

[自制DIY] The Dobsonian Telescope 节选翻译及个人DIY心得(三)

弼马温1984 发表于 2017-2-28 20:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 广东肇庆


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2.1Non-Telescopic Telescope Considerations
When you build atelescope, it becomes part of your life—and in the case of a large Dobsonian, a large part of your life.Somehow you must fit it in among your other activities, into your home, andinto your automobile. This is not always easy, and what’s practical shouldstrongly influence what size telescope you build. Your family is aconsideration, too. Can you really afford to build a big telescope, or mightyou and they be happier with a small telescope that would take you away fromhome less and cost less? These are important considerations that you should notignore.
So here are somequestions that you should ask yourself. There is nothing magic about thisprocess and you certainly need not follow it step by step. If you’re already anobserver or telescope builder, you might have a lot of the answers already.Such planning encourages you to think through the reality of owning a bigtelescope.
What are your present observing habits? Even if you’ve been anamateur astronomer for years, you may not want or need a big telescope.Carefully asses what you actually do when you go observing. If your deepestpleasure comes from visiting familiar celestial friends—Andromeda, the Dumbbell, the Orion Nebula—then a big telescope might complicate your hobby without adding toits enjoyment. But if you’re restless and already pushing hard against thelimits of your present telescope as you search out fainter, deeper, less well-knownobjects, then you may need a bigger one.
Where you will observe? If you live in an urban or suburban area,you’ll want to take your telescope to dark skies at least some of the time.Sites that serve well are club observatories, the yard of a rural friend, asmall plot leased from a farmer, parking areas in state parks, and roadsides inisolated areas. Where it is, you must feel safe and comfortable at your site.
How will you transport the telescope? Next figure out how you willtransport your telescope to your observing site. Even if you can squeeze alarge telescope into a small automobile, is there space left over for otherpassengers? For a tent, stove, cook set, and sleeping bag? There’s no lack ofoptions beyond the family car, consider vans, pickups, and mini-trailers.
Where will you store the telescope? Before you even start it, decidewhere you will keep your telescope. Garages, basements, attics, porches, sheds,and backyard observatories are the most common storage areas. Storage may setan upper limit on how big it can be. Work out how you will move the telescopefrom storage to the place you observe. Can you avoid steps? Carrying heavyequipment up and down stairs is enough to kill anyone’s appetite for observing.
What happens “the morning after?” The biggest enemy of amateurastronomy is sleep. Or rather, lack of sleep. When you own a really largeinstrument, you can’t observe for an hour—you’re going to put in all-nighters. Just Knowing that each time youstay up late, you’ll have to wake up and get the kids off to school and then strugglethrough. You will need to arrange your schedule to sleep undisturbed themorning after an observing session or you won’t enjoy your large telescope.
What is the cost? Although the mirror is the largest single expense,you will soon find yourself writing checks for goodies like hardwood plywood,aluminum tubing, varnish, eyepieces, and more than a few tools. Better that youplan ahead than run out of money halfway through the project. Be sure that youtalk it over with your spouse before you’re psychologically committed to a telescopeplus four-wheel-drive truck—remember thatalmost any car can tow a small trailer, and that’s all you’ll ever need.
What is the total cost? Don’t act too surprised when your spouse decides tospend an amount equal to the cost of a telescope on his (or her) own hobbies.Wait until the kids decide to stake their claim to part of the family’s hobbybudget! The decision to build your dream telescope could add up to a figureconsiderably greater than the cost of the telescope alone.
Check out somebig Dobsonians at a star party. Have you actually observed with a largetelescope? If you have not, make sure you do. Every year there are dozens ofstar parties where you can see and look through a variety of telescopesincluding big Dobsonians: Riverside, Stellafane, The winter Star Party,Astrofest, The Texas Star Party, Table Mountain Star Fest, … the list goes onand on. Check out upcoming dates and locations in Sky and Telescope. Even ifyou’re not the type who normally likes these events, go to at least one. Spendthe day looking at telescopes. Inspect them. Move them. Ask questions. Spendall might looking through telescopes. Look, learn, evaluate, and observe.
Going to a starparty is a great reality check. Inform your dreams with hands-on experienceabout how it really is. Chilly, damp, bug-infested nights under a beautifulsky. Cold nights. Clouded-out nights. Nights when it rains and the tent leaks.Mornings when the car won’t start. Does the excitement of observing outweighthe hassles?
If you go tostar parties, you will see great telescopes. You will also see telescopes thatdon’t work quite right. You’ll see telescopes that wiggle and jiggle. You’lltry to look through telescopes that don’t quite balance. You’ll observe withtelescopes whose images aren’t quite sharp. Maybe not disasters—but scopes that fall a bit short.
You’ll alsolearn how big “The Big Ones” really are. It’s easy to draw up some sketches andtell yourself that a 10-foot tube isn’t so long and 175 pounds isn’t so heavy,We want you to imagine lugging each one into your back yard and assess thelimits of your strength and patience. We don’t want to scare you—we just want you to know what you’re getting yourself into.
But don’t letsilly fears take over either. When you pick up a 25-inch Dobsonian on a pair ofwheelbarrow handles, you’re lifting less weight than someone hefting an 8-inchcatadioptric. And if you do it right, it’s actually easier to set up a bigDobsonian than it is to haul out a couple garbage cans to the curb on trashday. Check out the pictures in this book and you’ll see how easy using a bigscope can be.
Lastly, assessthe rewards. Some people marvel when they look through a telescope and somepeople don’t. If you are among those who would rather curl up beside the firewith a good book than shiver at the eyepiece, then stick with your books. Butshould you find yourself craving more galaxies, fainter nebulae, and betterviews of the planets—the biggesttelescope you can afford may be the right telescope for you.
2.1 非伸缩望远镜的考虑
因此,这里有一些问题,你应该问自己。这个过程没有什么神奇之处, 你当然不必一按着步骤来。如果你是一个老鸟(不是老菜鸟),那这些问题你肯定已经有很多答案了。这样的规划会帮你明确拥有一个大望远镜的可行性。

