


positron 发表于 2010-7-25 16:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–北京–北京 鹏博士BGP


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本帖最后由 positron 于 2010-7-25 18:30 编辑

What is the Universe Made Of?
One of the key questions that needs to be answered by astrophysicists is what is really out there? And of what is it all made? Without this understanding it is impossible to come to any firm conclusions about how the universe evolved.

Protons, Neutrons and Electrons: The Stuff of Life
You, this computer, the air we breathe, and the distant
stars are all made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons are bound together into nuclei and atoms are nuclei surrounded by a full complement of electrons. Hydrogen is composed of one proton and one electron. Helium is composed of two protons, two neutrons and two electrons. Carbon is composed of six protons, six neutrons and six electrons. Heavier elements, such as iron, lead and uranium, contain even larger numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons. Astronomers like to call all material made up of protons, neutrons and electrons "baryonic matter".

Until about thirty years ago, astronomers thought that the universe was composed almost entirely of this "baryonic matter", ordinary atoms. However, in the past few decades, there has been ever more evidence accumulating that suggests there is something in the universe that we can not see, perhaps some new form of matter.


WMAP and Dark Matter / Dark energy
By making accurate measurements of the
cosmic microwave background fluctuations, WMAP is able to measure the basic parameters of the Big Bang model including the density and composition of the universe. WMAP measures the relative density of baryonic and non-baryonic matter to an accuracy of better than a few percent of the overall density. It is also able to determine some of the properties of the non-baryonic matter: the interactions of the non-baryonic matter with itself, its mass and its interactions with ordinary matter all affect the details of the cosmic microwave background fluctuation spectrum.

WMAP determined that the
universe is flat, from which it follows that the mean energy density in the universe is equal to the critical density (within a 1% margin of error). This is equivalent to a mass density of 9.9 x 10[sup]-30[/sup] g/cm[sup]3[/sup], which is equivalent to only 5.9 protons per cubic meter. Of this total density, we now know the breakdown to be:
WAMP数据说明宇宙是平坦的,这表明宇宙的平均密度等于临界密度(低于1%的误差幅度)。这相当于物质密度大约为 9.9 x 10[sup]-30[/sup] g/cm[sup]3[/sup],或者相当于每立方米体积5.9个质子。根据这一总密度,我们可以获得如下的统计结果:
  • 4.6% Atoms. More than 95% of the energy density in the universe is in a form that has never been directly detected in the laboratory! The actual density of atoms is equivalent to roughly 1 proton per 4 cubic meters.
  • 原子(重子物质)占4.6% 。宇宙中超过95%的能量密度形式我们还从未在实验室中直接探测到过!原子的实际密度大约只有4立方米中一个质子。

  • 23% Cold Dark Matter. Dark matter is likely to be composed of one or more species of sub-atomic particles that interact very weakly with ordinary matter. Particle physicists have many plausible candidates for the dark matter, and new particle accelerator experiments are likely to bring new insight in the coming years.
  • 冷暗物质占23%。暗物质可能由一种或多种和普通物质相互作用很弱的亚原子粒子组成。粒子物理学家给出了暗物质的多种候选者,并且新的粒子加速器可能在未来数年内带来新的发现。
  • 72% Dark Energy. The first observational hints of dark energy in the universe date back to the 1980's when astronomers were trying to understand how clusters of galaxies were formed. Their attempts to explain the observed distribution of galaxies were improved if dark energy was present, but the evidence was highly uncertain. In the 1990's, observations of supernova were used to trace the expansion history of the universe (over relatively recent times) and the big surprise was that the expansion appeared to be speeding up, rather than slowing down! There was some concern that the supernova data were being misinterpreted, but the result has held up to this day. In 2003, the first WMAP results came out indicating that the universe was flat (see above) and that the dark matter made up only ~23% of the density required to produce a flat universe. If 72% of the energy density in the universe is in the form of dark energy, which has a gravitationally repulsive effect, it is just the right amount to explain both the flatness of the universe and the observed accelerated expansion. Thus dark energy explains many cosmological observations at once.
  • 暗能量占72%。
  • Fast moving neutrinos do not play a major role in the evolution of structure in the universe. They would have prevented the early clumping of gas in the universe, delaying the emergence of the first stars, in conflict with the WMAP data. However, with 5 years of data, WMAP is able to see evidence that a sea of cosmic neutrinos do exist in numbers that are expected from other lines of reasoning. This is the first time that such evidence has come from the cosmic microwave background.
  • 快速运动的中微子在宇宙的结构演化中起的作用不大。

