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The Moon 17 (1977)353-358. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1977by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland
©Kluwer AcademicPublishers . Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System


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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 21:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-4 00:50 编辑

TheLunar Capture Hypothesis Revisited
Department ofPhysics and Astronomy, Denison University, Granville, Ohio, U.S.A
俄亥俄州格兰维尔市, 丹尼森大学天体物理系
Department ofGeology, Denison University, Granville, Ohio, U.S.A
俄亥俄州格兰维尔市, 丹尼森大学地质系
(Received 5September, 1977)
  Recent work on planetary formationprocesses have suggested that ancient planetary bodies could have been warmerand, therefore, more easily deformable soon after formation than at present. Byuse of the estimates for the elastic parameters believed to be appropriate fora warm ancient Moon and Earth, it is shown that the energy of deformation ofthe planetary bodies during a close gravitational encounter was sufficient toeffect capture.
据近来对行星形成过程的研究推测, 早期(古老)的星子相当的热,因此形成后相对于当前的行星(/卫星)就很容易变形。对早期地球和月球弹性参数的合理估算显示,在近距离引力过程中引力势能转化为(星子的)变形能足以实现俘获过程。
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 21:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-11 16:22 编辑

The lunar capture hypothesis has beenpromoted for various reasons by Urey (1952), Alfven (1954), Cloud (1968, 1972),Singer (1968, 1970), Gerstenkorn (1969), Alfven and Arrhenius (1972, 1976) and others. However, Kaula and Harris (1973) have shown that capture of a lunar-sized body with the physical properties of the present nearly rigid Moon is implausible. In this paper we show that capture of a warm (deformable) lunar-sized body is possible using plausible assumptions for the values of the interaction parameters.
月球俘获假说被多人以各种理由提出过,他们是Urey (1952), Alfven (1954), Cloud (1968,1972), Singer (1968, 1970), Gerstenkorn (1969), Alfven 和 Arrhenius (1972, 1976)等等。但是,1973年,Kaula 和 Harris联合证明像现在月球这么大、并几乎是刚体的星子要被俘获,实在是很不可能的事。在本论文中,我们将证明,通过一些尚未被证实的相互作用参数,俘获一个熔融的可变形月球大天体是可能的。
Information from the Apollo missions has led some investigators to favor a warm ancient Moon (Smith et al., 1970; Wood,1972). This idea has been most recently amplified by Wood (1975) and Walker et al.(1975) who suggest that the petrology of the ancient anorthositic lunar crust can be explained as having resulted from crystal fractionation and gravitational separation in a well-stirred global subcrustal magma chamber referred to by Wood (1975) as a magma ocean. The high temperature origin of lunar mare rocks also attests to a warm Moon at least a billion years after its formation.
Several investigators have attempted torelate mare formation to tidal interactions with Earth (Kopal, 1966; Cloud,1968, 1972; Alfven and Arrhenius, 1969, 1976; Stuart Alexander and Howard,1970; Hartung, 1976; Friedlander and Smith, 1977). Lipskiy et al. (1966) andStuart-Alexander and Howard (1970) describe the maria as lying in a crude globalbelt mainly on the lunar front side. More recently, Malcuit et al. (1975)reported that several of the large circular maria (Orientale, Imbrium, Serenitatis,Crisium, and Smythii) are very nearly distributed along a lunar great circle.Two other trends associated with these particular maria are that the mean diameter of each decreases from Imbrium to the east and that the mean elevation of the mare surfaces decreases in the same direction (Wollenhaupt and Sjorgen,1972). Malcuit et al. (1975) suggest that this approximate great-circle pattern of large circular maria and associated trends may be the signature of a very close encounter with Earth.
部分研究者试图把地球起潮力与月海形成联系起来,他们是Kopal, 1966; Cloud, 1968, 1972; Alfven和Arrhenius, 1969, 1976; Stuart Alexander和Howard, 1970; Hartung, 1976; Friedlander和Smith, 1977等。1966年Lipskiy团队、1970年Stuart-Alexander和Howard 等指出月海主要位于一个天然的条带区并主要面向地球。不久前的1975年,Malcuit团队报告说东方海、雨海、澄海、危海、史密斯海等多个大型月海的分布位置非常接近于一个月面上的大圆,这几个特定的月海还有2个趋势:它们的主直径从雨海往东逐渐减少,而月海高度也同向减少(Wollenhaupt和 Sjorgen, 1972)。Malcuit团队推测,这些大型月海的接近大圆线的排列和高度递减,是月球曾非常接近地球的明证。
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 22:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-4 17:42 编辑

