




sagalliant 发表于 2008-12-5 18:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 北京市 北京大学教育网


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影像提供及版权Mike Salway

说明:周一日落时分,西方天空中色彩绚丽而又生动的云朵倒映在澳大利亚南威尔士州中心海岸布里斯班水面上。影像中还拍摄到了新月,金星,木星三者相合形成一张黄昏时分的笑脸图案。当两颗明亮的行星与月球聚集到一起,使得地球上的观测者感到敬畏时,天文学家Mike Salway却花费了大力气拍摄到了这张绚丽的影像,而伴随着的是沉闷海岸边大胆的蚊子和狂风骤雨。在他南半球的观测里可以发现,明亮的金星位于天体组合的最上方。如今,明亮的金星和木星继续占据着日落后的西方地平线,但是月球继续向前运动,今晚它将处于上弦月相位。

huang8833 发表于 2008-12-5 18:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江西省赣州市 电信
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江涛 发表于 2008-12-5 20:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省常州市 电信
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q5968661 发表于 2008-12-6 17:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 福建省厦门市 电信


Sally J Smith,
Wadhams, NY in the Adirondacks (纽约)
Dec. 1, 2008

I make environmental sculptures. I wanted to celebrate the upcoming triple conjunction and hopefully take a photo of the sculpture with the conjunction. It was cloudy all afternoon. The sun set.. still cloudy... then, right around 5:30 local time, the clouds parted and the glorious event was framed in the sculpture... I could not have asked for more ! I had taken a shot from 2 nights before when we had just Venus and Jupiter within the sculpture... I've included that image too.
Photo details: Nikon D40


Ramiz Qureshi,
Karachi, Pakistan(巴基斯坦)
Dec. 1, 2008

It was like a great face in the sky. People in Pakistan had never seen anything like this before.


Ehsan Sanaei Ardakani,
Mazre'ye no, Ardakan, Yazd, Iran(伊朗)
Dec. 1, 2008

It was one the most spectacular conjunctions I've ever seen.
Photo details: Nikon D70s, 200 ASA, 20s


Dave Marshall,
35,000' above east central Iraq(伊拉克)
Dec. 1, 2008

Taken with a Sony Cybershot DSC-H1, around 1/2s exposures. The Sun was setting directly in front of a KC-135 stratotanker that was refueling our aircraft over Iraq. At 35,000 feet, the milky way was already visible overhead, and the view was spectacular. Both photos were off the left wing, the closer image was while we were still refueling, while a better view of the tanker was offered as the tanker departed. I only wish the flight was a little smoother to allow a clearer image!
Note to readers: Dave Marshall was a passenger, not the pilot of the airplane. Someone was safely at the controls at all times during the conjunction.


Mike Salway[size=-1],
Central Coast, NSW Australia(澳大利亚)
Dec. 1, 2008

Here are my images from last night's "Smiley Face Conjunction" of Venus, Jupiter and the Moon. Clouds threatened to spoil the event for me as the evening approached, but luckily they cleared just enough to grab some images. After getting rained on for 5 minutes, attacked by mosquitoes, sniffed out by a wet dog who went for a swim just near me, stepping in water on the rocks (cause I left my red light torch at home!), and almost missing the entire thing due to clouds, I'm happy enough with how the shots turned out My full report and higher-res images here.


Dennis Mammana,
Borrego Springs, California, USA(美国)
Nov. 30, 2008

Perhaps the mammoth was so upset that the moon, Venus and Jupiter were ganging up on it that it skewered the moon with its massive tusk! The mammoth is one of dozens of massive sculptures at Galleta Meadows of animals that once dominated Southern California's Anza-Borrego Desert.


Stan Richard,
Urbandale, Iowa(美国)
Dec. 1, 2008

Beautiful sight in the SW evening twilight sky tonight with the new crescent moon, bright Venus and Jupiter so close together.


