自动Go-To 方便的快拆螺栓式锁定结构,让您快速拆分DOB为主镜和基座两部分,可轻松放置在商务车以及轿车后座 望远镜装在双层纸箱中,内有厚泡沫防震,确保运输安全 标配附件 Super PL 全金属目镜 广角52度 :SPL 10mm,SPL25mm 9X50金属寻星镜,寻星更方便。2英寸转1.25英寸适配转接口,可任意接驳2英寸或1.25英寸附件 DOB道布森 支架底座安装工具,附件等 全套包括:254/1200伸缩式主镜,道布森地平式经纬仪,9X50光学寻星镜,SPL 10mm,SPL25mm 52度广角金属Super PL目镜各一,说明书,保修卡,工具,附件等
"Sky-Watcher’s GoTo Dobsonian
High-tech meets bargain-telescope design. A shotgun marriage or a match made in heaven? We find out!""Could the new Sky-Watcher SynScan telescopes really work? ...my doubts were allayed the first night out.Our test telescope,on loan from Pacific Telescope Corp., worked great. Surprisingly so."- Alan Dyer wrote in his 3-page review of the Sky-Watcher GoTo Dobsonian telescope at SkyNews November/December 2010 issue ([url=]www.skynews.ca[/url] | [url=]review[/url]).[url=]Read the 3-page article in PDF (580KB)[/url] | The exciting new Sky-Watcher Dobsonian SynScan series is precision engineered instrument that will allow you to easily find and enjoy viewing night sky treasures, such as Planets, Nebulae, Star Clusters, Galaxies and much more. With its patented collapsible tube design, these Dobsonians are truly the ultimate in portability and performance.The elegant truss tube design was carefully engineered to combine ease of use, extreme portability and consistent performance in an affordable package. Unlike other truss tube designs, the SkyWatcher Collapsible Dobsonian does not need to be disassembled between uses. It transports as two compact pieces that can be assembled and ready to use in just seconds! It is easy to collimate once set up, and it holds its collimation throughout the evening! The patented Tension Control Handle allows users to add or reduce tension, thereby increasing or decreasing the friction between the optical tube and the sideboards.The SynScanTM AZ hand control allows you point your telescope at a specific object, or even tour the night sky at the touch of a button!! The user-friendly menu system allows automatic slewing to over 42,900+ objects. Even an inexperienced astronomer can master its variety of features in a few observing sessions. The patented dual encoder design allows the telescope to be moved manually whenever the user wishes - but with no need for re-alignment!The Sky-Watcher Dobsonian SynScan series combines the convenience and affordability of the traditional Dobsonian with the convenience of a computerized Go-To telescope. SynScanTM AZ hand control SPECIFICATIONS:Power Supply: 10 to 15 V DC 1Amp, 2.1mm Plug (Center positive)
Motor type: DC Servo Motors,
Resolution: Motor encoder: 1,620,000 counts per revolution, Main axis encoder: 11,748 counts per revolution
Slew speeds: 1.0X, 2.0X, 8X, 16X, 32X, 200X, 400X, 600X, 800X, 1000X
Tracking Rates: Sidereal, Lunar, Solar
Tracking Mode: Dual Axes Tracking
Alignment Method: Brightest-Star Alignment, Two-Star Alignment
Database: 25 user defined objects. Complete M, NGC and IC catalog, partial SAO catalogues, total 42,900 objects
Go-To Pointing Accuracy: Up to 5 arc min
Photos of Retracted truss tube and SynScan Remote Controller
Recommend for: DEEP SKY OBSERVING |