








发表于 2012-11-27 21:40 | 查看: 18886| 回复: 14来自: 湖南省常德市 电信
本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2014-8-29 15:43 编辑

Comet C/2000 WM1 LINEAR

Copyright © 2002 by Terry Lovejoy (Australia)
This image was obtained by Terry Lovejoy on 2002 January 31 starting at 17:33 UT. It consists of 2 panels of 10 x 10 second exposures, using a Takahashi Epsilon E-160 530mm FL F3.3 reflector and Genesis camera (with KAF-0401E sensor). The field of view of the image is 1.3 x 0.6 degrees.

LINEAR1216.07拍摄的照片上发现一颗17.8等的小行星状天体,获得2000 WM1的编号,通过初步的观测,反推到111618日的照片上也有这个目标。霍普金斯山史密森天体物理天文台的T. B. Spahr1220.15的图像上观测到10角秒的彗发,并有一条长约10-20秒,暗弱、扩散的彗尾,P.A.45度。
这颗彗星将于2002122.78通过0.55 AU的近日点,预报亮度4等,这将是二十一世纪第一颗肉眼可见的新彗星,可惜彗星最亮时位于南半球。
1222-29日,日本A. Nakamura观测到彗星亮度18.0-18.1,并有直径0.25弧分的彗发,200116-24日,日本的A. Akahori观测到的亮度是17.6-17.9等,彗发直径0.15-0.2弧分。

Copyright © 2001 by Giovanni Sostero (Remanzacco Observatory-Italy) Images of this comet were obtained by Giovanni Sostero on the mornings of 2001 February 16 and 17. He was using a 0.3-m f/2.8 Baker-Schmidt and a Hi-Sis 24 CCD camera. The webmaster has combined these two images to illustrate the comet's motion at that time.

Copyright © 2001 by Giovanni Sostero and V. Gonano (Remanzacco Observatory, Italy)
This image was obtained by Giovanni Sostero and V. Gonano on 2001 September 5.9. It is a combination of 15 30-second exposures obtained with a 0.3-m f/2.8 Baker-Schmidt, a Hi-Sis 24 CCD camera, and a Cousin R filter.

This image was obtained by S. Garzia, V. Gonano, and M. Maestrutti on 2001 September 9.98. It is a combination of 10 60-second exposures obtained with a 0.3-m f/2.8 Baker camera, a CCD camera, and a Cousin R filter.

Copyright © 2001 by Konrad Horn (Salem, Germany)
This image was obtained by Konrad Horn on 2001 September 26. It is a combination of 40 60-second exposures obtained with a Gensis 100/500 telescope and an AUDINE CCD camera.
Copyright © 2001 by Giovanni Sostero (Remanzacco Observatory, Italy)
This image was obtained by S. Garzia, M. Maestrutti, and G. Sostero on 2001 October 14.04. It is a combination of 20 60-second exposures obtained with a 0.45-m f/4.5 reflector and an ST6V CCD camera. The two images on the right illustrate the brightness contours within the comet and tail.

11月,彗星快速增亮,从月初的9.5等变为月底的6等,有趣的是,增亮的速度超过了预期,不知道能否够延续这种势头。与此同时,彗星也出现了一些不同寻常的变化,澳大利亚的Michael Jäger16日拍到一条很窄的反向彗尾。接下来几天其它的观测者证实了这一现象,意大利的Giovanni Sostero使用8英吋斯密特-卡塞格林折反射镜也在16日观测到这个类似于“喷射”的结构,他说长度约0.6弧分,指向145度。
Copyright © 2001 by Michael Jäger (Austria)
This image was obtained by Michael Jäger on 2001 November 16.16. It is an 8-minute exposure obtained using a Celestron Schmidt camera and TP hyp film. The image is significant in that it reveals a narrow antitail extending nearly straight downward, while a very short, diffuse main tail extends a short distance from the coma toward the upper right.

Copyright © 2001 by Michael Jäger (Austria)
This color image was obtained by Michael Jäger on 2001 November 21.06. It is an 8-minute exposure obtained using a schmidt camera 250/450 and fuji 160 nps prof film.