For stable capture, enough orbital energy must be dissipated within the interacting bodies during one, or a few encounters, to change the lunar heliocentric orbit into a geocentric orbit within the sphere of influence (Roy, 1965; Opik, 1976) of Earth. We assume with Opik that 270 Re (Earth radii) is a reasonable logarithmic mean value for the radius of the Earth's sphere of influence. However, there is a transition zone (< 540 Re) in which capture can occur (Opik, 1976).
要形成稳定的俘获平衡,必须耗散掉足够的轨道运行能量。1965年Roy团队、1976年 Opik团队提出,这可以在地球引力范围内,通过一次或数次相互作用来实现,最终绕太阳旋转的月球进入绕地球转的轨道。我们假设Opik报告中270个地球半径(Re)是地球引力场的合理范围,当然,根据Opik报告,在540个Re的过渡区域内,俘获都可能发生。

Table I shows the minimum amount of orbital energy that must be dissipated for capture for various encounter speeds (V∞) and for two values for apogee (both within the Earth's sphere of influence). The table shows that capture from a nearly Earth-coincident orbit entails dissipation of about l0^35 ergs, the exact value depending on the encounter speed and the eccentricity of the capture orbit. The purpose of this paper is to show that, given certain narrowly defined orbital and elastic parameters, gravitational capture of a lunar-sized body is possible. Although the conditions on the orbital and elastic parameters are stringent, they are physically realistic conditions for planetary bodies in the early history of the solar system.
TABLE I:Energy to dissipate for lunar capture within sphere of influence of Earth
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 22:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-4 00:42 编辑

Munk and MacDonald (1960) show that the rate at which work is done in elastically deforming a body can be represented as the sum of two integrals


The first integral represents the effects of compression, the second the effects of the disturbing stressesεij. Ignoring the effects of compression,  Kaula and Harris show that the second integral can be written (for a satellite approaching the Earth to perigee distance rp) as


where h and k are the Love numbers appropriate for the satellite, Me is the mass of the Earth, Rm is the radius of the satellite and P20 is the l = 2, m = 0 associated Legendre polynomial. According to Munk and MacDonald, the first integral in Equation (1) could result in an amount of stored energy equal to the second integral. However, in this paper we ignore the first integral. With this formulation it can be shown that the energy which can be stored in the body by elastic deformation is given by
其中的h, k是与该卫星相关的Love参数(不知道怎么翻译好?),Me是地球质量,Rm是卫星半径,P20是勒让德(Legendre)多项式在L=2,m=0时的解(相关内容参考这个链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_polynomials,它是球对称条件下的常见的微分方程的解——gohomeman1注)。按照Munk和 MacDonald报告内容,方程式(1)中的第1项积分将导致能量的存储过程,并与第2项积分数值相等。不过,本报告将忽略第1项积分。弹性形变能够存储的能量由下面这个公式给出:

Thus, they energy that can be stored in a deformed body can be described in terms of its Love numbers: h, the displacement Love number, and k, the potential Love number, and perigee.
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 22:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-12 14:55 编辑

Kaula and Harris (1973) used Love numbers that are appropriate for the present cold, rigid Moon - h = 0.033 and k = 0.020. Their argument is relatively simple and shows that only about 10^34 ergs could be stored in the deformed body and only a fraction of that energy would be dissipated. According to their analysis, the stored energy is much too small for capture in one pass, and Kaula and Harris conclude that capture by a gravitational encounter is implausible. Their beautifully simple argument is compelling.
But, when one looks at the alternatives to gravitational capture, one finds them no less implausible, e.g., one finds ad hoc. suggestions such as multibody breakup and subsequent reformation (e.g., Mitler,1975; Smith, 1976).
  Hence, we have re-examined the Kaula and Harris model in an attempt to make the model more nearly realistic by using elastic properties appropriate for a warm, deformable ancient Moon. Since the Love numbers contain all information about the elastic properties of the deformed body, it is these numbers which need to be recalculated. We use the results of a model of planetary tidal deformation which was developed by Love (1911). The model treats the deformation of a compressible self-gravitating body which is characterized by a rigidity μ and the first Lamé constant λ. For the present work, we assume the tidal deformation to be due to a potential of the second harmonic and, therefore, the radial deformation can be described by the associated Legendre polynomial P20.
Equations for calculation of the Love numbers are


