本帖最后由 圈儿圈儿 于 2020-5-26 15:28 编辑
特里·汉考克(Terry Hancock)先生总是会给我们带来惊喜,看看他又拍到了什么。
2020年5月24日星期日晚上,C / 2017 T2彗星在夜空中经过银河系Messier M81和M82时,被Terry Hancock和Tom Masterson使用QHY367Pro捕获到了。
Technical Info:
Captured from Grand Mesa Observatory in Western Colorado on the May 24 2020 using the QHY367 Pro C Full Frame One Shot color CMOS camera on one of the Twin Takahashi E-180 Astrographs “System 4a” Total Integration time: 2.1 hours Image details
Location: GrandMesaObservatory.com Purdy Mesa, Colo.
38.963365, -108.237225
Dates of capture: May 24, 10:49pm - May 25, 1:02am Color RGGB 125 min, 25 x 300 sec
Camera: QHY367 Pro C Color CMOS
Gain 2850, Offset 76
Calibrated with flat, Dark & Bias
Optics: Takahashi E-180 Astrograph
Image Acquisition software Maxim DL6
Pre Processed in Pixinsight and Deep Sky Stacker
Post Processed in Photoshop CC