Jamie Russell,
St Catherines Lighthouse, Niton, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom(英国)
Dec. 1, 2008

Photo details: Nikon D300, 18-200mm lens, ISO 500


Steve Lantz,
Colorado Springs, CO, USA(美国)
Dec. 1, 2008

The moon, Venus (below), and Jupiter setting near the Kissing Camels rock formation at Garden of the Gods. I had to hike a small hill to position the planets before they set, and in my rush (walking backward while aligning my shot) I tripped on a rock and fell. Luckily I was dressed for cold and had four layers on to break my fall! Too bad the clouds came in though.
Photo Details: Canon PowerShot G2, ISO 50, 15 seconds at f/5.6, and 2.5 (for the second, cloudy picture)


Hossein Haeri-Ardakani,
Ardakan, Yazd, Iran
Dec. 1, 2008

Photo details: Nikon D70s, 2 sec exposure, Lens 18-70mm @18mm


Deirdre Kelleghan,
Greystones, Co Wicklow, Ireland(爱尔兰)
Dec. 1, 2008

Venus was shining like a million dollar jewel in the early evening sky. The young moon hung low in milky blue atmosphere, giant Jupiter watched the visually stunning occultation unfolding below. As it got darker more and more detail became visible on the crescent moon. Between finishing the Venus vanishing sketch and the reemergence of Venus I put as much lunar detail as possible in the time and under the conditions as I could. The view as Venus reappeared and once again sparkled like a diamond stuck on the moon was breathtaking. I quickly placed the planet as accurately as I could and then continued to enjoy the view along with my fellow observers, Michael, Philip, Aubrey, and Keith.
Sketch details: Meade LX 90 FL 2000mm 35mm eyepiece = 57X Dec 1st 2008 - Greystones Co Wicklow Ireland Freezing Pastels/Conte on FineArt Pastel Velour Paper 15:35 - 17:10 approx too cold to time with any great regard


Danny Ratcliffe,
Scarborogh Beach, Queensland, Australia. (澳大利亚)
Dec. 1, 2008

I awaited the arrival of the smiley face and wasn't let down by the Queensland weather, and then it showed it's happy joyous face, which made all the joggers and passers by look up to see what I was photographing, when they saw the lovely smiling face, they stopped dead in their tracks to admire the spectacle. The third photo was taken 24 hrs later, now bearing a long sad face.
Photo details: Canon 350D, ISO 400, various exposures.


Doug Zubenel,
St. Philippine Duchesne Memorial Park, Linn Co., Kansas.(美国)
Dec. 1, 2008

Tenacious stratocumulus clouds added to the scene this evening from the St. Philippine Duchesne Memorial Park. One of several crosses provided foreground for the unparalleled beauty of the triple conjunction. Two of Jupiter's moons can be seen between the diffraction spikes, and the faint zodiacal light and Milky Way join the show.
Photo details: Canon Rebel XTi with 16, 24, and 135mm lenses; exposures range from 5 seconds to 2 minutes at ISO's 100 and 800.


Craig Joseph,
St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
Dec. 1, 2008(美国)


Ulhas Deshpande,
Mumbai, India(印度)
Dec. 1, 2008

After the terrorist attack, Mumbaikars were grieving their friends who passed away. This apparition in the heavens came as a blessing and encouraged them to carry on. The photos were taken from the Worli Seaface.


Stephen O'Meara,
Pu'uloa Lava fields, Big Island, Hawaii
Dec. 1, 2008(夏威夷)

A triad of celestial orbs looms over a similar arrangement of mysterious orbs carved in the ancient Pu'uloa lava fields of Kilauea Volcano. Some petroglyphs, like these, may have may astronomical significance.


Mark Seibold,
Central Portland Oregon
Nov. 30, 2008(美国)

As I drove west from the east of Portland, the most amazing sky scene evolved. Many people think of a photographic Kodak moment produced in a camera but the aesthetics of this fast changing scene could not be done in a still photo for me as I was thinking pastel sketching from scratch. I hurried home to grab my portable Nexstar 5i telescope and art supplies, rushing to a hilltop in central Portland, the moon now sinking into the fog. I quickly captured the lunar terminator in a quick sketch from the eyepiece with poor seeing conditions. I roughed in the image and the positions of Jupiter and Venus, leaving the foreground open for a landscape to add the moon illusion perspective to show its stark size. Returning home I rendered the scene as I recalled from driving just earlier, the fog forming was like smoke rising in front of the street filled with traffic, yet the sunset was still beaming though in a fiery orange below. Above the moon and planets floated in an ethereal cool blue mist. ?Mark Seibold, Artist-Astronomer, Portland Oregon .