The functions α,β,ψ,χ,etc. depend on the boundary conditions and elastic properties of the deformed body and are defined in Love's work.
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 22:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-4 00:37 编辑


Fig. 1.   Scale diagrams for a homogeneous lunar model showing the relationship between the displacement and potential Love numbers, h and k, and body deformation at various perigee distances, rp.
In all cases (a.
d.), rp = 1.4 Re
(Earth radii), 2.0 Re, and 10 Re. (a) h = 0.15,k = 0.08, maximum radial displacement (mrd) at 1.4Re = 9.8%; (b) h = 0.30, k = 0.16, mrd = 20%; (c) h = 0.45, k=0.24,
mrd = 30%; (d) h = 0.60, k = 0.32, mrd = 39%.

插图1:均质月球模型下,(形变位移)量h和势能量k、近地点距离Rp与星子变形量之间的关系图解。在所有4 图中,近地点分别为Rp=1.4 ReRe=地球半径,1.4Re为洛希极限)、2.0Re10Re。(显然近地点越近变形越大),在1.4Re条件下:
ah = 0.15,k = 0.08, 最大形变量(mrd=9.8%
bh = 0.30, k = 0.16, mrd = 20%;
ch = 0.45, k = 0.24, mrd = 30%;
h = 0.60, k = 0.32, mrd = 39%。
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 22:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-11-4 17:46 编辑

Figure 2 shows the energy of deformation, ΔEstored, for various lunar body models. We have also considered the energy that can be deposited in a model ancient Earth. This Earth model is somewhat more deformable than the present Earth with Love number values approximately 50% larger than those for the present Earth. The total energy stored in the two interacting bodies is given by the curve labeled ΔEtotal.
Note that for the lunar rigidities μ≈5 X 10[sup]10[/sup] dynes/cm[sup]2[/sup] and λ/μ =1.25, approximately 4 x 10[sup]35[/sup] ergs are stored in the bodies.These values for the elastic parameters correspond to the lunar modelshown in Figure 1c and are consistent with Harrison's (1963)inhomogeneous lunar model 7, case 3 (see caption of Figure 2). Thedotted, dashed and dot-dashed lines indicate the energy required forcapture of a lunar-sized body under various conditions. Thus, if aboutone-fourth of the energy of deformation is dissipated, thengravitational capture of a lunar-sized body with reasonable elasticproperties and a low V∞ is possible in even a single close encounter.
下图中,月球的刚性系数μ 约为5 X 10的10次方(5 X 10[sup]10[/sup] )达因/平方厘米,而λ/μ = 1.25,能存储大约4X10的35次方尔格(4 x 10[sup]35[/sup])的能量。这样的月球模型对应于插图1c的情形,并与1963年Harrison报告中非均质月球的第7个模型、第3种类型相符。图中的点线、虚线和点划线指出在各种情形下,俘获月球大的星子需要存储(耗散)的能量值。由此我们可见,如果能够耗散大约1/4的形变能量,通过一次近距离的引力交互过程,地球俘获月球大星子是可能的,当然合理的弹性参数和较低的无穷远初始速度(V∞)是必要条件。


