本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-11 16:22 编辑
The lunar capture hypothesis has beenpromoted for various reasons by Urey (1952), Alfven (1954), Cloud (1968, 1972),Singer (1968, 1970), Gerstenkorn (1969), Alfven and Arrhenius (1972, 1976) and others. However, Kaula and Harris (1973) have shown that capture of a lunar-sized body with the physical properties of the present nearly rigid Moon is implausible. In this paper we show that capture of a warm (deformable) lunar-sized body is possible using plausible assumptions for the values of the interaction parameters.
月球俘获假说被多人以各种理由提出过,他们是Urey (1952), Alfven (1954), Cloud (1968,1972), Singer (1968, 1970), Gerstenkorn (1969), Alfven 和 Arrhenius (1972, 1976)等等。但是,1973年,Kaula 和 Harris联合证明像现在月球这么大、并几乎是刚体的星子要被俘获,实在是很不可能的事。在本论文中,我们将证明,通过一些尚未被证实的相互作用参数,俘获一个熔融的可变形月球大天体是可能的。
Information from the Apollo missions has led some investigators to favor a warm ancient Moon (Smith et al., 1970; Wood,1972). This idea has been most recently amplified by Wood (1975) and Walker et al.(1975) who suggest that the petrology of the ancient anorthositic lunar crust can be explained as having resulted from crystal fractionation and gravitational separation in a well-stirred global subcrustal magma chamber referred to by Wood (1975) as a magma ocean. The high temperature origin of lunar mare rocks also attests to a warm Moon at least a billion years after its formation.
Several investigators have attempted torelate mare formation to tidal interactions with Earth (Kopal, 1966; Cloud,1968, 1972; Alfven and Arrhenius, 1969, 1976; Stuart Alexander and Howard,1970; Hartung, 1976; Friedlander and Smith, 1977). Lipskiy et al. (1966) andStuart-Alexander and Howard (1970) describe the maria as lying in a crude globalbelt mainly on the lunar front side. More recently, Malcuit et al. (1975)reported that several of the large circular maria (Orientale, Imbrium, Serenitatis,Crisium, and Smythii) are very nearly distributed along a lunar great circle.Two other trends associated with these particular maria are that the mean diameter of each decreases from Imbrium to the east and that the mean elevation of the mare surfaces decreases in the same direction (Wollenhaupt and Sjorgen,1972). Malcuit et al. (1975) suggest that this approximate great-circle pattern of large circular maria and associated trends may be the signature of a very close encounter with Earth.
部分研究者试图把地球起潮力与月海形成联系起来,他们是Kopal, 1966; Cloud, 1968, 1972; Alfven和Arrhenius, 1969, 1976; Stuart Alexander和Howard, 1970; Hartung, 1976; Friedlander和Smith, 1977等。1966年Lipskiy团队、1970年Stuart-Alexander和Howard 等指出月海主要位于一个天然的条带区并主要面向地球。不久前的1975年,Malcuit团队报告说东方海、雨海、澄海、危海、史密斯海等多个大型月海的分布位置非常接近于一个月面上的大圆,这几个特定的月海还有2个趋势:它们的主直径从雨海往东逐渐减少,而月海高度也同向减少(Wollenhaupt和 Sjorgen, 1972)。Malcuit团队推测,这些大型月海的接近大圆线的排列和高度递减,是月球曾非常接近地球的明证。 |