Steve Zimmermann[size=-1],
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Dec. 1, 2008(美国)

We had overcast skies on Sunday, but at sunset on Monday there were just a few beautifully lit wave clouds (alto cumulus standing lenticular, to be precise) to set off the conjunction. Spectacular!
[size=-1]Photo details: Canon EOS 5D, EF 24-105mm zoom lens for the first shot; EF 70-200mm f/2.8 for the second shot.


Serdar Hepgul[size=-1],
Istanbul, Turkey
Dec. 1, 2008(土耳其)
Photo details: Canon EOS 5D, Takahashi 60, 1-3 sec exposures.


Savannah O'Brien[size=-1],
Goodyear, Arizona, USA
Dec. 1, 2008(美国)
There were wispy clouds just after sunset, which is common for Winter in Arizona. At first, I wasn't too pleased about the contrails getting in the way, but when one split Jupiter and Venus, I thought it was neat. Once it got dark, it was even more dramatic in my back yard. My husband had recently installed foot lights for the Saguaro cacti, and it made all the difference for photographing last night's event.
Photo details: Nikon D200


Frank Ryan Jr[size=-1],
The Burren, Co. Clare, Ireland.
Dec. 1, 2008(爱尔兰)
What an awesome thing it was to see a conjunction like this from such an ancient site. You can easily understand the power this kind of celestial event could have over our ancestors.
Photo details: Canon 350D, Meade ETX-125 OTA


Rob Carew[size=-1],
Melbourne, Australia,
Dec. 1, 2008(澳洲)
The radio station was alive with people seeing the "Smiling Face" in the sky. It is a special sight for all to see.


Azhy Hasan[size=-1],
Erbil city, Kurdistan region of Iraq
Dec. 1, 2008(伊拉克)
PHOTO 1: TAKEN AT 11-30-2008 With Nikon D50 PHOTO 2: TAKEN AT 12-01-2008 With Nikon D50 PHOTO 3: TAKEN AT 12-01-2008 With Nikon D80 The last one at 12-04-2008: Well,I gues there was same conjunction during the Jurassic age!


Cielo Stellato Bari[size=-1],
city of Bari - south Italy
Dec. 1, 2008(意大利)
It was a great show !
Photo details: Camera EOS 350D on a 200mmm reflector


Oscar Martin Mesonero[size=-1],
Salamanca, Spain
Dec. 1, 2008(西班牙)
differents views of this fantastic conjunction from my city, Salamanca, Spain.


Rhoderic Lourens[size=-1],
Cape Town, South Africa
Dec. 1, 2008(南非)
Picture taken from outside Cape Town, South Africa, 01/12/2008 at 20:30.
Photo details: Panasonic FZ50, 2 sec exposure @ F4


Eduardo Pulver[size=-1],
Flag Monument in the city of Rosario, Argentina
Dec. 1, 2008(阿根廷)
Photo details: Canon Xti, 18-200 mm zoom lens, exposures between 1 and 3 seconds ISO100 f/d = 5.6


Dave Jurasevich[size=-1],
Mount Wilson Observatory, California
Nov. 30, 2008(美国)
Planetary conjunction and crescent Moon over a foggy Los Angeles. This image was taken from the Mount Wilson Observatory on November 30th with a heavy marine layer starting to roll in over the Los Angeles basin.



参与人数 1牧夫币 +30 收起 理由
水星人 + 30 再加15分!


To err is human, to forgive, divine.
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panyue 发表于 2008-12-6 17:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江西省赣州市 电信
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hfatw 发表于 2008-12-6 19:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省徐州市 联通
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zll1985 发表于 2009-4-1 17:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 安徽省合肥市 电信
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雪里 发表于 2009-4-2 11:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京市 电信/移动/双线BGP/首都信息
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天狼星666 发表于 2014-12-3 20:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 内蒙古赤峰市 电信
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