12月末和2002年一月初,由于彗星在接近太阳同时又在远离地球,亮度维持在6等左右。122彗星通过近日点,观测者给出的彗星亮度在6.2-6.3等,之后彗星应该开始变暗。令人惊讶的是,彗星在127-28日突然增亮到4.6-4.8等,有趣的是,这个趋势还未结束,澳大利亚的Michael Mattiazzo发现彗星在129.78亮度达到3等,接下来的几天,南半球的观测者看到彗星最亮达到2.5等,之后才逐渐黯淡。
Copyright © 2001 by Amtsgymnasiet (Denmark)
This image was obtained by high school students at Amtsgymnasiet and EUC Syd (Sønderborg, Denmark) on 2001 November 23.78. It was obtained using a CCD camera. This is one of the best images showing the comet's antitail. The inset is a combination of 3400 seconds and shows the antitail is split and curved. Other images of the comet obtained by this class are located on their
Copyright © 2001 by Michael Jäger (Austria)
This color image was obtained by Michael Jäger on 2001 December 3.75. It is an 5-minute exposure obtained using a schmidt camera 250/450 and fuji 160 npc prof. film. Note the fanned dust tail curving toward the left side of the image and the appearance of two straight gas tails extending toward the bottom center of the image.
Copyright © 2001 by Michael Jäger (Austria)
This color image was obtained by Michael Jäger on 2001 December 9.82. It is an 5-minute exposure obtained using a schmidt camera 250/450 and fuji 160 npc film. The fanned dust tail curves toward the left side of the image, while two straight gas tails extend toward the bottom edge of the image
Copyright © 2001 by Stewart Leffanue (near Mt. Pleasant, South Australia)
This color image was obtained by Stewart Leffanue on 2001 December 10. It was obtained using a 105mm Tamron lens and Pentax camera, with 800 speed Fuji film, all riding piggyback on a C8 celestron. It is a hand guided 5 minute exposure. The main galaxy in photo is NGC 253, while the bright star is Beta Cetus.
Copyright © 2001 Victor Angel Buso and Luis Mansilla (Argentina)
This image was obtained by Victor Angel Buso and Luis Alberto Mansilla on 2001 December 24 (1:22:40 and 1:26:24 UT ). It is a combination of 3+3 minute exposures obtained using a PICTOR 416XT CCD camera and Schmidt 21.5-cm f/2.9 from the Observatorio Astronomico Cristo Rey - ROSARIO - Argentina. Member of the ASOCIACION SANTAFESINA DE ASTRONOMIA (A.S.A.).
Copyright © 2002 Mike Begbie (Harare, Zimbabwe)
This drawing was made by Mike Begbie on 2002 January 4. He was using a 15-cm f/7 refractor, 50x. Although the drawing was originally black on white, the webmaster has been reversed the colors to better illustrate the actual view.
2000wm1_20020131_2002021mb.jpg Copyright © 2002 by Mike Begbie (Harare, Zimbabwe)
These drawings were obtained by Mike Begbie during the period of 2002 January 31 to February 3. Details of what instruments were used are given on each image.
2000wm1020201oga.jpg Copyright © 2002 Observatorio Geminis Austral (Rosario, Argentina)
This image was obtained by José Sanchez and Victor Buso on 2002 February 1.32. They used a 25-cm refractor and a CCD camera. The total visual magnitude was then about 4.0.
2000wm1_20020203mc.jpg Copyright © 2002 by Noel Munford and Ian Cooper (Manawatu Observatory, Palmerston North, New Zealand)
This image was obtained by Noel Munford and Ian Cooper on 2002 February 3.66. It is a 6-minute exposure obtained with a 400mm f/6.3 lens and Fuji NHG II 800 film. The total visual magnitude was then about 3.1.

发表于 2012-11-27 22:13 来自: 河北省廊坊市 电信

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发表于 2012-11-28 01:12 来自: 湖南省常德市 电信
本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2014-8-29 16:02 编辑

