


MBR 发表于 2010-2-1 21:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–福建–福州 电信


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Newborn Black Holes Boost Explosive Power of Supernovae
An international team of scientists, including two astronomers from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., have observed a supernova with peculiar radio emission. In the Jan. 28 issue of Nature, the team -- led by Zsolt Paragi of the Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry in Europe, or JIVE -- reveals new details of these highly energetic explosions.

Supernova SN 2007gr was discovered less than five days after its explosion at a distance of just 35 million light years away -- one of the closest Type Ic supernovae ever seen in radio waves from Earth. Supernovae mark the violent deaths of massive stars via core collapse, followed by a gigantic explosion which expels their outer layers in an expanding fireball. As the explosion ejecta expand, they cool and slow down, and their emission progressively move to longer wavelengths, from X-rays to radio waves. SN 2007gr was close enough and found early enough to be a great candidate for extensive follow-up observations.

"The explosion dynamics in typical supernovae limit the speed of the expanding matter to about three percent of the speed of light," said Chryssa Kouveliotou, an astrophysicist at the Marshall Center who co-authored the new study. "Yet in this new object we're tracking gas moving some 20 times faster than this."

Type Ic supernovae also have been associated with another very energetic phenomenon in high energy astrophysics: Gamma Ray Bursts. Though most of the energy in these bursts is released by gamma-ray jets traveling almost at the speed of light no such fast expansion evidence has yet been observed from other Type Ic supernovae.

Kouveliotou quickly put together an international team of radio astronomers. Led by Paragi and JIVE, the team included 14 members from 12 institutions spread over seven countries -- including the United States, the Netherlands, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

The team proposed to use the highest-resolution imaging technique -- Very Long Baseline Interferometry, or VLBI -- to collect the extremely faint emission from SN 2007gr and reveal details of the explosion process. With the VLBI technique, multiple radio telescopes thousands of kilometers from one another carry out measurements simultaneously. The astronomers exploited the electronic VLBI capabilities of the European VLBI Network, by which the data are streamed in real time from the telescopes to the joint institute's central data processor in the Netherlands.

A rapid analysis of the SN 2007gr data, obtained 22 days after initial discovery, showed that the source was still visible in the radio. Based on this result, the team carried out further observations with the European VLBI Network and the Green Bank Telescope in Pocahontas County, W.V. For the first time ever, scientists measured mildly relativistic expansion in such a source.

One other instrument, the Westerbork Synthesis Array Telescope played an important role in obtaining this result due to its large collecting area, which significantly improved the sensitivity of the VLBI observations. Westerbork telescope observations, combined with radio data from the Very Large Array in Socorro, N.M., provided an independent measurement of the total flux density, or brightness, of the source.

In the second VLBI observation, the source was less bright when measured in very high resolution with the global VLBI network of radio telescopes than it was with the Westerbork telescope. The team of radio astronomers concluded that the latter had captured all the radio waves coming from the supernova, while the VLBI zoomed in so much that it only observed part of the source.

"It was the synergy between these radio observatories that led to our discovery," said Alexander van der Horst, a NASA postdoctoral program fellow in Huntsville and a co-author on the Nature article. "Zooming in and out on the supernova quickly led us to the conclusion that the ejecta had to be expanding very fast."

Although it showed peculiar radio properties, SN 2007gr was otherwise a normal type Ic supernova. It appears that only a small fraction of the matter ejected in the explosion reached a velocity of at least half the speed of light -- what scientists call mildly relativistic speed. According to the emerging picture, this mildly relativistic matter was beamed into a bipolar narrow cone, or jet. The team concluded that it is possible that most or all type Ic supernovae produce bipolar jets, but the energy content of these outflows varies dramatically, whereas the total energy of the explosions is much more standard.

For the first time, astronomers have uncovered two supernovae explosions with properties similar to a gamma-ray burst but without the gamma rays, leading them to suspect that newborn black holes are providing the extra boost.
    High-speed jets, traveling at nearly the speed of light, are usually only associated with gamma-ray bursts, resulting from the dramatic finale of a massive star's life. Once the star has run out fuel it collapses into a neutron star or black hole, blasting the rest of its material out into space in a supernova explosion. Around one in one hundred core-collapse supernovae produce gamma-ray bursts, but the most common type of supernovae blasts the star’s material outward in a roughly-spherical pattern at speeds of just three percent of the speed of light.
   “In every respect, these objects look like gamma-ray bursts, except that they produced no gamma rays,” says Alicia Soderberg at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Soderberg's team studied supernova explosion SN 2009bb, which was discovered in March last year in the spiral galaxy NGC 3278, located about 130 million light-years away. The group found that their radio observations showed material racing away from the heart of the explosion at around 85 percent the speed of light.
    Another supernova, SN 2007gr, was discovered in August 2007 in the 35 million light year distant galaxy NGC 1058, and studied by a team of astronomers including Chryssa Kouveliotou, Alexander van der Horst and Zsolt Paragi. The fastest outflows from this supernova reached around 60 percent that of the speed of light, but yet searching through archival data for possible gamma-ray signals revealed none.
    It is very unusual that such low-energy radiation – radio waves – can signal a very high-energy event, and the only way to explain the observations, says Soderberg, is by a central engine powering the high speed jets. In this scenario, material falling toward the core enters a swirling disc surrounding the new neutron star or black hole, which produces jets of material accelerated from the poles of the disc.
    Until now, no such engine-driven supernova had been found any way other than by detecting gamma rays emitted by it. “Discovering such a supernova by observing its radio emission, rather than through gamma rays, is a breakthrough,” says Soderberg. With the new capabilities of the Expanded VLA coming soon, the astronomers believe they will be able to find more examples in the future through radio observations than with gamma-ray satellites.
    The absence of gamma-rays in these explosions is still a mystery. “We know that the gamma-ray emission is beamed in such blasts, and this one may have been pointed away from Earth and thus not seen,” suggests Soderberg. Another possibility is that the gamma rays were ‘smothered’ as they tried to escape the star. “This is perhaps the more exciting possibility since it implies that we can find and identify engine-driven supernovae that lack detectable gamma rays and thus go unseen by gamma-ray satellites.
    The scientists hope that future observations will find what causes the difference between the “ordinary” and the “engine-driven” core-collapse supernovae. “There must be some rare physical property that separates the stars that produce the ‘engine-driven’ blasts from their more-normal cousins,” says Soderberg. “We’d like to find out what that property is.”
    One popular idea is that such stars have an unusually low concentration of elements heavier than hydrogen, but this does not appear to be the case in this study. “We’ve now found evidence for the unsung crowd of supernovae – those with relatively dim and mildly relativistic jets that only can be detected nearby,” comments Kouveliotou. “These likely represent most of the population.”
    The observations were made using the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, the European Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network and NASA's space-based Swift observatory, and the results published in the current issue of the journal Nature.


