

哈勃021003:最名不符实的星系对:NGC 4319和类星体Mrk 205

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-10 16:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 联通/鄞州畅联信息技术有限公司


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本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-12-17 15:15 编辑


October 3, 2002 12:00 AM (EDT)
News Release Number: STScI-2002-23
太空望远镜科研所2002年第23#新闻公报,美国东部时间2002.10.03 12:00公布。
Odd Couple Widely Separated by Time and Space


A Hubble Heritage Release
October 3, 2002:Appearances can be deceiving. In this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image, an odd celestial duo, the spiral galaxy NGC 4319 [center] and a quasar called Markarian 205 [upper right], appear to be neighbors. In reality, the two objects don't even live in the same city. They are separated by time and space. NGC 4319 is 80 million light-years fromEarth. Markarian 205 (Mrk 205) is more than 14 times farther away,residing 1 billion light-years from Earth. The apparent close alignment of Mrk 205 and NGC 4319 is simply a matter of chance.
2002.10.3:外观能骗人。这这张NASA的哈勃图片中,天空中奇异的一对星系,位于中央的涡旋星系NGC 4319和右上的类星体——马卡林星系 205,看上去就像邻居。事实上,这2个天体根本不在同一个星系团中(city我意译了,显然不是城市意思——译注)。它们在时空上相距极远。NGC 4319离地球8000万光年,Mrk 205离我们远在10亿光年外,远了14倍还多。它们看上去在同一视线方向纯属偶然。                                                                                                        
Q & A: Understanding the Discovery                        
1、What does the picture reveal about NGC 4319 and Mrk 205?
问:本图透露了NGC 4319和Mrk 205的什么信息?
The Hubble image shows the inner region of NGC 4319. In addition to the galaxy's inner spiral arms, an outer arm is faintly visible at lower left. The unusually dark and misshapen dust lanes in the galaxy's inner region are evidence of a disturbance, probably caused by an earlier interaction with another galaxy, NGC 4291, which is not in the photograph.
本图是NGC 4319内部核心区域的哈勃图像。除了图中显示的内旋臂外,左下可以看见星系外旋臂的模糊图像。在图中可以看到星系内部显著的扭曲尘埃带,这可能是以前它与临近星系NGC 4291的相互作用的缘故(NGC 4291不在本图中)。
At a distance of 1 billion light-years, Mrk 205 is a relativelynearby quasar. Many quasars reside much farther away. Quasars, onceknown only as mysterious point-like objects, are now known to bedistant galaxies that have extremely bright cores. These powerhouses of light are probably fueled by massive black holes. With powerful telescopes like Hubble, it is often possible to see the quasar's surrounding halo of faint starlight, as is clearly visible around Mrk205.
从10亿光年外来看,Mak 205更像一个类星体。大部分类星体都离我们很远。类星体,以前只知道是神秘的点源天体,现在我们知道它们是具有极为明亮核心的遥远星系。如此强光的能量来源大概来源于超大质量黑洞。像哈勃这么强大的望远镜,常常能够看见类星体周围微弱的星光晕,就像我们在Mak 205中清楚看见的那样。
Mrk 205 has a companion, a compact galaxy just below it. The objects appear to be interacting. The compact galaxy may be responsible for the structure in Mrk 205's halo.
Mrk 205有一个致密的伴星系,就在它的下方。它们似乎在相互作用。这个致密伴星系可能与Mak 205的晕结构有关。

本文是很有特色的,看上去相关的星系其实毫无关系,而视场外的星系却与NGC 4319有关。而Mak 205本身却是一个遥远的星系对。——by gohomeman1
 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-10 16:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-13 21:45 编辑



Appearances can be deceiving. In this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image, an odd celestial duo, the spiral galaxy NGC 4319 [center] and a quasar called Markarian 205 [upper right], appear to be neighbors. In reality, the two objects don't even live in the same city. They are separated by time and space.
外观能骗人。这张NASA的哈勃图片中,天空中奇异的一对星系,位于中央的涡旋星系NGC 4319和右上的类星体——马卡林星系 205,看上去就像邻居。事实上,这2个天体根本不在同一个星系团中。它们在时空上相距极远。
NGC 4319 is 80 million light-years from Earth. Markarian 205 (Mrk 205) is more than 14 times farther away, residing 1 billion light-years from Earth. The apparent close alignment of Mrk 205 and NGC 4319 is simply a matter of chance. Astronomers used two methods to determine the distances to these objects. First, they measured how their light has been stretched in space due to the universe's expansion. Then they measured how much the ultraviolet light from Mrk 205 dimmed as it passed through the interstellar gas of NGC 4319.
NGC 4319离地球8000万光年,Mrk 205离我们远在10亿光年外,远了14倍还多。它们看上去在同一视线方向纯属偶然。天文学家使用2个办法来测定这些天体的距离。首先,他们测量星光的红移值,与宇宙膨胀速率对比;接着他们测量Mrk 205的紫外光在经过NGC 4319的星际气体时的衰减程度。
The Hubble image shows the inner region of NGC 4319. In addition to the galaxy's inner spiral arms, an outer arm is faintly visible at lower left. The unusually dark and misshapen dust lanes in the galaxy's inner region are evidence of a disturbance, probably caused by an earlier interaction with another galaxy, NGC 4291, which is not in the photograph.
本图是NGC 4319内部核心区域的哈勃图像。除了图中显示的内旋臂外,左下可以看见星系外旋臂的模糊图像。在图中可以看到星系内部显著的扭曲尘埃带,这可能是以前它与临近星系NGC 4291的相互作用的缘故(NGC 4291不在本图中)。
At a distance of 1 billion light-years, Mrk 205 is a relativelynearby quasar. Many quasars reside much farther away. Quasars, once known only as mysterious point-like objects, are now known to be distant galaxies that have extremely bright cores. These powerhouses of light are probably fueled by massive black holes. With powerful telescopes like Hubble, it is often possible to see the quasar's surrounding halo of faint starlight, as is clearly visible around Mrk 205.
从10亿光年外来看,Mak 205更像一个类星体。大部分类星体都离我们很远。类星体,以前只知道是神秘的点源天体,现在我们知道它们是具有极为明亮核心的遥远星系。如此强光的能量来源大概来源于超大质量黑洞。像哈勃这么强大的望远镜,常常能够看见类星体周围微弱的星光晕,就像我们在Mak 205中清楚看见的那样。
Mrk 205 has a companion, a compact galaxy just below it. The objects appear to be interacting. The compact galaxy may be responsible for the structure in Mrk 205's halo.
Mrk 205有一个致密的伴星系,就在它的下方。它们似乎在相互作用。这个致密伴星系可能与Mak 205的晕结构有关。
The Hubble image shows that interacting galaxies and disturbances within galaxies are a rich source of information about galaxy structure and evolution.
Object Names: NGC 4319, Markarian 205, Mrk 205
Image Type: Astronomical
Credits: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Acknowledgment: R. Knacke (Penn State Erie)