2001 A2 LINEAR
2001115日,LINEAR NEO Confirmation页面公布了一个小行星目标,P. Pravec L. Sarounova16.0UT拍摄的CCD图像上观测到0.3弧分的彗发,M. Tichy M. Kocer16.9UT的照片上观测到10角秒的昏暗彗发,总亮度17.2等。这个目标也在13.315日的照片上找到对应,轨道表明彗星将在524日从0.8AU过近日点。
澳大利亚的M. Mattiazzo报告彗星330.5UT之前的24小时彗星经历了总亮度增亮约2.5等的快速变化,彗星凝聚度也变大,从多个观测者的报告看,彗星在这期间从11等增亮到8等。
430.12 UT,亚利桑那州月球与行星实验室的专家报告使用1.54米反射望远镜曝光60秒的R波段照片上显示出双核,亮度几乎相同,分布在相隔3".5的东西连线上,两个组成部分高度浓缩,而该望远镜424.14拍摄的图像上只显示出一个核。
59.3 UT,昆士兰的J. Broughton,使用他的0.25米斯密特-卡塞格林折反射镜显示在西边较亮的核心m2 = 14.7,另外一个核心暗0.3等,在P.A.100度方向距离约5"510日情况差不多,511.3日,西边的核心增亮到m2 = 13.2,东边的核心消失,512.4,西边的核心变暗到m2接近14等,而另一个在p.a. 100度,亮度暗约2等。
欧洲南方天文台的专家报告,514.98 UT使用8.2米甚大望远镜R波段获得的两个核心图像,东边的核心(component A)在Bp.a. 105距离12".6,暗1等。两个核心独立的彗发在反日向拉长。516.98 UT,核心之间的距离增加到14".6,向日方的核心似乎分裂成距离1"的碎片,核心和彗发亮度分布相似,显示有大量的尘埃扩散。
喷气实验室Z. Sekanina分析指出,根据430日到518日的碎片观测测报告和测量数据,分裂发生在329.9 +/- 1.6 UT,并给出了今后碎片的变化预测。
5月目视观测彗星亮度稍暗于5等,14日有报告可能观测到狭窄的离子尾,明显的部分长约1度,可隐约看到在p.a. 133延伸到4度。515.4发生了断尾,可以在离彗发1.5度左右看到弥漫状的云气。
517日,Michael Mattiazzo报告彗尾长1.6度,彗星肉眼可见,截止到21日,彗星亮度仍然在5等左右。31Andrew Pearce报告彗星增亮到4.8等,有一条1.5度的长尾,彗发呈现出明显的蓝绿色。611.91Andrew报告彗星进一步增亮,彗发3.6等,使用20x80双筒镜可以看到1.7度长的彗尾。Michael Mattiazzo612日拍摄的照片:
630彗星从距离地球0.24 AU 的地方经过,Giovanni Sostero报告彗星715.3等,彗发凝聚,直径11 ',7105.5等,712日又出现爆发,在剑桥肉眼可见。
8月彗星变暗,在银河背景上观测比较困难,亮度降到9等,DC 1 – 2,直径6'828日亮度10.8等,dc1,直径2.3'
879个观测数据得到彗星亮度变化公式7.3 + 5 log d + 10.6 log r
分裂的C/2001 A2 (LINEAR):
2001 May 21 Credit: E. Jehin et al., VLT YEPUN, ESO

Chris Picking,      2001年5月13日, 新西兰,[size=-1]Masterton

2001 July 5 Credit & Copyright: Wil Milan
2001 June 25 Credit & Copyright: Gordon Garradd, Loomberah NSW Australia
Victor Angel Buso, Mariano Ascheri, Luis Mansilla,  
2001年6月27日   阿根廷, 罗萨里奥
Henderson1.jpg Henderson2.jpg
Morton Henderson,  2001年6月28          葡萄牙,Algarve,
Clive Jackson,     2001年7月1日   葡萄牙,Algarve,
Anton Spenko,    2001年7月2日斯洛文尼亚 Rezmon 天文台
[size=-1] 2001年7月 3日  肯塔基州 Franklin County
V. A. Buso, M. Ascheri, J. L. Sanchez, G. Ballan, & Luis Mansilla,      2001年 [size=-1]4月 26日 - 7月 5日
[size=-1]阿根廷, 罗萨里奥
Frédéric Merlin,     2001年7月12日   法国 Fontaine-Notre-Dame
Mike Lynch,        2001年7月13-14日  肯塔基州 Franklin County
Todd Gross,   
2001年7月[size=-1]14日   美国麻萨诸塞州

