本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-7-10 01:26 编辑
2009 March 21
Fermi's Gamma-Ray Sky
Credit: NASA, DOE, Fermi LAT Collaboration
Scanning the entire sky in gamma-rays, photons with over 50 million times the energy of visible light, the Fermi mission's Large Area Telescope (LAT) explores the high-energy universe. This all-sky map constructed from 3 months of LAT observations (August 4 to October 30, 2008) represents a deeper, better-resolved view of the gamma-ray sky than any previous space mission. What shines in Fermi's gamma-ray sky? A new paper describes the 205 brightest gamma-ray sources, but this map highlights a Fermi "top ten" list of five sources within, and five sources that lie beyond our Milky Way Galaxy. Within our galaxy: the Sun traces a faint arc across the map between the observation dates, LSI +61 303 is an X-ray binary star about 6,500 light-years away, PSR J1836+5925 is a type of pulsar (spinning neutron star) that is only seen to pulse at gamma-ray energies, and 47 Tuc is a globular star cluster some 15,000 light-years away. A fifth galactic source (unidentified), just above the center of the galactic plane, is intriguing because it is a variable source and has no clear counterpart at other wavelengths. Beyond our galaxy: NGC 1275 is a large galaxy at the heart of the Perseus galaxy cluster some 233 million light-years away, while 3C 454.3, PKS 1502+106, and PKS 0727-115 are active galaxies billions of light-years distant. Another unidentified source, seen below the galactic plane, is likely beyond the boundaries of the Milky Way. Its nature remains a mystery.
本文翻译来自成大 http://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/~astrolab/mirrors/apod/ap090321.html ,北馆当日无翻译。
圖像提供: NASA, DOE, Fermi LAT Collaboration
說明: 在比可見光能量要高上五千萬倍的伽瑪射線波段巡天,費米太空望遠鏡的大面積相機 (LAT)正探索著高能波段宇宙。上面這張全天圖,是用大面積相機在2008年8月4日到10月30日所取得的數據建構出來的。和以往類似的太空觀測任務比較,這是一幅更深、解析度更高的伽瑪射線全天圖。費米望遠鏡的伽瑪射線天空有那些明亮光源?最近一篇論文描述了其中最亮的205個伽瑪射線源,而上面影像呈現了其中最亮的十顆:五顆位在我們銀河系內,另五顆在銀河系外。在我們銀河系內有:在觀測期間拖曳出一道弧線的太陽、離我們約6,500光年的X射線雙星LSI +61 303,在伽瑪射線才能見到閃爍的波霎PSR J1836+5925、離我們約15,000光年遠的球狀星團杜鵑座47 (47 Tuc)、及一顆位在銀河盤面中心點上方的未知伽瑪射線源。這個未知光源很有趣,因為它是個變光源,而且在其他波段都找不到和它對應的天體。在我們銀河系外的亮源有:離我們約二億三百萬光年遠英仙座星系團中心的大型星系NGC 1275、和3C 454.3、PKS 1502+107、PKS 0727-115等三個離我們有數十億光年遠的活躍星系,第五個則是一個位在銀河盤面下方的未知光源,它的本質為何仍是個待解之謎團。