本帖最后由 星之芒果 于 2010-4-13 03:03 编辑
2010年4月8日消息,生活在芬兰中部奥卢的46岁工程师Jukka-Pekka Mets妚ainio利用自己精湛的业余天文摄影技术和一个计算机程序制作出了这些让人惊叹的3D太空图像。看这种3D图不需要戴特殊的眼镜,最简单的方法是,将两帧中心之间的距离保持在65毫米左右打印,将图片放在离你眼镜一臂距离远处,然后放松眼睛。当你看到图像中冥想的星星重合时,其他部分就会跃升为三维图像。
The Bubble Nebula, NGC6735, which is about 11,000 light years away in the constellation Cassiopeia
The Crab nebula, M1, which lies about 6,000 light years away in the constellation Taurus
The Dumbbell Nebula, M27, which is about 1,250 light years away in the constellation Vulpecula
Elephant's trunk nebula, part of IC 1396, which is about 3,000 light years away in the constellation Cepheus 象鼻星云,是IC1396E的一部分,位于仙王座,距离我们大约3000光年。
The Andromeda galaxy M31, which is about 2.5 million light years from Earth in the constellation Andromeda
Open cluster NGC 2175, which is a star cluster embedded in a nebula NGC 2174, about 6,400 light years away in the
constellation Orion
疏散星团NGC 2175,嵌在星云NGC 2174里面的一个星团,它在猎户座,距离我们6400光年。
The Rosette Nebula, NGC2237, which is about 4,500 light years away in the constellation Monoceros
玫瑰星云NGC 2237,,位于麒麟座,距离我们450光年。
The Pleiades, M45, which is a star cluster about 440 light years away in the constellation Taurus
Planetary nebula PK 164+31.1, which is a nebula about 1600 light years away in the constellation Lynx 行星状星云 PK 164+31.1(?),位于山猫座,距离我们1600光年。
图片注释来源:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/picture-galleries/7567657/3D-space-pictures-stereo-images-of-moons-galaxies-and-nebulae.html?image=1 图片注释来源中文翻译者:Ellie Yuan
P.S.Ellie:本来盯了很久看不出来。不过后来在南十字讨论了一下,终于知道怎么看啦。盯着图片,然后让自己斗鸡眼,另眼中的4个图像中间那两个重合,然后对焦(距离屏幕远一些)。之后就看到十分漂亮的3D太空图啦!好精彩!超爱! |