








发表于 2011-12-14 19:15 | 查看: 3268| 回复: 14来自: 陕西省西安市 电信
6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
2个很漂亮的Rodenstock 镜头 镜头通透 无霉无斑 光圈顺畅
每只700元  有2只

发表于 2011-12-17 16:41 来自: 天津市 联通

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发表于 2011-12-17 11:03 来自: 陕西省西安市 电信

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发表于 2011-12-15 19:54 来自: 河北省石家庄市灵寿县 电信

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发表于 2011-12-15 16:27 来自: 北京市 联通

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发表于 2011-12-15 10:47 来自: 广西南宁市 电信

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发表于 2011-12-15 05:21 来自: 甘肃省兰州市 电信
今天,我发现了一个在镇上的商店,有一个M39,M42的转接环和尼康F(不幸的是,他们目前没有一个M42的尼康F)T2适配器,所以,虽然我知道,M42的不完全T2的我拧 - 不使用武力的情况下 - 在PB - 4波纹管和连接,而廉价的罗敦Trinar 75mm/4.5放大机镜头。
Using the D200 I made some shots with different apertures (f4.5, f5.6, f8, f11 and f16) and then took some with the MF Nikkor 85mm/1.4 AIS (at f4, f5.6, f8, f11 and f16 accordingly) to compare with.我使用D200的不同孔径的一些镜头(F4.5,F5.6,F8,F11和F16),然后采取了一些与MF尼克尔85mm/1.4 AIS(F4,F5.6,F8,F11和F16相应的)来比较。 The Nikkor 50mm/1.4 AIS worked much worse than the 85mm in my last test, so I skipped this one today.尼克尔50mm/1.4 AIS工作在我的最后一次测试85毫米比差远了,所以我跳过这一之一。

The slide I use is in a CS frame without glass, and I use a detached Flash unit (Metz 40 MZ-3i) that I can adjust in 1/3rd stops down to 1/256 power in manual mode (without TTL, the connection to the D200 is just via the x-sync cable) as light source.我用的幻灯片是在没有玻璃的CS帧,我用一种超然的Flash单元(梅斯40 MZ - 3I),我可以调整1/3rd停止下降到1 / 256在手动模式下的功率(无TTL,连接D200的仅仅是通过X -同步电缆)作为光源。 Behind the slide I have a diffuser screen.背后的幻灯片,我有一个扩散器屏幕。

Here's my impressions after a first look over the results (JPGs 10MP/Fine without any PP):这里是我的印象后,对结果没有任何PP(JPG格式10MP/Fine)先来看看:

Distortion is close to zero with both lenses.失真是两个镜头接近零。

The Nikkor 85mm is impressively sharp in the center from f4 on (as it is already stopped down quite a bit from f1.4), but has some serious issues with CA and corner sharpness at this reproduction ratio.尼克尔85毫米赫然尖锐的F4中心(因为它已经停了下来,从F1.4颇有几分),但在这个复制比率与CA的一些严重问题和角落的清晰度。 When stopping down, sharpness gets better (also with the increasing DOF! The slide without glass frame isn't very flat actually), but is always visibly less sharp in the corners than in the center.停止下来时,清晰度好(也有越来越多自由度!不是很平坦,实际上没有玻璃镜框的幻灯片),但总是比中心在弯道中明显少尖锐。 Unfortunately also the CA in the corners gets more visible with increasing sharpness.不幸的是,在弯道中的CA增加锐度变得更加可见。
The overall quality is best at f11 I'd say.在F11我想说的整体素质是最好的。

The Rodenstock Trinar 75mm worked way better than I had expected, although it's a little harder to compare the different apertures because the aperture seems to be not as exact, so the pictures came out a little brighter or darker.罗敦Trinar75毫米工作方式比我预想的要好,虽然有点困难,因为比较不同孔径光圈似乎不准确,这样的照片出来一点点变亮或变暗。
At f4.5 its a little blurry, but that is the the largest it gets, so no need to be too strict here.在F4.5有点模糊,但是它得到最大的,所以没有必要过于严格。 And: even at f4.5 it's almost as sharp in the corners as in the center!和:即使在F4.5的尖锐中心几乎在弯道! Sharpness gets better stopping down, is best at f8 and f11 and then a little worse again at f16.锐度得到更好地停止下来,最好是在F8和F11,然后一点点差再次F16。
There is very few (almost none at all) color aberration at either aperture!有很少(几乎没有)或者光圈的色差!

So in my opinion the Trinar worked over all better in this case, although it doesn't get the very crisp sharpness of the center part of the Nikkor.所以在我看来Trinar工作过更美好的,在这种情况下,虽然它不会很脆清晰度的尼克尔镜头的中心部分。 Also the contrast seems better with the Nikkor.对比似乎也更好的尼克尔。 The picture I used is mainly white and blue, so I can't say much about the correctness of the colors, but as the Trinar is, as far as I know, mainly for B&W prints, this might be another plus for the Nikkor.我用的图片主要是白色和蓝色,所以我不能说颜色的正确性很多,但如在Trinar,据我所知,主要为B&W的打印,这可能是另一种的尼克尔加。

Last week I purchased a used MF Micro-Nikkor 55mm/f2.8 AIS on eBay, which I hope will arrive soon and hopefully doesn't have the oil-on-aperture-blades issue that these lenses seem to suffer from occasionally.我上周购买使用MF微距尼克尔eBay上55mm/f2.8 AIS的,我希望将很快抵达灾区,并希望不会有石油光圈叶片的问题,这些镜头似乎患上偶尔。 If I get it I will test it as well of course and tell you about the results.如果我得到它,我将测试它当然也告诉你结果。

So far I don't know how or where to upload sample-pictures here.到目前为止,我不知道如何或在哪里上传样品图片。 If it's possible here or if one of you has some space where I can put them, I can also show some crops of the test-images.如果可能,在这里,如果你有一定的空间,我可以把它们,我也可以显示一些测试图像作物。

So much for now,现在这么多,
best regards,最好的问候,
http://translate.google.com.hk/t ... 6message%3D23345585

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发表于 2011-12-15 05:14 来自: 江苏省南京市 电信
我觉得就是放大头 而且罗敦斯德在这个领域本来就很出名

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发表于 2011-12-15 03:12 来自: 广东省东莞市 电信
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

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发表于 2011-12-15 01:43 来自: 贵州省贵阳市 电信

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发表于 2011-12-14 21:37 来自: 陕西省西安市 电信

帮朋友卖的  他在市场淘的  现在搞雕刻机 缺米  让我帮忙出掉

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发表于 2011-12-14 21:31 来自: 宁夏银川市 电信

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发表于 2011-12-14 20:34 来自: 陕西省西安市 电信
ufo2000 发表于 2011-12-14 20:21

这个我不懂  还请坛内高手讲解

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发表于 2011-12-14 20:21 来自: 山东省青岛市 联通

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发表于 2011-12-14 19:25 来自: 安徽省六安市霍邱县 电信

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