2001a2c_2x5trial.jpg 2001a2c_2x5gradient.jpg 2001a2c_2x5gauss-eq2.jpg 2001a2c_2x5gauss-eq.jpg 2001a2c_2x5b.jpg 2001a2c_2x5.jpg 2001a2c-2x5neg.jpg 2001a2c-2x5log.jpg 2001a2c-2x5jazz.jpg 2001a2c-2x5flame.jpg 2001a2c-2x5ddp.jpg


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发表于 2012-11-28 23:33 来自: 湖南省常德市 电信
本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2014-8-29 15:55 编辑

2001 Q4 NEAT
        IAU Circular No. 7695 (2001 August 28)首次公布了这颗彗星,但是给出了一个不是很确定的轨道,彗星可能在2005825日通过近日点,近日距稍超过4AU,这是因为彗星移动非常缓慢,马斯登的轨道显示彗星发现时距离太阳可能超过11AUKazuo Kinoshita95日在他的网站发布了新的轨道根数,使用了824-31日的25个观测数据,表明彗星将在2004523日从0.99AU通过近日点,这个轨道显示彗星有可能会成为一个比较明亮的目标。910IAU Circular No. 7711确定了Kazuo Kinoshita的计算,彗星于2004526日通过1AU的近日点。格林还写道,近日点日期还有几个星期的不确定误差,但这颗彗星20045-6月期间可能成为一个普通双筒望远镜甚至肉眼目标,彗星发现时离太阳10.1AU
        CBAT预测彗星5月中旬亮度最大可到0.9等,虽然几个月都没有更新亮度参数,但一些有经验的天文爱好者密切监视着这颗彗星。德国的Andreas Kammerer查看了到200311月所有的观测数据,推测彗星的最大亮度可达2等,日本Seiichi Yoshida也根据过去的观测认为最大亮度可达到2等。
Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT)
Credit & Copyright: Loke Kun Tan (
The Tails of Comet NEAT (Q4)
Credit & Copyright:
Chris Schur

Copyright © 2004 by Gianluca Masi and Franco Mallia (Las Campanas Observatory, Chile)
This image was obtained on 2004 April 16.99, while using the SoTIE telescope in Las Campanas. A set of images were collected to create a mosaic, covering about 0.7 deg. Each area was imaged using a total integration time of 3 minutes. Then the frames have been shifted taking the comet motion into account, in order to keep the higher detail. The tail of the comet is clearly visible; the object was at about 25 deg above the horizon. On the bottom right, the region close to the false nucleus shows clear dust shells.
Copyright © 2004 by Gianluca Masi and Franco Mallia (Las Campanas Observatory, Chile)
This image was obtained on 2004 April 16.99, while using the SoTIE telescope in Las Campanas. A set of images were collected to create a mosaic, covering about 0.7 deg. Each area was imaged using a total integration time of 3 minutes. Then the frames have been shifted taking the comet motion into account, in order to keep the higher detail. The tail of the comet is clearly visible; the object was at about 25 deg above the horizon. On the bottom right, the region close to the false nucleus shows clear dust shells.
Look West for a NEAT Comet
Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College)
Copyright © 2004 by Giovanni Sostero (Remanzacco Observatory, Italy)
Copyright © 2004 by Günter Kerschhuber (Oberösterreich, Austria)
This image was obtained by G. Kerschhuber on 2004 May 13.91. It is a composite of sixty-five 40-second exposures obtained with a Pentacon 300mm and a Starlight SXV-H9.
Copyright © 2004 by Jerry Armstrong (Winston, Georgia, USA) and Fernbank Science Center (Decatur, Georgia, USA)
This image showing detail within the inner coma was obtained by J. Armstrong on 2004 May 12.06. It is a 20-second exposure obtained with a Meade 14-inch LX200GPS Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope and an SBIG ST-1001 CCD camera. North is up. The camera was on-loan from the Fernbank Science Center.
Copyright © 2004 by Rolando Ligustri, G. Degano, and L. Furlanetto (Talmassons, Italy)
Copyright © 2004 by Anthony Arrigo (Park City, Utah, USA)
This image of comet NEAT near the Beehive Cluster (M44) was obtained by A. Arrigo on 2004 May 15. It is a composite of eight 30-second exposures obtained with a Sony DSC-F717 digital camera and 1.7x teleconverter. The camera was piggy backed on a 120mm f/5 refractor sitting on a Losmandy G11 mount.
Copyright © 2004 by Carlos Vázquez Darias (Tenerife, Canary Islands)
This image was obtained by C. V. Darias on 2004 May 15.94. It is a 2.5-minute exposure using Fuji X-tra 400 film and a 20-cm Celestron Schmidt camera. The image shows the comet as it was moving past the open cluster M44 in Cancer.

