1.9 Mean Lunar Radius
A fundamental parameter used in eclipse predictions is the Moon’s radius k, expressed in units of Earth’s equatorial radius. The Moon’s actual radius varies as a function of position angle and libration because of the irregularity in the limb profile. From 1968 to 1980, the Nautical Almanac Office used two separate values for k in their predictions. The larger value (k=0.2724880), representing a mean over topographic features, was used for all penumbral (exterior) contacts and for annular eclipses. A smaller value (k=0.272281), representing a mean minimum radius, was reserved exclusively for umbral (interior) contact calculations of total eclipses (Explanatory Supplement, Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office, 1974). Unfortunately, the use of two different values of k for umbral eclipses introduces a discontinuity in the case of hybrid (an-nular-total) eclipses.
应用在日食预报的基本参量是,用单位地球赤道半径表示的月亮半径K。因为月球边缘轮廓的无规律性,其实际半径依据运行位置角度和天平动(译者注:月球环绕月心所作的周期性的、象天平那样摇摆的运动。主要由于月球轨道的偏心率,还有月球自转轴和绕地球转动的轨道面的法线有6-7度的交角而形成。虽然月球的自转周期和绕地球转动的周期相等,使得它总以同一面对着地球,但是由于天平动,人们在地上能看见的月面便达59%,其余41%看不见。资料来源:互动百科)的变化而变化。从1968-1980,Nautical Almanac Office(译者注:航海历书办公室)使用两个不同的K值做预报。大一点的K取0.2724880,代表地形测绘特征平均值,被用来计算所有半影外切和日环食。小一点的K取0.272281,代表平均最小半径,专门计算日全食时本影内切(说明补充 Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office 1974年)。不幸的是,当混频环食(全环食)发生,两个不同的K值在计算本影食会出现跃变。
In 1982, the IAU General Assembly adopted a value of k=0.2725076 for the mean lunar radius. This value is now used by the Nautical Almanac Office for all solar eclipse predictions (Fiala and Lukac 1983) and is currently accepted as the best mean radius, averaging mountain peaks and low valleys along the Moon’s rugged limb. The adoption of one single value for k eliminates the discontinuity in the case of hybrid eclipses and ends confusion arising from the use of two different values; however, the use of even the “best” mean value for the Moon’s radius introduces a problem in predicting the true character and duration of umbral eclipses, particularly total eclipses.
1982年,IAU(译者注:国际天文联合会)采用K=0.2725076作为平均月球半径。这个值就是现在被Nautical Almanac Office做日食预报(Fiala and Lukac 1983年)被普遍接受为最佳平均半径,沿着月球崎岖边缘的平均山峰和低谷的半径值。采取单一K值消除了混频环食的跃变,并结束了由两种K值产生的混乱,但是,即使是“最佳”平均值的使用,也导致预言实际性质和本影食持续时间出现问题,特别是全食。
During a total eclipse, the Sun’s disk is completely occulted by the Moon. This cannot occur so long as any photospheric rays are visible through deep valleys along the Moon’s limb (Meeus et al. 1966). The use of the IAU’s mean k, however, guarantees that some annular or hybrid eclipses will be misidentified as total. A case in point is the eclipse of 1986 October 03. Using the IAU value for k, the Astronomical Almanac identified this event as a total eclipse of 3 s duration when it was, in fact, a beaded annular eclipse. Because a smaller value of k is more representative of the deeper lunar valleys and hence, the minimum solid disk radius, it helps ensure an eclipse’s correct classification.
在全食期间,日面被月球完全遮掩。但这个过程不会像“光度辐射”透过沿着月球边缘深谷的可见时间那么长(Meeus et al. 1966),IAU的平均K值的使用,导致了一些环食或混频环食被误认为全食,相关的例子是1986年10月3日的日食,应用IAU规定的K值,天文年历认定它是一次持续3秒的全食,而事实上它是一次钻石圈环食(译者注:可能指的是钻是圈环食,不十分确定)。由于更小的K值代表着更深的月球山谷,因此,最小实心圆面半径有助于确定一次日食分类。
Of primary interest to most observers are the times when an umbral eclipse begins and ends (second and third contacts, respectively) and the duration of the umbral phase. When the IAU’s value for k is used to calculate these times, they must be corrected to accommodate low valleys (total) or high mountains (annular) along the Moon’s limb. The calculation of these corrections is not trivial, but is necessary, especially if one plans to observe near the path limits (Herald 1983). For observers near the central line of a total eclipse, the limb corrections can be more closely approximated by using a smaller value of k, which accounts for the valleys along the profile.
对大多数的观测者最大的兴趣是当本影食发生和结束(第二、第三次相切)的时候,还有就是本影相位持续时间。当IAU的K值被用来计算这些时刻,他们必须纠正并使其符合月球边缘的低谷(全食时)和高山(环食时),这种修正并不是不重要的,相反是很必要的,特别是计划观察靠近极限路径时(Herald 1983),对于靠近全食中心线的观测者来说,在使用更小K值的情况下,边缘修正会被更准确地近似,这个K值代表山谷沿着轮廓。
This publication uses the IAU’s accepted value of k=0.2725076 for all penumbral (exterior) contacts. In order to avoid eclipse type misidentification and to predict central durations, which are closer to the actual durations at total eclipses, this document departs from standard convention by adopting the smaller value of k=0.272281 for all umbral (interior) contacts. This is consistent with predictions in Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses: 1986–2035 (Espenak 1987) and Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 (Espenak and Meeus 2006). Consequently, the smaller k value produces shorter umbral durations and narrower paths for total eclipses when compared with calculations using the IAU value for k. Similarly, predictions using a smaller k value results in longer umbral durations and wider paths for annular eclipses than do predictions using the IAU’s k value.
对于所有半影食外切,这个的发表使用IAU已经接受的K=0.2725076。为了避免日食类型的误认,预言中心持续时间(这个时间更接近全食实际持续时间),这份文件背离标准公约,对所有的本影内切采取更小的值K=0.272281。这个与Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses: 1986–2035 (Espenak 1987)、Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 (Espenak and Meeus 2006)相符合。也就是说,比使用IAU提供的K值,更小的K值产生更短的本影持续时间和和更狭窄的全食路径,也就是说,比起IAU提供的K值,预报使用更小的K值导致更长的本影持续时间和更宽的环食路径。 |