18h16m16s ISS
18h11m23s 1.4mag az:305.5° NW horizon
Culmination 18h16m15s -4.0mag az:219.4° SW h:71.0°
distance: 362.6km height above Earth: 343.9km elevation of sun: -4°
Disappears 18h21m05s -1.0mag az:133.1° SE horizon
其中的elevation of sun: -4°
19h17m59s Iridium 15 Flare from MMA1 (Right antenna) Magnitude=-1.8mag
Azimuth=136.5° SE altitude= 52.3° in constellation Equuleus
Flare angle=1.25°
Flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=116.659° E Latitude=+39.937° (WGS84) Distance=23.1 km Azimuth= 87.6° E
Satellite above: longitude=120.4° E latitude=+36.5° height above Earth=782.4 km distance to satellite=956.3 km
Altitude of sun=-15.3°
Flare angle=1.25°
Flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=116.659° E Latitude=+39.937° (WGS84) Distance=23.1 km Azimuth= 87.6° E
Satellite above: longitude=120.4° E latitude=+36.5° height above Earth=782.4 km distance to satellite=956.3 km
Altitude of sun=-15.3°
Flare angle=1.25°是反光板的角度
Flare center line, closest point →MapIt: Longitude=116.659° E Latitude=+39.937° (WGS84) Distance=23.1 km Azimuth= 87.6° E
是反光中心线上的一些参数包括位置 到你所在的地点的距离 当地的高度角和方位角
Satellite above: longitude=120.4° E latitude=+36.5° height above Earth=782.4 km distance to satellite=956.3 km
Altitude of sun=-15.3°是你看到卫星是卫星的参数 跟前面的差不多 包括经纬 高度 到你的距离