Copyright © 2004 by Javier Alonso Labrador (Tenerife, Canary Islands)
This image was obtained by J. A. Labrador on 2004 May 15.94. It is a 2-minute exposure using a Canon D60 digital SLR camera set at 400 ASA, with an 85mm f/1.2 lens. The image shows the comet as it was moving past the open cluster M44 in Cancer.
Copyright © 2004 by Jim Melka (St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
This image was obtained by J. Melka on 2004 May 16.11. Four 1-minute exposures were obtained using a Canon D60 digital SLR camera set at 400 ASA, with 12-inch f/4.1 Newtonian reflector. These images were subsequently stacked using Registax 2.0 Freeware.
Copyright © 2004 by Luca Buzzi, Mauro Auteri, and Andrea Aletti (G. V. Schiaparelli Astronomical Observatory, Varese, Italy)
This image was obtained by L. Buzzi, M. Auteri, and A. Aletti on 2004 May 16.89. They were using a 14-inch Celestron Schmidt camera stopped down to 280mm. This 4-minute exposure was obtained with 400 ISO film.
Copyright © 2004 by Mikael Moeller, Leif Moeller and Mogens Winther (Val d'Aosta, Italy)
This image was obtained by M. Moeller, L. Moeller and M. Winther on 2004 May 19.95. It is a composite of eleven 60-second exposures obtained with a Canon EOS D10 camera mounted at prime focus on a 1140mm refractor.
Copyright © 2004 by Alessandro Cipolat Bares (Val d'Aosta, Italy)
This image was obtained by A. C. Bares on 2004 May 22.88. It is a composite of four 60-second exposures obtained with an FSQ 106 and an SXV-H9 CCD camera.
Copyright © 2004 by Giovanni Sostero (Remanzacco Observatory, Italy)
This image was obtained by G. Sostero on 2004 May 24.0. It is a 300-second exposure obtained with a Canon EOS D300 camera and an Intes 15-cm Maksutov astrograph. The field of view measures 1° by 1.4°.
Comet NEAT and the Beehive Cluster
Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College)


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发表于 2012-11-29 21:14 来自: 湖南省常德市 电信
本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2014-8-29 16:04 编辑

2002 C1 Ikeya-Zhang(池谷-张)

zhang3.jpg zhang2.jpg zhang1.jpg wilson.jpg

    不用说,谁都知道发现者之一的大名,河南省开封市的张大庆,中国业余天文爱好者第一颗目视新彗星的发现者,并和池谷关大彗星的发现者之一池谷薰共享发现权,我和张大庆有多年的交往并且一起在目视寻彗领域进行过交流和探讨,目前所使用的20CM F4牛反也是出自张大庆之手制作。