Mrk 205被定义为类星体,显然红移很大。而NGC 4319的红移当然小多了。当缺少作为标准烛光的Ia超新星或造父变星或亮蓝变星时,红移是最主要的距离测定依据。——by gohomeman1
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-10 16:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-10 18:07 编辑

这个星系对附近的天区情况,显示出与NGC 4319发生过相互作用的NGC 4291

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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-10 16:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-10 21:56 编辑





我真佩服天文学家的眼力,他们怎么能够从Mak 205如此昏暗的图像中看出尘埃带呢。
dust lane:尘埃带
Spiral Arm:旋臂
——by gohomeman1
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-10 16:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-10 17:01 编辑


Technical facts about this news release:
About the Object                                               
Object Name:NGC 4319 and Markarian 205 (Mrk205)
Object Description:Barred Spiral Galaxy and Quasar Galaxy with Companion
Distance:To NGC 4319: 80 million light-years (25 million parsecs). To Mrk 205: 1,100 million light-years (340 million parsecs)
Dimensions:This image is roughly 1.8 arcminutes across. At the distance of NGC 4319,this corresponds to approximately 43,000 light-years (13 kiloparsecs).
Position (J2000) for NGC 4319R.A. 12h 21m 44.07s
Dec. +75° 19' 21.3"
About the Data                                       
Exposure Date(s):March 10, 1997; February 26, 2002
Exposure Time:1.4 hours
Principal Astronomers:Hubble Heritage Team: K. Noll, H. Bond, C. Christian, L. Frattare, F.Hamilton, J. Lee, Z. Levay, E. Masiello, P. Royle (STScI), and T.Borders (Sonoma State, CA)R. Knacke (Penn State Erie)
B. Boyle (AAO), D. Schade (CADC)
Note:Thisdata was created with HST images taken by the Hubble Heritage Team andarchival data of NGC 4319 taken by B. Boyle and D. Shade (HST proposal6361)
About the Image                       
Image Credit:NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Release Date:October 3, 2002
Filters:F439W (B), F555W (V), F814W (I)
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-10 17:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-12-17 17:52 编辑

由于Discuz! 7.0版本代码对表格的支持实在不怎么样(不光本论坛,其他论坛貌似也不怎么好),其中的文字我单独再翻译一下

Object Description:Barred Spiral Galaxy and Quasar Galaxy with Companion
Constellation: Draco
Distance:To NGC 4319: 80 million light-years (25 million parsecs). To Mrk 205: 1,100 million light-years (340 million parsecs)
距离:NGC 4319,约8千万光年;Mrk 205,约11亿光年。
Dimensions: This image is roughly 1.8 arcminutes across. At the distance of NGC 4319, this corresponds to approximately 43,000 light-years (13 kiloparsecs)
图片大小规格:本图视角为1.8角分。对于NGC 4319,这相当于大约4.3万光年大小。
Note: This data was created with HST images taken by the Hubble Heritage Team and archival data of NGC 4319 taken by B. Boyle and D. Shade (HST proposal 6361)
注:本图数据根据哈勃遗产团队制作,NGC 4319数据由B. Boyle、D. Shade两位学者申请拍摄(HST申请编号 6361)。
Filters:F439W (B), F555W (V), F814W (I)


——翻译by gohomeman1


参与人数 2牧夫币 +15 收起 理由
水星人 + 3 感谢翻译!
江涛 + 12 翻译奖励


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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-10 17:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信

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黑夜星空 发表于 2009-4-11 12:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–湖南–永州 电信
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-11 12:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信


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sagalliant 发表于 2009-4-13 21:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京–海淀区 教育网/北京大学
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-13 21:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 联通/鄞州畅联信息技术有限公司
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