本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-7-27 20:48 编辑
哈哈,今天的APOD居然就是我才发的NGC 1097,图也是Spitzer网站上的。
2009 July 27
NGC 1097: Spiral Galaxy with a Central Eye
Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SINGS Team (SSC)
What's happening at the center of spiral galaxy NGC 1097? No one is sure, but it likely involves a supermassive black hole. Matter falling in from a bar of stars and gas across the center is likely being heated by an extremely energetic region surrounding the central black hole. From afar, the entire central region appears in the above false-color infrared image as a mysterious eye. Near the left edge and seen in blue, a smaller companion galaxy is wrapped in the spectacular spiral arms of the large spiral, lit in pink by glowing dust. Currently about 40 thousand light-years from the larger galaxy's center, the gravity of the companion galaxy appears to be reshaping the larger galaxy as it is slowly being destroyed itself. NGC 1097 is located about 50 million light years away toward the constellation of the furnace (Fornax).
说明:旋涡星系NGC1097的中心正在发生什么?没人知道,但是这可能与质量超大的黑洞有关。星系中央附近的恒星和气体发生物质坍塌,之后被围绕在中央黑洞周围的极高能区域加热。从远处看,上面这张红外假色影像里的中央区域看上去就像一只神秘的眼睛。在影像左边缘,可以看到一个较小的蓝色伴星系,包围在大旋涡星系壮观的旋臂上,闪耀在炽热尘埃发出的粉色辉光中。现今伴星系距离大星系中心约4万光年远,其引力作用将再一次改变大星系结构,并且小星系本身也将被慢慢摧毁。NGC1907位于天炉座内,距离我们大约5,000万光年远。 |