QHY9是一款高灵敏度,高分辨率的黑白制冷CCD相机。采用了KODAK的KAF8300 CCD芯片,制冷温差可达50摄氏度。恒温温控装置保证了减黑帧的时候的准确性。
QHY9具有1×1,2×2,3×3,4×4 四种像素合并模式,在1×1模式下,像素尺寸为5.4um*5.4um 具有860万有效像素。当接较大的望远镜的时候,适合于高分辨率的细节拍摄,当接小望远镜时,也可以获得细节丰富的大跨度深空照片。在2×2模式下,具有更高的灵敏度,像素尺寸为10.8×10.8um, 此时仍然保持215万像素,适合于暗弱目标的拍摄。4×4模式时,可以获得较高的浏览速度和极高的灵敏度,适合于快速预览,寻找需要的目标,以及初步,快速的对焦,配合EZCAP软件,寻找目标,构图以及精确对焦将变得非常轻松。
Main Features
Total pixel : 3448*2574 (8.9mega pixel)
Active pixels: 3358*2536 (8.6mega pixel)
Pixel Size: 5.4um*5.4um
FullWell: 25.5Ke-
Imager Size : 19.7*15.04mm 4/3inch
Readout noise: 8e- to 10e-(Typic @1Mpixel/s)
Preview Speed: 3Mpixel/s (3sec download time)
Download Speed: 1Mpixel/s (9sec download time)
Peak QE: 56% @540nm 48%@Ha
Microlensing on chip
ABG: 1000X
16bit ADC with CDS and Preamp
USB2.0 High Speed interface
Build in 32MBytes SDRAM buffer
Support Binning: No Bin, 2*2,3*3,4*4
Communication port to QHY color wheel
Improved 2-Stage TEC cooling -50 from ambinet
Improved Heat Sink For KODAK CCD
Build in Temp sensor and 16bit high presion ADC
DC201 DC adapter & TEC Controller, Regulated
Build in Mechanical shutter for Full Frame CCD
Fully Airproof with Two 4.0mm Air Socket
Weight: 510g
Demo ImagesDeep Cooling DC201 DC adapter & TEC controller
Single voltage Input: +12V
Output +-15V +5V to CCD
PWM TEC controller: 0V-12V to TEC
Single Cable connection with QHY9