    200221日傍晚,张大庆来到北郊黄河大堤的临时观测点,使用20cm f/4.428x反射镜进行长达十年半的第518次彗星搜索,1910分开始对着西边天空搜索,1915分,视场中出现一团暗淡朦胧的云雾状天体,亮度约8-9等,通过核对《全天星图2000.0》,这个位置没有已知的深空天体,仔细核对更加详细的《Sky Atlas 2000.0》,记录下估算坐标,经过一番周折打通紫金山天文台王思潮老师的电话,汇报了情况,随后也联系了北京天文台朱进博士(现任北京天文馆馆长),并在家中查阅了已知的彗星信息,朱进和王思潮都通过电子邮件向IAU天文电报中央局的布赖恩·马斯登主任转发了张大庆的发现,22点,朱进转来了马斯登回复的电子邮件,确认了独立发现,并告知日本的池谷薰早1小时28分也独立报告了这个目标。
    22日晚,张大庆又来到观测点测量了彗星的一些数据,亮度8.8等,彗发直径3’ 凝结度4,与此同时,朱进等也在北京天文台进行了CCD成像观测和精确位置测定。
    23日早上7点,朱进打来电话报喜,这颗彗星被命名为池谷-张,编号C/2002C1。另外,巴西萨尔瓦多省的天文爱好者保罗·雷蒙多(Paulo Raymundo)也独立发现此彗星,但因为已超过24小时,因此不获IAU的认可。
(以上参考了张大庆撰写的《C/2002C1 池谷-张彗星的发现 》一文)
    彗星的轨道根数表明,池谷-张于2002318日从距离0.5AU通过近日点,彗星会变得比较明亮。马斯登和日本彗星专家S. Nakano通过对比,注意到池谷-张彗星和C/1661 C1有相似轨道,并确定为同一颗彗星的回归,周期从341年变为现在的367年,并获得了周期彗星编号153P/Ikeya-Zhang
除中国的记录之外,波兰天文学家赫维留(Johannes Hevelius)也曾对1661年出现的光亮彗星作记录。
        214日,彗星亮度7.1等,186.8等,206.4等,216.3等,246等,265.9等,pa85有一条9' 的离子尾,285.3-5.6等,pa 65 0.5度尾,33日,彗星4.8等,肉眼可见,4-6日,彗星5.2等,321日,3.6等,7x50双筒镜可见2.6度尾,51日肉眼观察4.5等,5226.1等,5316.4等,7月中旬彗星大约9.5等,非常弥散。
    月球和行星实验室的C. W. Hergenrother33-10日,以及意大利的G. Masi9日观测到彗核向阳面30"有一个尘埃壳,显示了两个活跃喷口。420日,3.5-m TNG reflector通过高分辨率摄谱仪观测到从核心区域向彗尾方向延伸约4000公里的钠元素组成的喷流。
    中野主一和长谷川通过C/1661 C1C/2002 C1的联系发现了8772月出现的彗星为同一颗,并确定了12732月的回归对应, 并给出几次回归的近日点日期:2002318.981661118.98,127324.79877213.66.,还认为彗星在458731日、885月、公元前26912月回归。
        877211日日本观测到这颗彗星黄昏出现在仙女座a星附近(Sandai Jitsuroku, Kanda, p.484),同时这颗彗星在欧洲西方天空出现了15(Chronicon Navaliciense, Pingre, p.350),另外一些记录877年欧洲在早晨看到这颗彗星,不管如何,这彗星也在傍晚天空可见,3月初天文曙暮光后的黄昏看起来是颗明亮的彗星(3等)。
    在联系877-2002年之间的轨道时,还发现了日本和韩国1273年一颗同样的彗星,日本在25日看到彗星位于黄昏后的西边天空(Moromori-ki, Kanda, p.547),而韩国217日看到彗星位于黎明的东方天空( Koryo-sa),彗星在127324.8.过近日点。
    这里是摘录的Gary Kronk在彗星志卷一关于C/1661 C1的记录:
    发现:166123.2, (D=0.62 AU, r=0.48 AU, Elong.=23 deg.),最后观测328.1 (D=0.99 AU, r=1.39 AU, Elong.=88 deg.),最接近地球:129(0.6062 AU)
    法国斯特拉斯堡的Eberhard Welper 28日第一次观测到彗星,尾长5度,垂直于地平线,9日和0日,彗尾基本从地平线垂直延伸,西边略微倾斜,由于长时间的糟糕天气,Welper最后一次看到彗星是211日。
新法兰西(现在的加拿大)传教士Jerome Lalemant在旅行日记中46卷写到这颗彗星,他说“这颗彗星从一月底到三月初可见,这是灾难的先兆,它的尾巴向西方延伸,指着我们,似乎在威胁我们”,他接着说:“它由在天鹰座西向东移动”。
加拿大魁北克修道院院长Marie de l'Incarnation 16619月给她儿子写的一封信中描述了这颗彗星:“出现了一颗彗星,像杆子一样指向地球,大约凌晨两三点钟出现,六七天后消失。
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发表于 2012-11-30 21:05 来自: 山东省泰安市 联通

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suhuasky 发表于 2012-12-1 02:29
发表于 2012-12-1 23:44 来自: 湖南省常德市 电信
本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2014-8-29 16:08 编辑

