本帖最后由 c_luke 于 2010-8-5 16:27 编辑
Shay Bloxton at controls of the Green Bank Telescope
一个西维吉尼亚高中生发现新脉冲星,使用来自the giant Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT)数据。Shay Bloxton,15岁,一个由学生进行射电望远镜数据分析的项目参与者,在10月15日发现脉冲星证据。一个月后,Shay Bloxton同NRAO天文学家再一次观察目标。新观察证实是脉冲星,1颗旋转的超密中子星。 Shay Bloxton是在尼古拉斯县萨默斯维尔的西弗吉尼亚高中读二年级。
原文:A West Virginia high-school student has discovered a new pulsar, using data from the giant Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Shay Bloxton, 15, a participant in a project in which students analyze data from the radio telescope, spotted evidence of the pulsar on October 15. Bloxton, along with NRAO astronomers observed the object again one month later. The new observation confirmed that the object is a pulsar, a rotating, superdense neutron star. Bloxton is a sophomore at Nicholas County High School in Summersville, West Virginia。