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gohomeman1 + 12 原创翻译


 楼主| MBR 发表于 2010-2-1 21:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–福州 电信
在内容上我没有直译 编辑了一下 整合了两篇新闻稿

两组分别由Zsolt Paragi牵头的NASA马歇尔空间飞行中心的天文学家和由哈佛大学史密森天文中心的天文学家Soderberg,对2007年爆发的超新星SN2007gr2009年爆发的超新星SN2009bb进行了对比分析,这两个超新星爆发和伽马射线暴很类似,但是却没有发现伽马射线!所以他们推测是新诞生的黑洞产生了额外的影响。
2007年,距地球3500万光年的超新星SN2007gr爆炸五天后的情形被观测到,其也是离地球最近的超新星之一,而且在发现时间上具有优势,可以为后续观测取得不错的效果。在起初发现之后的22天内,快速分析SN 2007gr的数据,显示该射电源仍然可以在无线电波长探测到,Paragi牵头的欧洲甚长基线干涉测量联合研究小组,使用了欧洲甚长基测量网和西佛吉尼亚的绿岸射电望远镜对该射电源进行了轻度相对论扩张观测,韦斯特博克合成阵列望远镜在数据收集方面扮演了重要角色,由于其巨大的收集区域,显著提高了甚长基干涉测量的灵敏度。联合来自新墨西哥州Socorro甚大阵列的无线电数据,提供了一个独立测量射电源的总通量密度或者亮度的渠道。发现SN2007gr物质喷流达到了0.6倍光速,却从未在数据中发现伽马射线。哈佛史密森天文中心的Soderberg研究了2009年发现的距地球1亿3000万光年的超新星SN 2009bb的爆发,发现了射电源,并且显示喷射物质以0.85倍的光速远离爆炸中心。

如此低能量的射电波却可以映射成高能射电波是相当不寻常的,所以只有一种方法解释:其核心有个中央引擎驱动高速喷射流。这个中央引擎是一个新生的中子星或者是一个黑洞,它产生物质喷流来自吸积盘的极点。” Soderberg说,直到目前还没有探测到伽马射线辐射来自这类具有中央引擎驱动的超新星,发现这类超新星是通过观测射电源,而不是通过观测伽马射线,是一个突破。随着新一代的射电阵列的建成,天文学家相信他们在将来使用射电观测要比通过伽马射线观测发现更多的超新星。

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poweru235 发表于 2010-2-2 09:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通
还没来得及跑出来 就被事件视界出口转内销了... 至少能减少地球被喷的机会
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gohomeman1 发表于 2010-2-2 09:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信

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gohomeman1 发表于 2010-2-2 10:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2010-2-2 10:28 编辑

所谓中央引擎,就是说中心已经收缩为黑洞,并在恒星内核区形成了吸积盘的过程。这类恒星初始质量至少在太阳的15倍以上,一般应该在20倍以上吧。现在有好多观测表明,此类超新星的前身是蓝超巨星而不是红超巨星。爆发时,恒星外部还是球形的气壳,中心黑洞形成的相对论性喷流冲破了气壳并形成强烈的辐射(就像图2那样),当然这种辐射比中心喷流本身朝向我们的辐射弱多了 ,这也是说为何观测到的强度相对低得多,而且主要是射电波的原因。
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 楼主| MBR 发表于 2010-2-2 12:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–福州 电信

我更愿意相信是黑洞喷流没朝向地球,而不是所谓被黑洞吸收了。要知道,就算是强大的活动星系核心的黑洞,也不会把黑洞喷流给拉回来的,更不用说恒星级黑洞了。 ...
gohomeman1 发表于 2010-2-2 09:59

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kajiryouji 发表于 2010-2-9 21:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 联通
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gohomeman1 发表于 2010-2-10 13:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 电信
8# kajiryouji


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nymggg 发表于 2010-2-25 20:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广西–桂林 联通
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高山流水12 发表于 2010-10-12 20:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–江苏–徐州 联通
翻译的不错 支持一下
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zsyx58 发表于 2010-11-28 13:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–湖南–湘潭 电信/湘潭大学琴湖公寓
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超越光速 发表于 2011-2-1 15:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–江苏–苏州 电信
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天天向上lin 发表于 2011-2-10 16:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–三明 电信
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