kevinliw 发表于 2017-2-28 22:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东深圳


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 楼主| 弼马温1984 发表于 2017-2-28 22:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东肇庆

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文玩核桃 发表于 2017-2-28 23:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东
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hhbb 发表于 2017-3-1 10:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 湖北武汉
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lovezeiss1984 发表于 2017-3-4 16:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 上海
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yutianbb 发表于 2017-3-14 10:31 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国
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 楼主| 弼马温1984 发表于 2017-3-17 22:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东肇庆
2.2 Tough Telescope Considerations
It is tempting to flip through a book like this one, get all excited, and place an order for a 36-inch mirror. Don’t do it. Although you might succeed and build a fine telescope, the odds are against you. History say so. When the first big, affordable first came out—17.5-inch mirrors—lots of telescope builders rushed to place an order. Time went by, and then one day the UPS truck pulled up and delivered a huge, heavy box. The proud new owners couldn’t believe what they saw. The mirror was far bigger than they had ever dreamed!
Admittedly there was a lot less information available in those days. And because few of those eager-beaver builders had ever seen a 17.5-inch telescope, they didn’t have a clue how BIG it would be. Many of those mirrors languished in the back of a closet for years. A couple decades later, it is safe to say that most of them are now in telescopes, but we don’t want to oversell you on big scopes. Instead, we want you to plan carefully. We want you to enter into this project with open eyes. Make no mistake: building a telescope is a big, time-consuming project. We want you to finish it and to enjoy using it for years in the future.
Let’s talk about motivation: Why do you want a big telescope? If owning the biggest scope in three states is some kind of status thing or ego trip, have we got news for you! The average stargazer is drawn like a magnet to the largest telescope. You think you’ll get your big scope built and be the center of attention at every star party forever. But some day somebody is going to set up a bigger telescope right next to you. Hah! Suddenly your telescope is not so big anymore. Where have all the stargazers gone? Next door to look through the “big” one.
Let’s talk about using telescopes: How often do you go observing with your present one? Do you think you’ll feel justified spending the same amount of time with your new 36-inch Dobsonian under the suburban skies in your back yard? If you can truthfully answer “yes,” then a really big telescope may be for you. Otherwise, go for something smaller that you’ll take out regularly. Even a good pair of binoculars is a lot better than a 36-inch telescope sitting in storage.
Let’s talk about personal energy level. You have to be pretty hyper or pretty determined to take a big telescope out for a night of observing. If you have to load up, drive an hour, set up, observe, load up, drive an hour, and unload each time you want to observe, you’ll start to feel tired and get a headache every time you think about your telescope. But aspirin doesn’t cure telescope exhaustion.
Let’s talk about health. This is a difficult topic, but if your joints ache on damp nights outdoors, and you are tempted to spend more time in the cold, the consequences are predictable. Allergies, arthritis, angina, and age all have the potential to reduce your observing pleasure. Take the state of your health into account as you plan for your telescope.
Let’s talk about size and strength. If you are 5-foot-2 and weigh 100pounds soaking wet in your clothes, it’s fair to say your 25-inch dream telescope is bound to be a lot larger and heavier than you are. The height of the eyepiece at the zenith is equal to the focal length of the primary mirror, so if you had a 12-inch f/5 Dobsonian, you could probably observe with your feet flat on the ground. Don’t take this to mean you can’t have a 25-inch telescope, but please understand, we want you to know that you’re letting yourself in for a lot of late-night ladder climbing.

2.2        艰难的抉择
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skywalkerxx 发表于 2017-3-18 19:35 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 上海长宁区


谢谢谬赞,如果发现错误不妨直接指出。  详情 回复 发表于 2017-3-18 19:48
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 楼主| 弼马温1984 发表于 2017-3-18 19:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东肇庆
skywalkerxx 发表于 2017-3-18 19:35

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