Another Probe of Dark Matter
By measuring the motions of stars and gas, astronomers can "weigh" galaxies. In our own solar system, we can use the velocity of the Earth around the Sun to measure the Sun's mass. The Earth moves around the Sun at 30 kilometers per second (roughly sixty thousand miles per hour). If the Sun were four times more massive, then the Earth would need to move around the Sun at 60 kilometers per second in order for it to stay on its orbit. The Sun moves around the
Milky Way at 225 kilometers per second. We can use this velocity (and the velocity of other stars) to measure the mass of our Galaxy. Similarly, radio and optical observations of gas and stars in distant galaxies enable astronomers to determine the distribution of mass in these systems.

The mass that astronomers infer for galaxies including our own is roughly ten times larger than the mass that can be associated with stars, gas and dust in a Galaxy. This mass discrepancy has been confirmed by observations of gravitational lensing, the bending of light predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity.


HST Image of a gravitational lens

Text Link for an HST press release describing this image.

By measuring how the background galaxies are distorted by the foreground cluster, astronomers can measure the mass in the cluster. The mass in the cluster is more than five times larger than the inferred mass in visible stars, gas and dust.

Candidates for the Dark Matter
What is the nature of the "dark matter", this mysterious material that exerts a gravitational pull, but does not emit nor absorb light? Astronomers do not know.


There are a number of plausible speculations on the nature of the dark matter:

  • Brown Dwarfs: if a star's mass is less than one twentieth of our Sun, its core is not hot enough to burn either hydrogen or deuterium, so it shines only by virtue of its gravitational contraction. These dim objects, intermediate between stars and planets, are not luminous enough to be directly detectable by our telescopes. Brown Dwarfs and similar objects have been nicknamed MACHOs (MAssive Compact Halo Objects) by astronomers. These MACHOs are potentially detectable by gravitational lensing experiments. If the dark matter is made mostly of MACHOs, then it is likely that baryonic matter does make up most of the mass of the universe.
  • 褐矮星:如果一个恒星的质量小于太阳质量的1/20,它的核心将不能达到足够的温度以点燃氢或氘,因此它仅仅靠引力收缩发光。这些暗淡的天体,居于恒星和行星之间,不够亮以至于不能被我们的望远镜直接探测到。天文学家给褐矮星和类似的天体起了一个绰号叫大孩子(大质量致密天体),这些大孩子是引力透镜实验潜在的探测目标。如果暗物质主要由大孩子组成,那么就有可能重子物质确实组成了我们宇宙的大部分物质。

  • Supermassive Black Holes: these are thought to power distant k quasars. Some astronomers speculate that there may be copious numbers of black holes comprising the dark matter. These black holes are also potentially detectable through their lensing effects.
  • 超大质量黑洞:它们被推测为遥远的K型类星体提供了能源。一些天文学家猜测可能存在着大量的黑洞形成了暗物质。这些黑洞也是引力透镜实验潜在的探测目标。

  • New forms of matter: particle physicists, scientists who work to understand the fundamental forces of nature and the composition of matter, have speculated that there are new forces and new types of particles. One of the primary motivations for building "supercolliders" is to try to produce this matter in the laboratory. Since the universe was very dense and hot in the early moments following the Big Bang, the universe itself was a wonderful particle accelerator. Cosmologists speculate that the dark matter may be made of particles produced shortly after the Big Bang. These particles would be very different from ordinary "baryonic matter". Cosmologists call these hypothetical particles WIMPs (for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) or "non-baryonic matter".
  • 新的物质形式:粒子物理学家,即研究自然界基本力和物质基本组成的科学家,猜测存在着新的相互作用形式和新的粒子。建造“超级对撞机”的基本动机之一就是试图在实验室中产生这种新的物质。根据大爆炸理论,宇宙早期具有很高的密度并且非常热,因此宇宙自身就是一个极好的粒子加速器。宇宙学家猜测暗物质可能由大爆炸后不久产生的粒子组成,这些粒子或许和普通的“重子物质”完全不同。宇宙学家将这些假象粒子成为WIMP(弱相互作用大质量粒子)或“非重子物质”。

    Dark Energy: a Cosmological Constant?
    Dark Energy makes up a large majority ot the total content of the universe, but this was not always known. Einstein first proposed the cosmological constant (not to be confused with the Hubble Constant) usually symbolized by the greek letter "lambda" (Λ), as a mathematical fix to the theory of general relativity. In its simplest form, general relativity predicted that the universe must either expand or contract. Einstein thought the universe was static, so he added this new term to stop the expansion. Friedmann, a Russian mathematician, realized that this was an unstable fix, like balancing a pencil on its point, and proposed an expanding universe model, now called the
    Big Bang theory. When Hubble's study of nearby galaxies showed that the universe was in fact expanding, Einstein regretted modifying his elegant theory and viewed the cosmological constant term as his "greatest mistake".

