


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-11 12:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 浙江宁波


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April 10th, 2009
Spacecraft Searching for Remains of Mystery Planet
Written by Nancy Atkinson


Sun-Earth Lagrange points. The STEREO probes are about to pass throughL4 and L5. Solar observatories often park themselves at L1 while deepspace observatories prefer L2. Credit: NASA

How did our Moon form?  The leading hypothesis, the Giant Impact Theory, proposes that in the formative years of the Solar System, a Mars-sizedprotoplanet crashed into Earth. Debris from the collision, a mixture ofmaterial from both bodies, spun out into Earth orbit and coalesced intothe Moon.Soon,this theory will be tested, perhaps answering the question of how ourMoon was born. Two identical NASA spacecraft are preparing to enterareas in space known as the Lagrangian points where remains of thismystery protoplanet may be hiding. The spacecraft duo, called SolarTerrestrial Relations Observatory, or Stereo, will pass by the L4 andL5points where the gravity of the sun and Earth combine to form gravitational wells where asteroids and space dust tend to gather.
During their journey, the two spacecraft will use a wide-field-of-view telescopeto look for asteroids orbiting the region. Scientists will be able toidentify if a dot of light is an asteroid because it will shift itsposition against stars in the background as it moves in its orbit.
The Giant Impact Theory explains many aspects of lunar geology including the size of the Moon’score and the density and isotopic composition of moon rocks. Amodification of the Giant Impact Theory is the “Theia hypothesis,”abrainchild of Princeton theorists Edward Belbruno and Richard Gott.
大碰撞假说能够解释月质学的许多方面内容,包括月球核心的大小、密度、月岩的同位素组分等。大碰撞假说的一个修正版是“忒伊亚假说”,它由普林斯顿大学的Edward Belbruno和Richard Gott共同提出。
“About 4.5 billion years ago when the planetswere still growing,” said Michael Kaiser, Stereo project scientist atGoddard Space Flight Center, “a hypothetical world called Theia mayhave been nudged out of L4 or L5 by the increasing gravity of otherdeveloping planets like Venus,sendingit on a collision course with Earth. The resulting impact blasted theouter layers of Theia and Earth into orbit, which eventually coalescedunder their own gravity to form the moon.”
戈达德太空飞行中心双子探测器项目组科学家Michael Kaiser(迈克尔 凯撒)说:“大约45亿前,当行星们还在发育阶段,假设一个原先在L4或L5点的原行星胚(忒伊亚),受正在发育的其他原行星引力摄动而撞向地球。碰撞结果,忒伊亚和地球的外层物质被抛入环绕地球的轨道,并最终在自身引力下聚合为月球。
The 18th-century mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange realized there were five such wells in the sun-Earth system. The twin probes are approaching L4 and L5.
“These points may hold small asteroids, which could be leftovers from aMars-sized planet that formed billions of years ago,” said Kaiser.


Deployment of STEREO Spacecraft Panels. Credit: 2002-Johns HopkinsUniversity Applied Physics Laboratory. Credit: Dr C.J.Eyles, Universityof Birmingham
双子探测器计划示意图  版权:(马里兰州)约翰·霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室2002级,英国伯明翰大学C.J.Eyles教授

The theory explains puzzling properties of the moon, such as itsrelatively small iron core. At the time of the giant impact, Theia andEarth would have been large enough to be molten, enabling heavierelements, like iron, to sink to the center to form their cores. Animpact would have stripped away the outer layers of the two worlds,containing mostly lighter elements like silicon. The moon eventuallyformed from this material.
Stereo’s primary mission is to give three-dimensional views of spaceweather by observing the sun from the two points where the spacecraftare located. Images and other data are then combined for study andanalysis. Space weather produces disturbances in electromagnetic fieldson Earth that can induce extreme currents in wires, disrupting powerlines and causing wide-spread blackouts. It also can affectcommunications and navigation systems. Space weather has beenrecognized as causing problems with new technology since the inventionof the telegraph in the 19th century.
Sources:  Goddard Space Flight Center, Science@NASA


参与人数 1牧夫币 +15 收起 理由
江涛 + 15 翻译奖励


 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-11 12:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江宁波

文中提到的NASA的STEREO Spacecraft。大家都知道STEREO是立体声的意思,然而大家也知道把两艘协同工作的卫星探测器称为立体声卫星未免可笑,称为“双通道探测器”也貌似不妥,所以我这里称为“双子卫星探测器”。不知道这个是否有官方的翻译称谓。——译注
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-11 12:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江宁波

两位学者的姓比较常见,Edward 爱德华,Richard 理查德。但Gott可是上帝的意思哦
Nancy Atkinson:南希 艾金森,应该是女的吧
Michael Kaiser:迈克尔 凯撒



——by gohomeman1
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-11 12:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江宁波
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-11 12:38 编辑

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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-11 12:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 浙江宁波
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Capella星痕 发表于 2009-4-11 12:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江西赣州
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