2002 F1 Utsunomiya
1126日晨(世界时25.64日)新西兰的Albert F. Jones在黎明前观测变星时发现一 彗星状目标,所用望远镜为口径78mm F/8的折射镜,最后确认Jones和宇都宫看到的是同 一颗彗星,被命名为C/2000W1(UTSUNOMIYA-JONES) 。两位发现者都不是第一次发现彗星 ,宇都宫1997年曾发现1997T1Jones是著名的彗星发现者,第一次发现是在1946年,今年已80高龄,这恐怕是已知的最年长的彗星发现者。(寇文)
2002 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Mar. 18.844     21 44.6       + 5 26        10.0   Utsunomiya
          19.844     21 48.3       + 6 14        10.0     "
S. Utsunomiya (Minami Oguni-machi, Aso-gun, Kumamoto-ken, Japan).
  25x150 binoculars; comet diffuse with weak condensation; coma
  diameter 1' on Mar. 18 and 1'.5 on Mar. 19.
46.147.15彗星高度浓缩和显示一条短尾,到49日仅缓慢地变亮到7等。Nicolas Biver(尼古拉·比弗)410.16观测到显著的增亮,彗星达到5.9等,外形看起来像个恒星,暗示近期的一次爆发。第二天早上他报告彗星更加明亮,但是更为发散和显示出喷流,413日能够在明亮的天空背景下用20x80双筒镜观测并且估计亮度为5.6等,416.15在轻雾的恶劣环境下进一步观测彗星3.9等,423.86在薄雾下瞥见彗星估计4.5等,和一条0.4度长的尾巴。51.87Vixen 20x80双筒镜非常容易观测,亮度6.3等。Antonio Giambersio 51.79 使用16x70 双筒镜为5.2等。511.90 Alexandre Amorim(亚历山大·阿莫林)用20x80双筒镜观测彗星估计8.3等,仍然强烈凝聚。Jose Aguiar(何塞·阿吉亚尔)517.89 20x80双筒镜观测估计8.0等,彗发强烈凝聚。

58 observations received to May 17 give a preliminary light curve of m = 10.4 + 5 log d + 17.2 log r

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发表于 2012-12-2 00:35 来自: 湖南省常德市 电信
本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2014-8-29 16:18 编辑

2002 T7 (LINEAR)

LINEAR在2002年10月14.42获得的图像上发现一个小行星状的目标,亮度17.5等,随后发现了彗星特征,英国的P. Birtwhistle, Great Shefford在10月28.0 UT拍摄的CCD图像上显示这个目标比相似亮度的恒星稍“软”。 T. B. Spahr报告说,Mt. Hopkins(霍普金斯)在10月29.4拍摄的图像上目标有些轻微的漫射,并略大于恒星。

MPEC 2002-U43公布了一些天体测量(有些给出的亮度为16.5等),包括发现之前10月12日的观测数。2002年10月29日马斯登在IAUC 8003公布了第一份轨道根数,使用了10月12至29日的88个位置,彗星为抛物线轨道,近日点日期2004年4月23.69。最后,这颗彗星确定是一个双曲线轨道,近日点日期4月23.08。

2003年彗星缓慢增亮,2月到4月,亮度接近14等,8月底13等,9月底11.7等,彗发直径0.7',DC6,10月27日11.1等,彗发1.3' DC5,11月17日9.9等。12月初8.5等,彗发2',12月中旬有观测者报告到有异常发展的尾巴,年底彗星接近8等,彗发估计在4至6弧分。2004年一月中旬,彗星7.6等,和直径9'的彗发。2月初,亮度增加到7等,观测者报告彗尾长20到 60'之间。3月初彗星亮度只稍亮于7等,显然亮度增速减缓。3月10日后彗星接近太阳,下旬离太阳9度通过,4月9日地面重新观测到彗星,亮度估计4.6等,彗发直径6弧分。

虽然彗星4月23日通过近日点,但是它5月19日从0.23AU接近地球,所以整个5月彗星缓慢变亮,5月初4等,5月20至25日达到峰值2.5到3等,彗星在南半球的低空,估计彗发直径10弧分,北半球第一个观测者大加那利岛 - 加那利群岛的A. Rodriguez Ramirez在5月25日肉眼可以清晰看到彗星,接下来5月27日,夏威夷檀香山的Mike Linnolt使用10x50双筒镜观测到了这颗彗星。5.5 + 5 log d + 6.3 log r
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发表于 2012-12-2 23:47 来自: 湖南省常德市 电信
本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2012-12-10 02:04 编辑