    Many cosmologists advocate reviving the cosmological constant term on theoretical grounds, as a way to explain the rate of expansion of the universe. Modern field theory associates this term with the energy density of the vacuum. For this energy density to be comparable to other forms of matter in the universe, it would require new physics theories. So the addition of a cosmological constant term has profound implications for particle physics and our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature.

    The main attraction of the cosmological constant term is that it significantly improves the agreement between theory and observation. The most spectacular example of this is the recent effort to measure how much the expansion of the universe has changed in the last few billion years. Generically, the gravitational pull exerted by the matter in the universe slows the expansion imparted by the Big Bang. Very recently it has become practical for astronomers to observe very bright rare stars called supernova in an effort to measure how much the universal expansion has slowed over the last few billion years. Surprisingly, the results of these observations indicate that the universal expansion is speeding up, or accelerating! While these results should be considered preliminary, they raise the possibility that the universe contains a bizarre form of matter or energy that is, in effect, gravitationally repulsive. The cosmological constant is an example of this type of energy. Much work remains to elucidate this mystery!

    There are a number of other observations that are suggestive of the need for a cosmological constant. For example, if the cosmological constant today comprises most of the energy density of the universe, then the extrapolated
    age of the universe is much larger than it would be without such a term, which helps avoid the dilemma that the extrapolated age of the universe is younger than some of the oldest stars we observe! A cosmological constant term added to the standard model Big Bang theory leads to a model that appears to be consistent with the observed large-scale distribution of galaxies and clusters, with WMAP's measurements of cosmic microwave background fluctuations, and with the observed properties of X-ray clusters.



参与人数 1牧夫币 +9 收起 理由
gohomeman1 + 9 原创翻译,话说红色好刺眼


 楼主| positron 发表于 2010-7-25 18:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 鹏博士BGP
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zylxp 发表于 2010-7-25 19:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–新疆–伊犁哈萨克自治州 电信
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liverpool 发表于 2010-7-25 21:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 高能物理所
本帖最后由 liverpool 于 2010-7-25 22:52 编辑

回复 1# positron

72% Dark Energy. The first observational hints of dark energy in the universe date back to the 1980's when astronomers were trying to understand how clusters of galaxies were formed. Their attempts to explain the observed distribution of galaxies were improved if dark energy was present, but the evidence was highly uncertain. Inthe 1990's, observations of supernova were used to trace the expansion history of the universe (over relatively recent times) and the big surprise was that the expansion appeared to be speeding up, rather than slowing down! There was some concern that the supernova data were being misinterpreted, but the result has held up to this day. In 2003, thefirst WMAP results came out indicating that the universe was flat (seeabove) and that the dark matter made up only ~23% of the density required to produce a flat universe. If 72% of the energy density in the universe is in the form of dark energy, which has a gravitationally repulsive effect, it is just the right amount to explain both the flatness of the universe and the observed accelerated expansion. Thus dark energy explains many cosmological observations at once.
暗能量占72%。暗能量的第一个观测迹象的出现可以追溯到上世纪八十年代. 当一些天文学家研究星系团如何形成的时候, 他们发现如果存在暗能量的话, 观测到的星系分布将更容易理解. 但是这个证据非常不确定. 到了九十年代, 人们开始利用超新星的观测来示踪宇宙(相对晚近时期)的膨胀历史, 令人惊奇的是宇宙的膨胀竟然是加速, 而非减速的! 当时有人担心超新星的数据解释有错误, 但时至今日结果仍然未发生变化. 2003年WMAP第一批结果公布, 表明宇宙是平坦的(见上), 而且暗物质只构成产生平坦宇宙所需的密度的23%. 如果宇宙中72%的能量密度是以这种具有排斥力效果的暗能量形式存在的, 那么宇宙的平坦性和观测的加速膨胀都将正好得以理解. 因此暗能量同时解释了很多宇宙学观测现象.

