本帖最后由 smartmars 于 2012-5-5 11:41 编辑
time2k 发表于 2012-5-5 01:49
StarLock full-time automatic integrated guider assists with ultra precise drift polar alignment, finds and centers targets and then automatically locks onto a field star as faint as 11th magnitude for one arcsecond guiding. No separate computer, no guide star selection, no user focus. Just setup your camera and image.
[翻译] 全时星点锁定集成导星 带精确极轴 找星并对准目标,然后自动锁定(可达11等星,1角秒 导星精度). 不需要电脑, 不需要导星选择,不需要用户调焦. 仅仅调试你的相机和图像