2009 April 30
Framed by Clouds
Credit &Copyright: Pete Lawrence(Digital-Astronomy)
Last Sunday's fading evening twilight featured a young crescent Moonalong the western horizon.The young Moon also shared the sky with the lovelyPleiades star cluster andwandering planet Mercury.Framed by clouds in thissereneskyscape from Selsey, UK,a similar twilight scene was visible around the globe.Emerging from the cloud bank below the Pleiades, thenarrow sunlit lunar crescentis overexposed.Still, the Moon's dim night side is impressively clear, illuminated byearthshine.Bright, innermostplanet Mercury lies near thebottom of the field.Mercury will remain near the Pleiades,low in the westafter sunset over the coming days, anongoing conjunction of planet and star cluster that will offerskygazers some excellent binocular views. |