Fast moving neutrinos do not play a major role in the evolution of structure in the universe. They would have prevented the early clumping of gas in the universe, delaying the emergence of the first stars, in conflict with the WMAP data. However,with 5 years of data, WMAP is able to see evidence that a sea of cosmic neutrinos do exist in numbers that are expected from other lines of reasoning. This is the first time that such evidence has come from the cosmic microwave background.
快速运动的中微子在宇宙的结构演化中起的作用不大。它们的存在将阻止气体的早期坍缩, 延迟第一代恒星的出现, 这和WMAP数据相矛盾. 尽管如此, 在WMAP 5年的数据中仍然发现存在中微子海洋的证据, 其数目和其它理论预期相一致. 这是首次在宇宙微波背景中发现中微子存在的证据.

Dark Energy: a Cosmological Constant?
Dark Energy makes up a large majority ot the total content of the universe, but this was not always known. Einstein first proposed the cosmological constant (not to be confused with the Hubble Constant)usually symbolized by the greek letter "lambda" (Λ), as a mathematical fix to the theory of general relativity. In its simplest form, generalrelativity predicted that the universe must either expand or contract.Einstein thought the universe was static, so he added this new term to stop the expansion. Friedmann, a Russian mathematician, realized that this was an unstable fix, like balancing a pencil on its point, and proposed an expanding universe model, now called the
Big Bang theory. When Hubble's study of nearby galaxies showed that the universe was in fact expanding, Einstein regretted modifying his elegant theory and viewed the cosmological constant term as his "greatest mistake".
暗能量: 宇宙学常数?
暗能量是宇宙的主要组成部分, 但这并不是历来为人们所熟知. 爱因斯坦第一个提出了宇宙学常数(注意不要和哈勃常数混淆), 通常用希腊字母"lambda"表示, 目的是在数学上解决广义相对论遇到的问题. 在最简单的情况下, 广义相对论预言宇宙要么膨胀, 要么就收缩. 但
爱因斯坦认为宇宙应该是静态的, 因此他加入了该宇宙学常数项以抵消宇宙膨胀. 俄罗斯数学家弗里德曼意识到这个解决方案是不稳定的, 就像竖立铅笔尖的平衡一样. 他提出一个膨胀宇宙模型, 今天我们称之为大爆炸理论. 当哈勃对近邻星系运动的研究表明宇宙确实在膨胀后, 爱因斯坦很后悔曾经修改了这个优雅的理论, 并且将加入宇宙学常数这件事当作他所犯的"最大错误".

Many cosmologists advocate reviving the cosmological constant term on theoretical grounds, as a way to explain the rate of expansion of theuniverse. Modern field theory associates this term with the energy density of the vacuum. For this energy density to be comparable to other forms of matter in the universe, it would require new physics theories. So the addition of a cosmological constant term has profound implications for particle physics and our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature.
很多宇宙学家主张在理论上复活该宇宙学常数项以解释宇宙的膨胀速率. 现代场论则将宇宙学常数和真空能量密度联系起来. 然而为了理解为什么该能量密度和宇宙中其它形式的物质相当, 必需引入新物理理论. 因此加入宇宙学常数对于粒子物理和我们对自然界基本力的理解都有深远的影响.

The main attraction of the cosmological constant term is that it significantly improves the agreement between theory and observation.The most spectacular example of this is the recent effort to measure how much the expansion of the universe has changed in the last few billion years. Generically, the gravitational pull exerted by the matter in the universe slows the expansion imparted by the Big Bang. Very recently it has become practical for astronomers to observe very bright rare stars called supernova in an effort to measure how much the universal expansion has slowed over the last few billion years. Surprisingly, the results ofthese observations indicate that the universal expansion is speeding up, or accelerating! While these results should be considered preliminary, they raise the possibility that the universe contains a bizarre form of matter or energy that is, in effect, gravitationally repulsive. The cosmological constant is an example of this type of energy. Much work remains to elucidate this mystery!
宇宙学常数一个主要的吸引人的方面是它可以显著地改善理论和观测之间的符合程度. 最为壮观的例子是近期在测量
宇宙近几十亿年时间里膨胀率的变化方面的努力. 一般而言物质所施加的吸引力将使得宇宙大爆炸所致的膨胀减速. 到前不久这种努力成为现实. 天文学家通过观测一种称作超新星的明亮却稀有的天体以测量宇宙在近几十亿年时间里膨胀变慢多少. 令人吃惊的是, 观测结果表明宇宙膨胀在变快, 或者说宇宙在加速膨胀! 尽管当时这个结果还很初步, 但它给出一种可能性, 就是宇宙中包含一种起排斥效果的异乎寻常的物质或者能量. 宇宙学常数是这种能量的一个例子. 另有大量的研究工作试图解开这个谜团.