2002 V1 (LINEAR)

  喷气实验室的Steve Pravdo报告NEAT(近地小行星追踪)在夏威夷哈雷阿卡拉1.2米反射望远镜116.60拍摄的CCD图像上发现,亮度17.3等,p.a. 225有一条10"的尾巴。随后在NEO Confirmation页上公布。其它CCD观测者也确认了彗星的特征。
    11月下旬目视观测彗星接近14等, 12月早期的报告显示亮度13等左右,124日就到了12.3等,比当时的2001 RX14更容易看到。一份Mike Linnolt的报告也表明彗星是12等。它似乎在快速增亮,而且CCD观测显示彗星富含气体。1210日的报告彗星11等,Michael Mattiazzo报告1223.53使用25x100mm双筒镜观测彗星9.4等,彗发直径8分,凝聚度3Jonathan Shanklin 1228.76通过25x100mm双筒镜观测亮度9等,彗发直径6.1',凝聚度5,后面的一些观测报告显示彗星12307.8等,200311.8320x80双筒镜中彗星8.2等,凝聚度4,直径9.0'13.91亮度8等,但似乎有些弥漫,凝聚度3,在一月8.93,彗星7.2等,凝聚度4,111.80强烈的月光下彗星很容易看到,通过20x80双筒镜估计为6.9等。115.74彗星亮度和大小相似,123.75彗星凝聚度增加到6,彗发缩小到6.2',亮度则为6.2等。1月下旬的观测显示彗星亮度变化较缓慢,意味着彗星的光变曲线趋于平缓。
2月初彗尾快速发展,可见到2度左右,月光和地平高度影响观测,211日一次冷锋过后,剑桥的Jonathan Shanklin驾车往西寻找观测地,几个小时后在接近德罗伊特威奇遇到了晴朗的天空,暮色下彗星非常容易看到,显示出一条短尾和奶油色的核,10X50双筒镜中彗星总亮度3等,彗发直径3',凝聚度8.后来Jonathan Shanklin前往南极洲,225.10在罗瑟拉站的黄昏中观测彗星亮度2.9等,彗尾长0.7度。
297 observations received so far give a preliminary light curve, corrected for aperture and where possible for systematic observer differences of m = 7.0 + 5 log d + 9.4
    216日,彗星进入SOHO卫星C3视场,从上方偏右向右下方移动,从照片看达到了负星等,尘埃彗尾长度超过4度,并可以清晰看到细长的离子尾,地面有零星的观测报告,其中218.81 ,观测者给出-4等的亮度。2011:54UT)彗星离开C3视场,22日开始重新被地面观测到,亮度0等,242等,253等,小于1度的短尾。彗星逐渐变暗,到34日暗于4等,彗尾长约2-3度,8日降到5等以下,3月中旬6等,月底7等,53日最后观测到,亮度已经接近10


Jan. 3, 2003Michael Jager neatjan20composit_Kopie.jpg Jan. 20, 2003Michael Jager C2002V1.jpg Jan. 27, 2003Juan Lacruz 02v1_09.jpg Jan. 29, 2003R.Ligustri, L.Furlanetto C2002V1_20030201_composicion.jpg Feb. 1, 2003Juan Lacruz 0p2_Kopie.jpg Feb. 9, 2003Michael Jager 2002v1feb9.jpg Feb. 9, 2003Michael Jager

2003 February 10
Comet NEAT Approaches the Sun
Credit and Copyright:
Anton Spenko

2003 March 6
Comet NEAT in Southern Skies



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发表于 2012-12-14 22:37 来自: 河北省邢台市 联通

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发表于 2013-4-25 10:43 来自: 云南省德宏州 电信

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发表于 2013-9-9 10:46 来自: 江苏省南京市 电信

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发表于 2013-10-20 14:00 来自: 山东省潍坊市 联通

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发表于 2014-10-14 09:10 来自: 江苏省南京市六合区 电信

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发表于 2018-6-2 16:54 来自: 黑龙江省 移动(全省通用)
慧星几十年,几百年才能遇见一次,人也就几十年的过程,能遇上真的很大缘份。一辈子可能就一次,我曾经一个人,冷冷静静也观察过一颗慧星, 想着人的渺小。宇宙的奇妙。看着天边的星星拖着长长的尾巴,古人叫招帚星多有不吉利说法。哈哈。不知道。

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