软件下载 Google play 地址
https://play.google.com/store/ap ... noramaApp&hl=en
The PanoramaApp application allow you to control your Merlin head with your android device using bluetooth.
此软件允许你通过安卓手机的蓝牙 控制你的 merlin head
Of course you have to plug a bluethoot connector on the head (like you do to use the Papywizard application for example)
当时你需要在 head上面安装一个 蓝牙连接器(我个人觉得就是蓝牙转串口的那个东西)
This is the sample application given by the Skywatcher API project.
上面的地址里面有 PC 版。
最后谁能抓出 手柄和电脑之间的 通信命令 给我瞧瞧?