Fig. 2.   Plot of stored energy (ΔEstored) vs rigidity (μ) for various lunar models (lower curve labeled ΔEmoon) and for combined Earth and Moon (upper curve labeled ΔEtotal).  In both cases rp=1.36Re. For the lunar modelλ/μ= 1.25; for the earth model, h = 0.9, k = 0.5. Dotted line represents energy to be dissipated for capture of a lunar-sized body with V∞ = 0.5 km/sec into a geocentric orbit with apogee of 270Re. Dashed line represents energy to be dissipated for capture of a lunar-sized body with V∞ = 0.1 km/sec into a geocentric orbit with apogee of 270Re. Dot-dashed line represents energy to be dissipated for capture of a lunar-sized body with V∞ = 0.1 km/sec into a geocentric orbit with apogee of 400Re.  o = Kaula and Harris (1973) estimate of the energy that could be stored in the present Moon during a close encounter. □ = energy that could be stored in Harrison's (1963) inhomogeneous lunar model 7, case 3 (h = 0.33; k = 0.19).
插图2:不同模型下,可存储能量(纵坐标)与星子刚度(横坐标μ)的关系图。斜下的直线为月球模型,其上方的曲线为地球和月球的综合模型。所有的情形下,近地点Rp=1.36地球半径(Re),月球模型的λ/μ= 1.25,地球模型的h=0.9,k=0.5。V∞为无穷远处月球星子相对于地球的初速度。
点线: V∞ = 0.5 km/s,远地点270Re,俘获月球需要耗散的能量值;
虚线: V∞ = 0.1 km/s,远地点270Re,俘获月球需要耗散的能量值;
点划线:V∞ = 0.5 km/s,远地点400Re,俘获月球需要耗散的能量值;
o 点: 1973年,Kaula和Harris估算的现在的月球如果发生一次与地球近距离的引力交会过程能够存储的能量(转化为热能);
□ 点: 1963年,Harrison报告中非均质月球的第7个模型、第3种类型下(h=0.33,k=0.19)存储的能量
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 23:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 23:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
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清夜星蓝 发表于 2009-11-3 23:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京延庆县 联通
gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 23:22

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positron 发表于 2009-11-4 12:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 鹏博士BGP
3# gohomeman1

interaction parameters:相互作用参数
lunar-sized body :月球大小天体

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其祥 发表于 2009-11-4 16:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–山东–威海 联通
本帖最后由 其祥 于 2009-11-4 16:11 编辑

magma chamber 岩浆房(同magma reservoir)
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在哭 发表于 2009-11-11 09:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通/IBM中国公司
本帖最后由 在哭 于 2009-11-11 09:40 编辑
、雨海、澄海、危海、史密斯海等多个大型月海的分布位置非常接近于一个月面上的大圆(球面上的最短线——gohomeman1注),gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 21:43


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在哭 发表于 2009-11-11 09:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通/IBM中国公司
For stable capture, enough orbital energy must be dissipated within the interacting bodies during one, or a few encounters, to change the lunar heliocentric orbit into a geocentric orbit within the sphere of influence (Roy, 1965; Opik, 1976) of Earth. 要形成稳定的俘获平衡,必须耗散掉足够的轨道运行能量。gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 22:00

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在哭 发表于 2009-11-11 12:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通/IBM中国公司
本帖最后由 在哭 于 2009-11-11 13:02 编辑
Kaula and Harris (1973) used Love numbers that are appropriate for the present cold, rigid Moon - h = 0.033 and k = 0.020. Their argument is relatively simple and shows that only about 10^34 ergs could be stored in the deformed body and only a fraction of that energy would be dissipated. According to their analysis, the stored energy is much too small for capture in one pass, and Kaula and Harris conclude that capture by a gravitational encounter is implausible. Their beautifully simple argument is compelling.
gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-3 22:24

我觉得这样或许更好,仅供参考:1973年,K和H(在他们的论文里)采用对当前寒冷刚硬月球适用的Love参数(h = 0.033 and k = 0.020)。他们的理由相当简单,而且他们的计算表明,仅有约10^34 erg的能量会被储存在形变的星体,而且其中仅有很少的一部分会耗散掉。根据他们的分析,(星子形变)转移储藏的能量(包括耗散的部分)远不足以(使得地球)通过一次(地月)接近而实现(月球的)俘获,由此他们得出结论,(地球)通过引力作用在与月球交互时俘获之是不合理的假说。他们美妙而简单的论述在当时相当引人注目。

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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-11 16:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
gravitational encounter 翻译为“引力交会”是标准翻译。另外我那段确实没说清,我理解他们的原意是:通过形变存储的引力势能实在太少,一次交会根本不足以导致俘获成功;而多次交会的不确定性太多了。

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在哭 发表于 2009-11-12 13:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通/IBM中国公司
本帖最后由 在哭 于 2009-11-12 13:41 编辑


貌似论文没有提到multiple passes的问题,所以我建议按照原来的句式直接翻译可能更好,我当初想给你些改动的建议就是因为我第一次看你的译文没看明白,重新看英文才知道意思,呵呵(或许是我接触的少)

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 楼主| gohomeman1 发表于 2009-11-12 15:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
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在哭 发表于 2009-11-13 09:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通/IBM中国公司
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