There are a number of other observations that are suggestive of the need for a cosmological constant. For example, if the cosmological constant today comprises most of the energy density of the universe,then the extrapolated
age of the universe is much larger than it would be without such a term,which helps avoid the dilemma that the extrapolated age of the universeis younger than some of the oldest stars we observe! A cosmological constant term added to the standard model Big Bang theory leads to a model that appears to be consistent with the observed large-scale distribution of galaxies and clusters, with WMAP's measurements of cosmic microwave background fluctuations, and with the observed properties of X-ray clusters.


参与人数 2牧夫币 +24 收起 理由
positron + 15 多谢补充!
gohomeman1 + 9 谢谢


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gohomeman1 发表于 2010-7-25 21:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波 联通/鄞州畅联信息技术有限公司
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liverpool 发表于 2010-7-25 22:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 高能物理所
For this energy density to be comparable to other forms of matter in the universe, it would require new physics theories.

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icesky 发表于 2010-7-25 22:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–山东–东营 联通
把comparable 翻译成“相比较”呢?
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liverpool 发表于 2010-7-25 22:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 高能物理所
回复 7# icesky

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 楼主| positron 发表于 2010-7-25 22:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 鹏博士BGP
回复 8# liverpool

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liverpool 发表于 2010-7-25 22:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 高能物理所
回复 9# positron

然而为了理解为什么该能量密度和宇宙中其它形式的物质相当, 必需引入新物理理论.


昨天把这篇译文发到了科学网上,一位博友对一段译文提出了异议,我看后做了修改: [*]Fast moving neutrinos do not play a major role in the evolution of structure in the universe. They would have prevente  详情 回复 发表于 2012-3-13 08:53
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一文钱庄 发表于 2012-3-16 23:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳 电信/IDC机房
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 楼主| positron 发表于 2012-3-16 09:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–杭州 华数宽带
liverpool 发表于 2012-3-15 21:54

其实我的理解是中微子如果大量存在的话就会影响结构的形成,那 ...

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liverpool 发表于 2012-3-15 21:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 高能物理所
positron 发表于 2012-3-13 08:53





看来是理解的问题了,这一块我完全不懂,难以评判了。  详情 回复 发表于 2012-3-16 09:22
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 楼主| positron 发表于 2012-3-13 08:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–杭州 华数宽带
liverpool 发表于 2010-7-25 22:53
回复 9# positron



  • Fast moving neutrinos do not play a major role in the evolution of structure in the universe. They would have prevented the early clumping of gas in the universe, delaying the emergence of the first stars, in conflict with the WMAP data. However, with 5 years of data, WMAP is able to see evidence that a sea of cosmic neutrinos do exist in numbers that are expected from other lines of reasoning. This is the first time that such evidence has come from the cosmic microwave background.
  • 快速运动的中微子在宇宙的结构演化中起的作用不大。如果它们对宇宙的结构演化有显著影响,宇宙中气体的早期塌缩会受其阻止,从而延迟第一代恒星的出现,这和WMAP的数据相矛盾。然而,根据WMAP 5年的观测数据,仍然发现了宇宙中存在中微子海的证据,并且其数量符合其他一些证据的预期。这是首次在宇宙微波背景中发现中微子海存在的证据。


谢谢讨论,我也看到了科学网上那个评论。 其实我的理解是中微子如果大量存在的话就会影响结构的形成,那么第一句“快速运动的中微子在宇宙的结构演化中起的作用不大”的原因是快速运动的中微子量太少。所以我认为那  详情 回复 发表于 2012-3-15 21:54
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超越光速 发表于 2012-8-13 11:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–江苏–苏州 电信
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天道无极 发表于 2012-8-15 02:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 马来西亚 TMNet电信公司
一般我们问一个物理学家宇宙是什么组成的,大概会得到物质和能量这两个答案!不过,近来的研究称,除了以上两个答案之外,应该再加上一个答案 —— 信息(information)
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使用道具 举报

景云 发表于 2012-10-28 23:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–云南–昆明 电信
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使用道具 举报


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