本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-28 01:50 编辑
Mt. Everest
On May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary, from New Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay,from Nepal, became the first humans to successfully climb to the peak of Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. They were part of a British expedition lead by Colonel John Hunt sent specifically to reach what was regarded at the time as the 'third pole.' In decades prior,major British expeditions had attempted to be the first to reach the North and South Poles only to come in second place behind the Americans(Robert Peary's expedition to the North Pole) and the Norwegians (Roald Amundsen's expedition to the South Pole). The British made seven attempts to scale Mt. Everest in the previous decades, usually on the North Face from Tibet. But following the Chinese Revolution in 1949,this route to the mountain was closed and so Mt. Everest expeditions had to explore new routes to reach the peak.
1953.5.29,来自新西兰的埃德蒙.希拉里和尼泊尔的丹增·诺尔盖成为首次征服全球最高的珠穆朗玛峰的人。 他们是由约翰·亨特上校带领的英国探险队的成员,特选他们2位攻克当时公认的“世界第三极”。在更早的时代,英国主要的探险队试图首先到达北极和南极,不幸的是,他们都只得了第2名:美国人罗伯特‧皮里的探险队1909.04.06首先征服北极,挪威人罗尔德.阿蒙森的探险队1911.12.24首先到达南极。此前10年,英国派遣了7支探险队企图征服从西藏的北坡征服珠峰,全部铩羽而归。随着1949年新中国建立,英国人不敢再从北坡登顶了,他们就选择更容易爬上的南坡。
The 1953 British Expedition climbed up onto the South Col and then along the Southeast Ridge by a route, which is now the most heavily used by the thousands of climbers who have attempted to climb the mountain since. At the time, there were some doubts whether this approach was possible. At29,035 feet (8,848 m) in altitude, the air is only one-third as thick as the air at sea level. Members of the expedition, as they did inprevious attempts, carried bottled oxygen, but this made for a veryheavy load on the climbers and could only supplement their oxygen needs, not fully meet them.
Since 1953, many successful expeditions have climbed Mt. Everest, including the first American expedition in 1963. However, most climbers fail to make the peak, and many people die each year in the attempt. As of 2003 when this Landsat7 image was taken, more than 5,000 people have attempted to repeat their feat with only 1,600 successes and 175 fatalities.
Image Credit: NASA
PS:原文带有严重的政治色彩,后面1949年一段完全是污蔑我们的祖国,我不会照它原文翻译的。众所周知,达赖等叛国就是英国为首的列强挑唆的。而且英国佬根本无能从北坡登顶珠峰,而不是什么不得不找新路线。由于西藏本来已经沦为英国半殖民地,当然更加方便了。——by gohomeman1 |